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World Woes ...

You have heard me predict in the past months.
That "We" are at a crossroads.
The whole World.
Things are very much teetering,
 on the edge of no return.
"We" have a matter of months,
 to start to get our shit together.
A time will be triggered.
That "We" won't be able to pull back from.
The result.
You really don't want to know.


Anonymous said…
Your prediction regarding Bill Cosby is coming to pass. You had said he won't get away with this. Well he has five lawsuits against him, and the DA of Penn. is considering reopening a criminal case against him. Kudos to CD!
Mariefass said…
I totally agree. People are walking around like zombies, so self-involved unaware that there is a war between the dark and light forces who are fighting to control of this planet.It might sound old fashioned, but we as a world need to learn how to pray. I am not talking about the extremist ideas of God and religion, but to the God of all men who wishes his creation would realize that 'Each man's joy is joy to me. Each man's grief is my own."
Anonymous said…
As a mother with two daughters, one of whom is pregnant, this prediction absolutely terrifies, what the hell is coming?
Anonymous said…

Thank you for this message, Christian. God Bless!
T. W. said…
I feel like the time has come for something horrible to happen, but you are right. It is up to us. We need to love and care for one another and as Mariefass said we need to pray and be in relationship with God.
T. W. said…
I forgot to ask. Is this prediction and others like it causing you stress Christian?

Friends, we need to pray for Christian and send positive energy his way.
Jesse said…
You're right Christian, Can you see who I am? Do you know my struggles? The enemy that is on my heels? God said that if I fall, then the world will fall.
Anonymous said…
Yeah I figured that's what was up,pretty disconcerting.Cant un-know what you know.Last life I remember I was about seven or eight towed down a hall way (by a servant I think) as fast as can be.. people running everywhere.Most people were dressed in togas and I looked up to see a red glowing sky through window like openings as we ran down the hall.We did not make it.I believe that was Pompeii.Now I'm back again for more fun,wish I could get that one thing right that I keep missing.Oh well what will be will be.Thanks for the heads up
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi TW indeed plus many more that are to be part of the 2016 predictions CD
Anonymous said…
CD, tell us what we can do as individuals to turn this back, also who do you mean by "we" ?
Anonymous said…
Another stock market crash, the banks and real estate are causing economic catastrophe. Too many funded wars no production to stimulate jobs homelessness and immigration on the rise. Too much corruption, embezzlement and overspending companies and inviduals live in credit.
Anonymous said…
What can we do to when all this happens? How to protect ourselves and our family? Where should people move to? Any guidelines for your followers/readers of your site? Peace and Blessings CD!!
Loveisall said…
I knew something might be stressing or upsetting you. I will pray for peace for you Christian. Having visions like this one I wonder you get upset. It's truly horrifying. Stay strong CD x
C said…
What do you mean a time will be triggered? I have been following your predictions in order to see who has bad intentions and who has good intentions in the industry. I wouldn't say I am apart of the industry but I have done my work in the industry (I see the drugs, I see the evil intentions, the constant abuse that goes with the status of power that's why I say I am not apart of the industry.) How long do we have? Is there any way to petition to Archangel Michael to help our planet or at least extend the months? I understand we as humans have our wills but there is also Mother Earth's will as well. And I understand alot of humans have not been taking responsibility of their creations and their home for that matter. I once read Sal Rachele's book "Earth's Awakens: 2012-2030". He spoke of earth's population going to 8 billion to about 1.5 billion in the coming years. Is this the timeline you mean or do you mean the human race will be extinct for good?
Unknown said…
It's something to do with the divine feminine
Maria said…
I'm thinking nukes and pretty terrified by the idea.

There is just so much horrible shit happening every week if not every few days and I am very stressed out. I take no pleasure that I feel safe right now. I cannot be happy when there are so many paying horrible costs just because of geography. I agree with you Mariefass: "Each man's joy is joy to me. Each man's grief is my own." I truly believe in this.
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone,
no matter what anyone says, take your focus off of negativity and deliberately focus on positive outcomes regularly, for the entire scope of life on this planet and through out the universe. Use your power now rather than having external factors use it for you..
pray and believe it makes a difference every time you do...the point now is to send out positive energies way more than negative, knowing that every thought, word and action has an impact, be conscious now...pray and send out positive energy continually, it will and does make a difference. Guard your mind, your thoughts and what you choose to believe in. Send out prayers for peace, love and safety daily. No matter what you read or hear, please refrain from letting your minds get triggered into generating fear and negative scenarios, say no to feeding any chaos, that's how it grows into a godzilla like monster. You all have the power of GOD within each of you and GOD is goodness, harmony, love , abundance, health and well being. Water thoughts of good and good will grow.... when you pray, believe... if each person helps focus positive energies now rather than negative, it will help tremendously. It's been the other way around for too long and that has to change now.... as a collective, coming together with thoughts of harmony and goodness, we can and will make a difference. Keep the faith, please.... and pray everyday, every moment, send out positive energies and love, for people, animals, our environment and the planet. The key is to do and no longer sit idle, consumed in fear or negativity. Please, everyone on this forum, please send out as much prayer and positive energy continually as you can. I wish each of you reading this blessings, healing & peace. ♡
Unknown said…

