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I know I'm very naughty ..

As Donald " Babyfart " Trump.
Keeps on rising in the polls.
(Such good entertainment ha ha)
Many of you are asking me if he'll win,
 The Whitehouse.
I do feel and want him to win the GOP top job.
Just to show what a bunch of arseholes they are.
Hope that makes it clear.


Anonymous said…
The US doesn't need a president anymore.
C said…
To Anon at 2:18 AM

Like any other country is better. The whole system on this planet is corrupt. I too am rooting for him to go to the top (I'm democratic), so people can see just how racist and far off this party is. And Donald Trump's slogan shouldn't be "Lets Make America Great Again" it should be "Let's Make America More Racist". I honestly think the people that support him might just be a tad bit racist (that might be putting it lightly). Donald Trump makes Hilary look like gold.

Also CD you were right about the terrorist attack happening in the tube (if I remember correctly). Leytonstone Station.
Anonymous said…
I hope KK names her baby Fester West LOL
Anonymous said…
Cd are you going to be on the radio or television, you are awesome!
T. W. said…
You speak the truth.
T. W. said…
You are right about the slogan.
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure why in this day and age, when both the Democrats and the Republicans have shown the public their asses many, many times, anyone woukd continue to cling to the naive perception that one party is the party looking out for your best interests while the other is looking to exploit and then discard them.

American politics isn't Batman vs the Joker, it's The Joker vs Lex Luthor. Take your pick.
Unknown said…
You were right about Morgan Freeman CD!
Anonymous said…
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....OMG. That is hilarious, C.D., but I fear it is an insult to poor elephants (an animal I adore) everywhere!

Anonymous said…
Mad magazine does a send up of Trump this month. They say Donald's slogan is - "Make America dumb again."
Anonymous said…
As opposed to the arseholes on the other side?

OH CD, I see you stick to Obama's MO of divisivenes by painting in broad strokes and demonizing. I thought you a better person.

Do you know that Richard Nixon worked better across the aisles (aside from his little watergate debaucle) then Obama. Think about that. Should make your head spin. Nixon was way better at foreign policy too. Not perfect, but stronger and more willing to open doors that were closed to us, like he did with China. Boggles the mind since he was such a flawed man, but there you have it. I'm pretty sure China just laughs at our current White House guy. And I am not talking about him as a representation of his party and their platform, no broad strokes here. I am pointing decidedly to him as a man, as the ONE person in America whose job is to unite, above ALL others, and he, as a PERSON is an epic failure at that singular requirement.
But I guess our country will conquer our many challenges with the Divisiveness and Derision strategy in play for the last two terms - NOT

My worst, worst, worst nightmare is having to caste a vote for either Hillary or Donald. Don't make me have to show up at my polling place and see those two names as top billing on the ballot - PLEASE don't!
Anonymous said…
You guys can't even spell Clinton's name right. What a bunch of political geniuses!
Anonymous said…
We do not need Trump in the office, but a female prez….Hillary has my vote. The Republicans are so nutty!! With their views on gun control (none) and women's rights …racist attitudes, etc.. Curious of the out come of Cruz, Trump, Clinton, NRA-gun control, etc.
Anonymous said…
Dear Anonymous at 1:30 p.m.

President Obama has tried to unite, but the Republican party swore to always say "no" to him. They were, and are, the party of No. This isn't President Obama's fault. It's the Republican party and Fox news channel.

Spend some time in rural American, listen to their conversations, and you'll see that President Obama never had a chance. You can't understand the bigotry unless you've seen it, and it runs deep. The N word flows like water out of their mouths and other things which I would never say but could land some of them in jail.

President Obama has tried, it's just not possible when people can not live without their Fox news.

T. W. said…
Thanks for this well thought out response. You speak the truth.
Anonymous said…
Dont worry about my country!!
Worry about your own....
We are united states of america period!!
NicQuerica said…
This is the truth 100%.
Anonymous said…
Oh and too the misinformed person claiming both parties are the same....wrong again. Does the phrase 'false equivalency" mean anything to you. If you are so ignorant you think that taking money from donors mean that they are both corrupt, than you are a simpleton. LOOK at what they do when they are elected. They do the opposite of each other. Democrats fight for regulations, higher taxes on the rich, keeping S.S. solvent, Medicaid, Medicare, for helping the poor, for the environment, and for infrastructure and the 98% as a whole. The Republicans are for War, not helping the elderly, poor, minorities, lowering already astronomically low taxes on the uber rich, doing NOTHING for the environment and getting rid of the flimsy regulations so that they can walk all over the backs of everyone else to enrich themselves. Anyone that doesn't understand that, has not been paying attention or simply doesn't know how to research or read.

In any case, I'm not about to allow ignorance to rule on this board. That is the difference between the parties now. Republicans are no longer actual conservatives they are straight up Fascists that literally hate the concept of democracy, which is what this country was founded on. Educate yourselves I won't have to.
Anonymous said…
Anon 8:40 Stick around, its going to be a bumpy ride.

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