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Tut,Tut ..

Actor Bradley Cooper, is a control freak.
Having said that no real problem.
It get's out of hand.
Well, he's trying to control things you can't.
Time to let go Bradley & grow up.
It's you life, no-one else's.
You'll feel better in the long run.
I promise.


OWS99 said…
I know people find him attractive, but I don't like him. I never thought Tom Selleck was much either though sooooo....
Anonymous said…
Tom was hot Bradley is boring and not so hot just money makes him look good.
T. W. said…
Something about this man is not quite right.
Anonymous said…
The lights are on but the stare and smile tells me no one is home...
Sarah said…
His eyes are crooked
Anonymous said…
CD when will Rob and twigs will end their thing? Another psychic said by March. Do you agree or will it be longer? Thanks, TJ
Psychic Gossip said…
Its already over we just haven't heard yet CD
Anonymous said…
Thanks for responding CD. Love and light. TJ
Anonymous said…
Hey can you say when we might hear about it in the media?
Anonymous said…
Makes sense.I Got a job as a dietary assistant in a nursing home, I forget who but shout out to the person who recommend it. Hiring anybody or everybody just like the person said. Quinn.
Anonymous said…
He's out of control!
jane uk said…
To the person who got a job, i think i said that. Made up for you, well done.
Anonymous said…
Rob and Twigs have been papped together on December 29th having a dinner.Yesterday Twigs was at some fashion show and she still has an engagement ring.
Anonymous said…
To Anon at 5:03 AM,what psychic said about Robert and Twigs being over by March,can you tell,please?
Anonymous said…
Is kendall jenner due to come out anytime soon?
Anonymous said…
It's not an engagement ring. Think about it. The media was the one who started that rumor that Rob gave her the ring. It's never been confirmed it was. I believe CD. It's all for PR and she's continuing to wear it for exposure. They aren't together anymore, and it's about to come out that it's over.
Anonymous said…
Xoxo jane. Now time to play the lottery. Mega millions xoxo
Anonymous said…
To Anon at 3:38AM,Twigs got asked about an engagement in an interview for Complex magazine,she more or less confirmed they are engaged.The ring looks like a typical engagement ring,beautiful and expensive.She and Rob have been introduced as an engagement couple at the Go Gala,a charity event they both attended in November.
thanks CD for that and I wonder when it will come out too...,,plus we haven't seen them together since 29th Dec in pap pics but this year only by sightings so who know :)
That so called engagement rumours only came out because of a friend of twigs and it's all BS lol
Anonymous said…
Funny how she confirms all things but he still hasn't said anything.

