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TOLD YA.So, so sad ..

Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions

Christian Dions’
Psychic Predictions 2016
(Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA).
(Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT) 

Most of the predictions,
are too dark to print.
The terror that is going to reign down across Europe.
In a word.
Will be spectacular.
It will be the worse troubles,
since World War II.


Anonymous said…
CD, Please answer. Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel? Do you think the terror will end and the beautiful Europe will be the same again or do you think radicalization will take over Europe?
Psychic Gossip said…
No peace for a long time just worse CD
jane uk said…
Don't know what to say, feel for the people suffering in Brussels today, heavy heart .Love to all.
Anonymous said…
CD can you send love, healing, and peace to those who were affected by this tragedy and those of us who are praying too? Thanks Love and Light <3
C said…
I was gonna ask you that question too. It is gonna get worse.
Anonymous said…
I was sorry to read that CD believes this will go on for a long time...seems we are going backwards on our beautiful planet Earth.
If this continues it will only escalate to proportions that are unfathomable...what is the point anyway? :(
Anonymous said…
Well they bombed their lands for years now they are coming here. And the outcome of this is what? This serves no purpose.
Anonymous said…
As long as there is breath we fight!! I'm over them they gotta go. I am 100 percent with TW
They do not assimilate with their Sharia law
ENough they gotta go!!
Is England going to be included in that? I've always wanted to visit there and feel I have a past life connection but these days, I wonder if England will even be safe and standing by time I would be able to go there in this lifetime! Prayers to Belguim and europe!
Anonymous said…
CD, sending you many hugs and prayers to cope with what you see. It's one thing when the events occur and we, the public, stand together to process it all, but it has to be ever so much harder for you when you see it in advance and have to deal with your feelings in a singular fashion. I surely hope you have reliable support from your intimates, especially in these times.

~ Johanna ~
Anonymous said…
Christian, would this be a good time to move to Portugal or would South America be better ? Also should people, who want to move that are living in U.K./Ireland think about moving somewhere else to live?
Anonymous said…
Sending again as I'm not sure it went through the first time. CHRISTIAN... my mom is scheduled to fly from Toronto to her home country of Poland in june/July. My sister and I have PTSD from my dad's unexpected death when we were kids (coincidentally, this will likely be posted on his date of death March 23rd). Now we're even more worried based on what you are saying. Will Poland be ok? Please pray for the peace amd safety of our family. Thank you..
Psychic Gossip said…
all will be safe don't worry CD
Anonymous said…
So thankful for this response. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to this. Thanks CD
C said…
Don't give up hope. Hope is one of humanity's greatest assets.
jane uk said…
Pray for everyone stays save, i live in England and i feel ok about it.I could be living in Syria which would be worse. It's them i feel sorry for.
Anonymous said…
There will be the NATO summit in Poland and the pope will come there too. I am already afraid and the situation in Ukraine is not clear.
Anonymous said…
I didn't realize that this forum had so many bigots on it. America is a land of immigrants, no one is here naturally, unless you're an American Indian. Kick the muslims to the curb? History repeats itself, Japanese driven from their homes, their land taken away from them, during our war with Japan. Jewish people driven from their homes and left to die because the people of Germany did not speak up. Jewish people denied entrance to the United States, their boat sent back to Europe, where they were put into concentration camps. What I've seen on this form lately has been shameful.
Anonymous said…
You never said what happened to Native Americans when these immigrants came. How many Syrian people the US welcomed? The US is partly responsible for what is happening in the Middle East,they support syrian opposition and supported Arab Spring etc. All this for the oil and destabilisation of the countries ruled by ''bad'' dictators.
Anonymous said…
Really kind of shocked by the anti-Muslim rhetoric in this comment thread. Just as there are bad Christians (*not* the Dion variety, mind you), there are bad Muslims. The bad Muslims are not all Muslims. Closing doors to peaceful people of any religion (or even no religion) that need help is wrong. And it also runs contrary to the whole no-room-at-the-inn story that Christians hold so very dear. Be kind. Love one another. Treat others as you would want to be treated. It's really not that hard.
Common Sense said…
Oh Anonymous at 9:52 PM, I wish it were that simple. I assure you, it is not. There's a long list of potential costs when a country takes in refugees or asylum seekers. For example, you can’t just foster a refugee child and place them into anybody’s care, without proper training. Children come with a lot of baggage. You see these lovely cherubic faces but the reality can be extremely difficult. There’s a huge amount to deal with, from the paperwork, to the issues of language, to the possibly difficult behaviour. People don't realize what an involved process they are getting into. I personally struggle with our country taking in refugees. We already have the homeless and the poor who are born here and yet we do not have the resources to help all of them in our highly unemployed cities where families already struggle to put food on the table due to the lack of jobs and the high cost of living. It is easy to be an armchair critic. Those individuals who do foster refugee children and families are angels. God bless them.
T. W. said…
Islam is not peaceful. The people choose to live in peace at this time. I also stand by my comments about Muims not assimilating.

I know the refugees need somewhere to go. It is telling that Muslim countries don't want them.
T. W. said…
I like how you speak Common Sense. I tend to stick my feet in my mouth.
Common Sense said…
T.W., don't be too hard on yourself, we all have done it, and sometimes the words said by the mouth are not the thoughts meant by the heart.
T. W. said…
Thank you for your kind words. God bless you always.
Anonymous said…
I'm a Native American. To everyone in the US, Get Off My Lawn!

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