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More PR BS ..

So now the PR machine operators.
Are wanting you to believe that,
 Selena Gomez & Niall Horan.
Are dating ...........
Well, they aren't for many reasons.
Even though same sex marriage is now legal.


T. W. said…
Christian you are too much!

Neither look happy.
Anonymous said…
The fauxmance is indeed a fauxmance.

(But FYI: that photo is Photoshopped)
C said…
What a funny thing I got that sense about Niall being gay as soon as I saw the picture. Why do PR machines do that? Bodies do not lie. Neither do pictures.
Anonymous said…
Angelina Jolie loves being in menopause? Seriously???
Anonymous said…
Crazy and I don't want to young anymore, what kind of madness is that all about.
Anonymous said…
Anon 4:14: Went into it without any meds or hormone therapy and it was no big deal. Whatever you felt like before you had periods, that's exactly how you feel after they stop. It's total freedom!

I was fed a line of BS my whole life about how "awful" menopause is supposed to be. I'm happy Angelina is telling the truth about it.
Loveisall said…
Christian you're killing me! Lol PR showmance as is 99% of the hollyweird world.
Anonymous said…
Well say it in a way that makes sense some
women have the menopause in their 20s .
Anonymous said…
CD you are the best.
Anonymous said…
It's crazy that everyone in 1D is gay. Normally it is just one gay man in boyband.
Anonymous said…
It's horrible for some people, it's fine for others. Menopause is an individual experience but it can potentially be very hard on the body. That has been the experience of some people.
An other rob and twigs what's with all the PR in Hollywood but it's looks like RT are together but who knows
And when is RT PR supposed too end is it still the same CD thanks.:D
Anonymous said…
I don't care about the people. I want British Royals!
Anonymous said…
Funny,I have never been into boysbands and now I find out that many members of that bands are gay.Some years ago it was A Boyzone group and one of them was gay.Wonder if at least one memeber of Take That was gay.
Anonymous said…
Cannot wait for menopause, to be honest.
Anonymous said…
He's not answering anymore R&T because he's annoyed and tired of explaining. It's November, last time I checked end of the year is December. It may be then. It may be soon after. Who cares? If you believe it's BS stay believing it is and keep moving along with your thought.
Anonymous said…
CD I know you probably don't want to comment but are you still stand by what you said about Rob and Twigs? Is it still PR? Is it still going to end by the end of the year? Just a yes or no would be enough........thanks!
jane uk said…
I'm in middle of menopause and always been slim ,now fat.
Ok ok carm down and I know what CD said about not answering its just a questionGod!! And the BS part of the name I've got on here is about all the shit what rob fans are believed to be a relationship what isn't true so please carm down.
I forgot thanks for answering my question I appreciate it.
Anonymous said…
He said end of year. It's end of year now and they spotted in picture today still together. I don't know, maybe he not get the timing right. I still to say it will end but CD got the timing wrong.
Anonymous said…
I think CD got timing off but I say to he is right and it will end soon.

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