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Dear God, NO ..

Actor Will Smith, is so terrified.
That Donald Trump, will become President.
That he thinks he may run for President.
'Trump's ego is out of control.
But, Will's is even worse.
He can't even get his kids a decent education.
As I have said many times before.
Trump, aka Babyfart.
Will not be President.
So neither Will, Will.
Pun intended.


T. W. said…
He can't even raise his kids right, how can he run a nation?
Anonymous said…
Kylie Minogue predictions 2016?
Anonymous said…
It'll never happen.....
Anonymous said…
This is the craziest election cycle since George Bush the first ran with VP Dan Quayle. Hang-dog-faced comic Pat Paulson entered the ring with the ever-delicate singer Tiny Tim as his VP.

Now we have 4 time bankruptcy champ and television entertainer Donald Trump versus Thetan fighting, scientology comedian Will Smith.

Holy cow.
Anonymous said…
His daughter, Willow Smith, just released an album.
Anonymous said…
Well now since they let Trump out, everyone thinks they can.

Anonymous said…
Speaking of politics, I'm not sure if you are following Chicago and the LaQuan McDonald shooting, but I would like to know will Mayor Rahm Emanuel resign?
Anonymous said…
Looks like the babyfart is leading the republican race. Most honest president would be bernie sanders. Unfortunately Hitlery Clinton is going to win it.
Psychic Gossip said…
Hope it comes with earplugs CD
Anonymous said…
Anon 6:23 AM, here's the truth:
The Chicago protesters who stormed the streets Wednesday calling for a city government overhaul were triggered by a New York University freshman who made a fake Facebook page from her dorm. Rachel Brown, an 18-year-old film student said, “I’ve literally been in my dorm doing my homework this whole time.”
“CITYWIDE WALKOUT! rahm emanuel and anita alvarez’s resignation party!” the page said.
She invited “tons of people” and expected it to bounce around the web as a viral “joke,” she said. As all of this happened, Brown was in her dorm —sleeping. “I caught up on everything afterward.”
Anonymous said…
Rahm wants to be president it would hurt his chances to resign in his mind.
Anonymous said…
Oh, good heavens. lolol I tell you I always get a good laugh every time I read your posts. You always keep it real too. Remember when Kanye West said HE was going to run for President too? LOLLLLLLLLLLL! Maybe they can be on the same ticket (kidding). I just can't stop laughing at these fools in Hollywood saying that they wan't to run for President. It's so absurd that it is pathetic. I would love to know what you foresee for the GOP (future). I honestly don't think they may really ever truly recover after this debacle with Trump.
Anonymous said…
There isn't one candidate on either side that I could in good conscience vote for, I can't stand any of them. However, I find the Chicken Littles screaming about certain candidates even more irritating.
Anonymous said…

A strong ego is essential to consider running but a good education, a life of public service, wisdom, and an IQ in the triple digits is essential. One out of five for this one.
Anonymous said…
Hi anon 5:23pm--B-movie actor Ronald Reagan--Now re-read your post, lol. Republicans have done this before. No big surprise.
Keep calm and carry on.
Anonymous said…
Rahms goal was to be Speaker of the House. I learned from the news when Boehner resigned that anyone can be appointed Speaker of the House, don't even have to be in Congress. Maybe RE will get his wish after the next election.
Maureen said…
Theoretically anyone can be elected Pope IIRC
Anonymous said…
I agree. Bernie sanders is my person but the Democratic Party is so scared of the word "socialism" that they don't support him. He's not perfect, but out of all the candidates, he's the best.
Anonymous said…
Maureen: And have been. Not many real men of god on that long list, lol.

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