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TOLD YA Isis, endorse Trump...

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Donald " Babayfart" Trump ......

I know I have said before that,
 "BabyFart" won't get to the Whitehouse.
But now that he's #1 in some polls.
Many of you have asked, 
if he'll get to be the leader of the GOP.
Now as much as I wish that would happen, 
it sadly won't.
But I will continue to say he's a danger.
As he is inciting a certain group of  people.
To be honest to me he's as bad as the morons,
 that are in charge of ISIS.
Next they will endorse him...


T. W. said…
Win for Hillary has been secured.
Anonymous said…
There are issues with Hillary too...she is no savior for our great country. I guess there are no Great men or women willing to run for President, the ideals of our country have been lost to those who only seek personal power and money. It almost seems that there is power hidden in the shadows. I do wish that people would view the video on Trump versus Obama on is awful to watch but it is interesting to see the difference in the demeanor and orator ability of Trump versus Obama. Obama wins hands down.
Anonymous said…
What do you guys think of Obama tango?
2 Air Force ones on vacation
I mean no drama just asking?
T. W. said…
You are right, there is a shadow government pulling the strings. Hillary is a shoe-in.
Anonymous said…
Interesting T.W...your comment on a shadow government. I'm not sure exactly what I think of her but I would be ok with her winning. At least she would understand the role and she has a lot of experience in politics.
Anonymous said…
Mum is not the word CD

Please reveal!
T. W. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria said…
I wish Obama had a better radar or even concern for the bigger picture. I voted for the man and think he's a very smart & caring person but he often missteps and I don't get it. It doesn't take a cabinet or team of people to realize the "optics" of laughing at baseball games or doing Tango can cause a negative reaction and just looks really bad. Same thing when we didn't send anyone to Paris after the attacks. It's like, are you kidding? He should know better. Why he doesn't I don't understand.

Btw CD I read your interview and it was really great learning more about you. Thanks for sharing it. I think it's so cool and kind of magical your entire family was blessed with a gift. That seems rare!
jane uk said…
I wish Bernie would win? Why no one rate him? At least he comes across a decent human being.
Anonymous said…
Hi TW check out daily mail you will see the Obama stuff and the two Air Force ones etc
T. W. said…
People are mad because he danced the tango two days after the Brussels bombing. My response is life must go on. He need not fly to Belgium so soon. We have diplomats that can help. We have a Secretary of State that can help. We have a Vice President that can help. Why make yourself a target?
Anonymous said…
I absolutely believe in a "shadow" government and I think a lot of people are putting two and two together and realizing that our votes just aren't quite adding up. Sometimes, I think Trump sits up in his office at Trump Towers and just laughs while thinking up immature, outrageous and explosive remarks to make to the press. He knows good and well that his followers won't leave him no matter what he does or says. It's kind of daunting how deluded people are in thinking that he is the world's "savior". He is arrogant enough to believe it himself too. Thanks for your predictions.
Anonymous said…
Obama gets it you all went to war on thses people in their country now they come to yours and bring war. Ate you quick to go to war when it affects you and happens in your land. The answer is no so be accountable because the cause is poor choices. War does not solve everything.
Anonymous said…
If any American president, whether republican or democrat, ever starts going to foreign countries after major terrorist attacks, Air Force One will be shot down.

Once a pattern of presidential visits after attacks occurs, ISIS will have a small missile and launcher smuggled into the countryside near the flight path, then commit a major attack, and wait patiently for the Presidents plane. There will be no survivors.
T. W. said…
I voted for Bernie.

He is from the wealthy state of Vermont, he is Jewish, he is a socialist, and he makes sense. Of course he is going to lose, this is America, the land where welfare benefits, gay rights, and abortion rights trump everything else.

America prospered under President Bill Clinton. Many believe Hillary was the power behind the throne. If so, she did a good job for the most part.

Now ask yourself why the Clinton's gave the only deep water sea port on the west coast to the Chinese. Ask yourself why certain people close to the Clinton's ended up dead. I don't trust the Clinton's.
Maria said…
Who the hell said war is the answer?? Who the hell wants war?

Just cuz I think Obama showed bad judgment after Brussels how are you drawing a conclusion to war? That's absurd.

The last thing I want is war. But I also want a president who shows more sensitive understanding even when Americans are not involved. I feel connected to all people, not just Americans. And no one said he needed to fly to Brussels either.

I'm not into conspiracy theories. What matters to me are the tangible things in life. The Clintons have saved lives and given away tons of money around the world. That is tangible to me. I can't say why people have died. Maybe there's something. Maybe not. But who am I to make that assessment? I have been accused of many things based on appearances and the harsh judgment of others, and almost every time those appearances were 100% WRONG. So I find it very odd that anyone would hand over their judgment with only a theory but not proof. I didn't like it when it happened to me and I won't do it to anyone else.
Anonymous said…
What do you see for Miley Cyrus and the voice TV show as they want to make changes to bring her on as a coach? Also for Alicia Keys as ahe is supposed to be on the show also?
Anonymous said…
Too busy enjoying himself. He talks a good game
jane uk said…
T.W i'm glad you voted for Bernie.Maria sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling, that is a good thing. I do ,i don't need proof if i think somemeant is wrong.
Anonymous said…
Maria, As for saying nobody said he needed to fly to Brussels, TW did, and I was pointing out what would happen if presidents established that habit.
Maria, the people who make damaging or ridiculous judgements about you are summed up neatly in Jane uk's statement below your comment. They rely on "gut feelings" without giving a thought to "proof". That type of person is more dangerous than the devil, and, like him, is everywhere.
T. W. said…
Thanks Jane UK :)
T. W. said…
Hi Maria. I enjoy and respect your comments. You are right to go with your gut, God is talking to you in a way you can understand. It is your business if you like the Clinton's. I don't think less of you for it.

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