I see a story being painted to make someone look like the bad person, but I feel like it's not going to work.
No she didn't she said and I quote!! Who said I'm engaged because I didn't and remember interviews always add their own words in it too just to sell more magazines rob always said never believe what's been written because it's most of it is BS:)
Anonymous said…
I agree with R fan! She did word it like that. She never said she was engaged. CD said it would be over but he never gave a date. I believe what he's said too. It's already over but she needs exposure still. Cd can you say when the media might release it? And will Rob be seen with someone new?
Anonymous said…
That interview was from June of last year!
Anonymous said…
Rob got asked about his relationship and engagement in the Guardian interview in September,this is what he said:''He is currently stepping out with and almost certainly engaged to the singer FKA Twigs(...)but he's learned enough to keep it on the down-low.When I rised subject today,he replies good-naturedly,<>''.
The point is why if they are in PR relationship they want to be private?If you are in PR relationship you talk how happy you are and how great your relationship is,the privacy is the last thing that celebs would want.
Anonymous said…
Only Rob has never before talked about his private life so if he would now he'd be too obvious!!! Every single time they stepped out was because she had sth scheduled in the next days but never for his stuff!!!! She's just a product in the making, I'll never understand why he agreed to be a part of it!!!
Anonymous said…
What happened?The quote from the Guardian interview disapeared.This is what Rob said:''Oh,yeah,that.I've just found if you never talk about stuff it's better.But thank you''.
Loveisall said…
I'll tell you why. Because you are more curious and tend to wanna talk and talk and talk about weather or not they are actually together and you wanna know everything they do and when they do it. That's PR. That's how it works. It sells a lot better then if they were blabbering about it all over the place. No one would care half as much then playing the guessing game. Like CD said it's not real. It's already over what they had and very soon you will hear about how they broke up mo the ago. In CD's words "patience"
Anonymous said…
No,this PR doesn't work neither for him nor for her.Twigs still receives racist hate and Rob is somehow blamed for this and has to stand up for her despite the amount of hate comes from the fanbase of his ex twilight co-star,not from his fans.The journalists still ask him about racism and when he says something he is blamed he could have said more.It's always something wrong.What kind of PR is that?Rob doesn't sell better,it's all about his private life not the movies.If this relationship is PR it is the worst PR that you could imagine.If this is over Rob will be linked to Kstew again and the tabloids will write he can't get over her and all that BS.
Anonymous said…
But what you just said IS PR! It doesn't matter if it's good exposure or bad exposure. That's what PR is. It isn't always good. Look at Lindsey Lohan, or Amanda Bynes. The media writes about anything and everything. They don't care what a celebrity is going through or what might be badly said about them. They just wanna put it in the magazines and on the entertainments shows. Rob's helping her out in this. He's a global known movie star, she was a nobody in the industry till he decided to help her out. Rob's just the type to not care what people think or say. He's never understood his fame so he doesn't care if people think he's to blame. He was just doing what his PR team told him to do. He just wants to make movies. Twigs I feel though has taken advantage of him and has really milked the whole situation for all she could get. She's the only one who talks about him in every interview and stares down the cameras every time they go "out" together. Then she complains about not wanting fame. Okay!? It's just so one sided. You can clearly see Rob's disinterest. He's over this PR scam. You gotta know how PR works in order to understand why it's happening.
Anonymous said…
Just wait till the next one has to deal with it. Poor girl :( Good luck whoever you are. CD I appreciate you being so wonderful and patient.
Anonymous said…
CD is anyone going to spill the beans about Twigs and Rob's relationship? Someone I know was going to tell all to Blind Gossip, and they decided not too.
Anonymous said…
They were gonna tell them it's over?
Anonymous said…
Yep they were.
Anonymous said…
I wonder how DiCaprio's relationships with the same type of women(models)are the real ones not PR but Rob's relationship with a normal talented woman is PR.Does someone believe Blind Gossip if people can send whatever they want?
Anonymous said…
Apparently yes.
Anonymous said…
I say dicaprio's are just non serious flings and he doesn't care if he's pictured with them. So PR doesn't have to do much there cause he's always seen with different girls. It also keeps his fans wondering who he'all settle with. Keeps me talking lol.
Anonymous said…
My point is that Christian says DiCaprio's relationships short or not are the real ones but Rob's relationship is not a real one only PR despite it looks more real then DiCaprio's relationships with the models.
T. W. said…
I wonder if diCatchaho's models are paid.
Loveisall said…
I think they are. At least I would imagine so. Also concerning Rob and Twigs. Christian has said they are over and I believe him. Makes sense the media hasn't said anything yet. They gotta find the right moment. Thank you Christian for putting me on healing lists. I feel so much better this year! I'm ready for everything with confidence and smiles. Hope everyone is well, and you Christian. I hope you are doing wonderfully. Xx
Well for this PR what RT have going!! It's still going CD because rob was with Twigs at her birthday today her friend posted a photo of them happy smiley faces well but this pic looks put on knowing their wasn't anything like sightings or pics since 4th Jan and now today.
Anonymous said…
Yeah R fan all the way, but never believe BS. She's so disgusting.
Anonymous said…
CD when it end? It keep playing out pr.
Anonymous said…
Rob and Twigs got papped while leaving a club or restaurant where they celebrated her birthday.If it is over they shouldn't be seen together because what is the point?LOL
Anonymous said…
If CD says they are already over why still hanging out? Why won't he just say when the media will release it? If it's over why it's still dragging out? I'm so over seeing her with him.
Anonymous said…
I like them together,well maybe they celebrated birthday together because they are still a couple.
Anonymous said…
They can't be. CD said they were over already
Yes they was paped together last night and her friend posted pics of them together to........and Twigs wasn't wearing the epic ring to be truthful I do think that it's over and they are friend out together last night or CD has got it wrong but hoping he hasn't
Anonymous said…
R fan I like you, your sense of humor is awesome :D
Anonymous said…
I know! I don't think CD got it wrong. But he hasn't said why it's still playing out. What the point is or when the media will finally say it. CD will you tell us?
Anonymous said…
(he wouldn't dump her before or on her birthday. come on now)
Anonymous said…
if the relationship is PR I don't think talking about who dumped who is correct LOL Anyway,who will be Rob's next GF?
Anonymous said…
Yea that's what I wanna know. I could care less about the PR. Will he be seen with a new girl this year CD?
God I hope it will be soon be over but your right why finish it before her birthday. And I hope we will find out soon from the media and CD and I'm too want to know who's the new GF is too:)
Anonymous said…
You know he'll never tell ;)
Anonymous said…
I hope it is too. I think when he goes away to film three movies back to back it will end. He starts later this month or early February. She's not wearing the "epic love ring" anymore either. I agree with CD! They are over already but keeping it civil till the end. Like Andrew and Emma did. I also think a new girl will enter his life sometime this year. Is she the one? Don't know that much but a new girl for sure. - AJ
Anonymous said…
Yeah right hes going to have another girlfriend. Twigs has her claws hook lined and sinker into him. They're a package deal, he's happy and they'll get married and have a wonderful life together.
Anonymous said…
You're joking right? Christian has already said they are over. So marriage and being a package deal.... Not gonna happen
Anonymous said…
hi Christian, do you still think Rob will be with an American you saw or someone new? Is there a gf in London and Twigs is a decoy? He looks like he's staying there another year, what do you think?Dying to know what you see this year for him
Anonymous said…
I've seen the pics from Twigs' birthday party and Rob looked like a he was glued to her,it's so strange to believe it's over.He will be in NY to film a movie in February.
Anonymous said…
PR can make it look like anything though. I trust CD's judgement but like he said timing is the hardest to pin down. But Rob isn't with Twigs anymore

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