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BAD parents ..........

So as Madona and her ex Guy Ritchie,
 continue to fight over their son Rocco.
While completely ignoring the boys wishes.
I wonder if they will come together.
When he falls off the cliff?


Anonymous said…
The real question is when she's going to fall off the cliff. It's been over 30 years of her ruthless behavior and her insanity. Enough already. Time for her downfall.
Anonymous said…
Children need parents who are willing to let them shine, not parents who make them cringe in their shade.
Anonymous said…
When you say "Fall off the cliff" - does that mean he might die or go off the deep end into drugs ? Recently a man died falling off the cliff while reading his texts or something - really sad for the family, but is Rocco going that route? Anyway- Peace & Blessings CD and can't wait for your 2016 predictions!!
Anonymous said…
She should respect Rocco's wishes. He's old enough to decide.
T. W. said…
Poor Rocco says he is a woman. Is this the wish you are referring to?

Down with Mad onna
Anonymous said…
I just meant his wish to spend the holidays with his father...but if Rocco says that he is a woman, Madonna should respect that as well.
Anonymous said…
I hope she didn't make him watch Body of Evidence. Just like a prayer, please courts, don't take him there...
Anonymous said…
Madonna is dealing with all the wild shit she did through her kids and loved ones. Humiliating her child and afraid for any boy to touch her girl.
T. W. said…
Lol, I have seen it. I can't under it.
T. W. said…
I meant unsee it.
nico123 said…
What? Did u read that in a tabloid. If you did u are contributing in damaging this kid ( not an adult) gossiping about children is disgraceful.
Anonymous said…
Rocco, tell ur dad poops don't preach. Tell ur mom open ur heart to me. If her wants to be female, sing the lyrics to bad girl. Rocco#who's that girl...TW, I could do this 4 hours! Maybe I should stop it n go to La Ilsa Bonita.Ha! I blame the US public school system.
Anonymous said…
Damn auto correct! I meant poppa not poops. Maybe poops is how Mad on a sees her ex
jane uk said…
Poor lad, hope no matter want he will be ok.
Unknown said…

This is just sad. I really hope they all find healing and hope....preferably in each other or separately... so that at some point they can find it together. I think Madonna would be a tough Mum to share life with and I am quite certain that Rocco is very much his mothers Son. Blessings CD and friends. xx
T. W. said…
People might steal your jokes.
T. W. said…
Why did you think I read that in a tabloid? Rocco posted this on his instagram along with photos. You should read the things Mad onna said about her own kid. I see why he ran away from her.
nico123 said…
My reply was to T.W.
Unknown said…
He needs to be with his father for the stability. And he needs to be doing his own art. He's an artist.
Anonymous said…
Tw you got a point but this blog n u can prove they r my babies n original. Madonna needs to get in the groove
Anonymous said…
Dwhinnant is solely creator of joke's posted CD n TW can confirm. Joke's have been used by Me previously
Anonymous said…
Dang auto correct solely creator amen dwhinnant
nico123 said…
I don't follow kids' Instagram. You tend to discuss gossip and judge ppl harshly. I am going to assume u have to much time on your hands and you are probably alone. Right? Leave kids out of your terrible accusations.
T. W. said…
What terrible accusations? Other sites reported on the Madonna custody situation and talked about his Instagram.

As far as me gossiping, THIS IS A PSYCHIC GOSSIP SITE. Deal with it.
T. W. said…
Dwhinnant, you are too much.
T. W. said…
You know this is a gossip site. Right?
Anonymous said…
This is just a very, very sad situation .. and given that the worlds press are fixated on it, it will inevitably make the whole thing a million times worse.

He is 15 and more than old enough to decide for himself, without the interference or intervention of the family courts, whom he wishes to reside with.

nico123 said…
You are a sad lonely woman

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