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WTF ......

Firstly how do these people,
 even get to where they are in life.
But apart from their own vote,
 and possibly their partner.
WTF votes for these morons.
This will come back to bite his arse...


T. W. said…
God loves everyone. How dare Ted Cruz make this statement. Of course he said it at Tinky Winky, uh, I meant Liberty University. They lost their accreditation ha ha.
Anonymous said…
Man, oh, man... I cannot wait til the God he loves so much makes an example of him for his own words!
Anonymous said…
Oh just like Isis but on the flip side haaaa
Here we go again
Anonymous said…
So that's the Muslims, Hispanics, gays and atheists who all be voting Democrat in 2016 as a result of insults and dog whistles hurled by republican candidates in their direction over the last 12 months. At this rate the election will be over by Christmas as the Republicans insult potential voters community by community.

Do the Republicans actually want to win?

Anonymous said…
The sad part is he's got a lot of supporter. If anyone of his bunch wins in the coming election, that's it for America.
Maria said…
I sure hope so and very soon. I cannot take another year listening to any of these horrible and misguided GOP idiots. They seriously don't GET IT. They don't understand America.
Anonymous said…
He is like Trump anything for attention or to win. Trump is looking crazy but many rally behind him bitter and unhappy like he is.
Anonymous said…
These ppl makes rules as they go along rules 1st "you suppose to be born i. d US dah TC Canada John Mc.cain Panama
Anonymous said…
Who votes for them? A bunch of computer code in voting machines with no traceable paper ballots.
Anonymous said…
Okay, then. There's no place in MY life for him.

Anonymous said…
I'm starting to feel like the Republicans actually want Hilary to win. I hear that her political stance is too right-wing to be considered as a Democrat. Could Hilary Clinton be a Republican 'plant' in the Democratic party? She was indeed a former Republican. Perhaps the Republican party is using Hilary as their 'mole'? Donald Trump was also on the opposing party before he became a Republican. Could Trump be the Democratic Party's 'mole' or could he be purposely playing the 'bad guy' to make Hilary look better in comparison to him so the public will have no choice but to vote in Hilary Clinton (the Republican posing as a Democrat). Or could he be playing the 'bad guy' to get a fellow Republican candidate elected? Jeb Bush perhaps? Maybe his plan is backfiring on him? He has made a lot of misogynistic jokes and is playing the chauvinistic, sexist pig character quite well. He is even starting to look worse than Hilary. Even his supporters are getting tired of him. One thing's for sure, this whole presidential election is a farce. People will one day open their eyes and become aware of what's really happening in this election whether my comment gets posted or not.
OWS99 said…
HIllary's stance is NOT right wing. You'd be well to look up her record first before commenting. When was Hillary a Republican? In Grammar school, or when she worked as an intern for one? That doesn't make her a Republican. It's people like you with this either or/black or white attitude that is destroying our country. Please get educated on politics, the Democrat party, and reality because your comments reveal your ignorance. Hillary has a very good record. Try looking in places other than right wing blogs and Fox news, ok?
OWS99 said…
This is the reason Hillary is winning. They are so obsessed with their vile hatred of Hillary that they are bringing her victory easier. Now, of course they will cheat, rig and lie with everything they've got....but, it may not help them. Read this article:
Anonymous said…
@Norah Black
Your comments reveal that you are very ignorant and uneducated. Hillary Clinton was affiliated with the Republican Party before she converted to the Democratic Party in the late 60s. If you are a US Citizen you should know that.. Also, Hillary DOES NOT have a good record. She has been involved in many scandals, the email controversy being one of them. Again, if you are a US citizen you should know that.. The email controversy is enough evidence to confirm that Hillary will cheat, rig and lie her way into becoming the first female POTUS. I can give you many more examples but there is no point in me arguing with an uneducated, delusional, illogical, and unreasonable Hillary Clinton supporter. You might want to start questioning the stories that get reported from the biased left-wing websites you visit.
OWS99 said…
No, your remarks reveal your ignorance. Just because she was affiliated with the GOP, which before Reagan, was pretty tame....does not make her a Democratic "plant", ok Einstein? Wake up, it is 2015!! That is 50+ years ago. Once again. I suggest you get our of your ignorant, little, low-information bubble and study history.

She has never been involved in any REAL scandals. Each and everyone was manufactured by the Right Wingers and she and Bill were vindicated on each and everyone with the exception of Lewinsky, whom they used as a pawn to destroy his presidency, but it backfired instead and his popularity rose to new heights.

Again, dope. Even the GOP has ADMITTED that the scandal was nothing but a ploy to bring down her numbers. Keep your stupid examples to yourselves. I will say it again....blogs are NOT sources of "news". They are just opinions and gossip. The ONLY thing it affirms is that people like you are so gullible you will believe anything put in front of your because you don't have the decency or intellectual curiosity to bother to investigate it, yet you'll screech it like it's the gospel on the top of your lungs for the world to bask in your idiocy. That is what they count on....sheep like you. SMDH...

For the rest of you interested in what really happened. Here are my sources:

{Please note how the propaganda site writes it up} If this one is your source and others like this....then you are swimming in ignorance and should not be so vocal.

P.S. I have a Master's Degree, and two Bachelors. I have studied and been involved with politics since Jimmy Carter was POTUS so don't think you have the right to talk to me in that tone. You better check yourself and your sources because you are digging yourself in deeper and deeper. You are wrong and it is NOT an opinion, it is a FACT. Deal with it!

T. W. said…
Hi Norah. Do you think Hillary ran the White House when Bill was president? I feel like she did.

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