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TOLD YA, A happy one of sorts ..

Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions

Christian Dions’
Psychic Predictions 2016
(Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA).
(Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT) 

As many of you know for the past few years. 
I have done Predictions for the year ahead.
Some Funny.
Some Not.
Some Serious.
Some Crazy.
Some Sad.
Some Fluff.
Well, this year things are little different.
As we know 2015 was a little rough,
 to say the least.
So in light of that.
There is no way.
With a clear mind/Spirit.
That I can do that this year.
As the things that I have been seeing.
Are too….. AWFUL.
To be able to do the normal.
So what follows.
Is more like a letter to 2016,as well as to the people of this Planet.
To tell, what I see.
To hope that someone,
 somewhere will take.
Perhaps just a little notice.
So that maybe.
Along with prayer, & good thoughts.
can change what, is ready to blossom.
In the year to come.
Perhaps, giving us all a breathing space.
To perhaps work together, 
instead of against.
So with that, and fingers crossed.
Here goes.

There are as I mentioned above many more attacks, in the pipeline.
At least, 
six in the USA.
Many more, 
that we won’t hear of as the powers that be,
Will stop them.
The UK won’t get away lightly either.
In fact although they won’t have as many attacks that are successful,
The numbers of injuries will be higher.
Not just in London either. These monsters are looking at the Midlands and the North to make their voices heard.
Canada needs also, to keep a sharp eye out on their West Coast.
Plans are a foot to make them sit up and take notice.
They also haven’t finished with France.
They see the 2015 events as a bit of a failure.
I feel that they will go for Paris of course.
But the are about to spread their terror in the coming months.
They also intend to make the people of the Nordic countries, feel the wrath of their ideas and hatred.
Germany in particular, is under their planning wing.
They want to make the German people truly bleed.
They intend to really go for the Airlines this year.
No matter what security, the airlines feel that they have in place it.
Will do little to stop them.
They intend to bring down an airliner a month in the coming year.
Some of the carriers they attack will be obvious, but others, will raise many eyebrows.
Australia is also  under the magnifying glass of distractions.
A couple of big hits in Sydney, with others to follow.
They also have a plan to see just how many Heads of Countries that they can in someway do damage to.
The World will be terribly shocked with just how successful that will be.
We shouldn’t just be looking at the single men theory, or lone wolves.
Married couples will top the list.


T. W. said…
I am glad this one was stopped.
C said…
CD, you never told us what you were going through after you made these predictions. You said you would tell us later. This year has been a mess since day one.
Psychic Gossip said…
Well to start with the migraines, the panic attacks and the weird dreams for now CD
Anonymous said…
I pick up about the airlines and other states in the US, and with circus the Republican have and that mouth piece is not helping to create world peace. Because we've created these buggers from wars and selling arms.
Anonymous said…
Take care of yourself CD but yes if you internalize this it can cause stress on the body.
Quinhas said…
I don't know if you have stated that your migranes, panic attacks and weird dreams are caused by your visions, but it can't be easy being you. It must be a burden sometimes. I feel anxious inside as I feel worse is coming, not just from terrorism. Terrible tragedies.
Maria said…
Are your migraines new or are they being caused by the stress of this information. I get them and they are not caused by visions. That must be overwhelming. I hope you have something you do or take. Very cold water over the entire head helps a lot while using the shower or even the sink. Just drench yourself. Sorry CD.
jane uk said…
This is so awful , i can't bear thinking about it. Thanks CD for warning us, please hope it won't happen. CD i don't get migraines but i do know there painful, i to suffer panic attacks and there not fun, so i feel for you,at least i'm not seeing terriable things that are going to come true.Bless you.
T. W. said…
In Jesus name I cast out the migraines, panic attacks, and strange dreams. I command the spirits of infirmity to leave Christian Dion's body now, in the name of Jesus. I command your body and soul to recover, be healthy, and be whole in Jesus name.
Sending prayers to CD!
C said…
It sounded like it was a lot of information coming through. Thank you CD for your gifts and sharing them with us.
Anonymous said…
TW that's really nice and sweet of you <3 Jesus, I pray you'll heal CD's mind, heart, soul, and body. I pray you'll give him guidance, comfort, and protection :) Amen. CD I can relate to all of those, I'm the queen of panic and anxiety attacks it's sucks sometimes :(
T. W. said…
If you need to be medicated for panic attacks, Lexapro is good. Nothing wrong with medicine. You can also ask us to pray for you.

In Jesus name I command the anxiety attacks and their source to leave your body now. I release health, wholeness, recovery, and peace into your body and soul in Jesus name. Receive your blessings from him, they are free to anyone regardless of religion.
CyndiTx123 said…
Ok, just read this!! I knew you suffered, as me, with migraines and they are no fun! Prayers for you CD and I know the power of prayer works and surrounding you with healing vibes and light, you will over come this!! It's tough having an awesome mind that you do & being gifted. Your body takes on a lot. Know you have us that wish you well and being healthy and happy and sassy!! :) Love & Hugs CD!!

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