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No Gossip today

No Gossip today.
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Praying for safer times.


T. W. said…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Anonymous said…
Happy holidays to you
Loveisall said…
Happy Thanksgiving to all! I pray you all find blessings and happiness surround you.
Loveisall said…
Christian I meant to ask, will you be celebrating tomorrow? Xx
Anonymous said…
Hopefully we are all safe all year round, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Tony said…
To all the folks in the US. Happy Thanksgiving from the UK. And pray for peaceful times too
jan said…
Happy thanksgiving!
NicQuerica said…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :-)
Maria said…
Even in a semi-safe area of the world I wake up wondering what can happen. As we know anything can happen. Today as I was driving home, waiting at a red light I noticed a canvas bag just sitting on the side of the street. It was huge. For a moment I wondered if I should be scared? It sort of panicked me to realize how very easily that could have been a bomb. I mean, why not right? I bet you that bag stayed there for hours and no one really cared much. Now we all have to pay attention to these small, seemingly innocuous events.

So yeah, I agree. Peace for all. Please.
jane uk said…
Happy Thanksgiving CD and everyone , is it like a bank holiday? Love and wishing better times to come.
Sana said…
To all the people in the world ( not just UK and USA - Kanada celebrates thanksgiving too u know 😁 ) happy thanksgiving. Im swedish but i'll be praying and sending my love and thanks to you CD , people here and the rest of the world. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Unknown said…

Happy Thanksgiving friends. Wishing you all peace and love. Blessings. x
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Eat well, and be safe.
Sarah said…
Happy Thanksgiving, CD! And to T.W!
Unknown said…
Happy happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!! Enjoy the peace.
C said…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and to you Christian as well. Thank you for all that you do for us. :)
T. W. said…
By Executive Order of President Abraham Lincoln. It is a day we give thanks to God for all our blessings.
Anonymous said…
Happy Turkey Day CD! Peace, Love, & Many BLessings!!
Unknown said…
Happy Thanksgiving may God bless and keep you always!

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