I also suspected something was heavy on your heart CD. I actually thought it was bronchial or pneumonia like but it may have been an image for the heaviness. I will pray. For us all. May God walk beside us. Always. Xx
Unknown said…
Mariefass, you are so right. Many Americans are waking up to the reality that is our corrupt government, but not nearly enough. I want to shout from the highest mountain that the mass shootings are all faked by our government to control public perception, that 9/11 was planned and executed by our government to make Americans angry and frightened enough to invade other countries, that the Ponzi scheme called the Federal Reserve is about to collapse, that the building of FEMA camps is real and is now complete and that Marshall Law is just waiting for an excuse to happen, that the corrupt military industry REQUIRES constant wars to feed their insatiable appetites for wealth. But most Americans won't listen. They call you a conspiracy theorist nutcase. It is never too late to pray for our country and our world. No matter what happens though, America will have to pay dearly for all its bad war Karma, sooner or later. We may not have done the killing of innocents ourselves, but we allowed it to happen through our complacency and failure to monitor our own government.
Anonymous said…

Hi Anonymous 9:28 AM - well said! I've heard these messages from others as well - focus on the positive and the light otherwise we're feeding the darkness. Pray for Divine Light and Divine Love to surround and fill the earth. God Bless us, each and everyone!
Anonymous said…
These days I've been feeling sick mentally and emotionally. I feel drained of energy. I'm very confused and paranoid about everything.
Anonymous said…
Has this got anything to do with CERN? Or is it something to do with an asteroid/comet/meteor striking earth? Or could this be the dark forces/entities arriving after the thinning of the veil?
Anonymous said…
I have been feeling the same thing and I believe, my friend, that we have already crossed that line. Just look at the news headlines and all of the world strife. Every class, religion and race is turning against one another. I have no words for the political scenes in the U.S. and around the world. People are literally losing their minds--shooting people in theaters, elementary schools, malls, campuses, etc. It's like a lot of people have lost their most precious fundamental decent common beliefs and decency. The middle east is just a melting pot waiting to explode. We all know that in our hearts if we're honest with ourselves. The media doesn't help by perpetuating all of this violence and most television/movies are filled with nothing but violence and doomsday scenarios. It affects people more than people realize but the bottom line is that this entire planet is so far out of balance that we have to be realistic. It's sad. I never thought I would find myself in a world as it is this very day in my lifetime but we can make a difference. I do believe in the power of prayer and sending out positive energy. But, I am also a realist and know they most likely if we stay on this trajectory that this will get a lot worse and sometimes that must happen to come out on the other side to a much better place. No matter how this plays out for the better or worse I really appreciate your candid and honest predictions. We're all in this together and let's never lose hope for a better day.
Anonymous said…
prey for everyone
Anonymous said…
The human race will not be extinct but a lot of bad and greedy people have gotten positions of power they don't care or create good will. Quite the opposite.
Quinhas said…
I think you are right. Ten years ago I dreamed over and over that my house was at the bottom of the ocean. I have a strong urge to visit Yellowstone Park before the supervolcano erupts. And it will. Positive thinking as well as prayers are important. You also need good deeds/action. For example, volunteer at a homeless shelter, let the driver pass in front of you, etc.
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian. These things must pass. We know God is the winner. Keeping you in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for putting it clearly
Anonymous said…
Whoa. Puffy Biggles you go dude.I agree and the ball is in motion.I was thinking today(as most days)that was a hard thing to do Christian.I know you say the good with the bad but that took great courage all things considered.You seem to at times have a measured response,a decorum that is not over the top.This is not something you say as just a matter of fact.I take my hat off to you sir and for being forth right your mum raised you right............thank you for doing the right thing
Siriankitten said…
Hi Christian*

Im just wondering if light beings will be playing any positive part with on the flip side there is alot of people getting in touch with spirit and spiritual beings and those of inner earth..what about the earth vibration getting 3d goes is raising its vibration to 4th and does this pay into things christian? still waiting on your book like you told me in my dream haha..cosmickitty
Anonymous said…
I guess all I can say is pray for the children and the elderly, for these are the people who will not be able to help themselves if something occurs. They are the helpless. My mom passed less than a year ago and I would have died with her if she couldn't be moved.

Please remember to help those who can't help themselves.

Anonymous said…
Just saw that Syria's President Assad is meeting with Putin from Russia ?.?.?. Isn't Russia bombing Syria and why are they on friendly terms?>?
Anonymous said…
Russia is bombing the anti Assad rebels, in support of Syria. It's a mess.
Anonymous said…
I've been having dreams that I'm traveling back in time to try to save the world before it's too late and encountering souls I knew earlier in my life who have now passed on. I think that this was triggered by your prediction.
Anonymous said…
Looking forward to your predictions, and positivity x

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