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Well at least he's called Egor.

So just when you thought the coast was clear.
Lindsay Lohan 29 yr old reappears.
This time she's dating a Russian born, 
London based Estate Agent, 
22yr old Egor Tarasov.
Well, it's one way of getting discount on a flat,
 ha ha.
Let's see, won't get to the fall.


Anonymous said…
I doubt he has enough money, connections and is boring. Not eye candy either, I guess I am being rather harsh.
CyndiTx123 said…
oh my gosh, she is still relevant ?? What a mess!
Anonymous said…
Oh gawd, will she ever learn? She still loves the paparazzi. I don't think Egor is unattractive, just waaaaaaaay too young for her. She is 29 going on 50. I had hoped she would just stop with the boys and get on with her life, her career, as a single, independent young woman. Then hopefully one day meet a good guy when she is ready to really settle down for all the right reasons. Let's pray for this girl!
Anonymous said…
I wonder if that's the one that the blinds say beats the shit out of her.
Unknown said…
London seems to be working for her. I haven't heard about her getting in trouble in quite a while.
jane uk said…
I feel sorry for her, her family rob of her of a childhood.
Anonymous said…

Christian, do you see anything for Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom besides PR?
Anonymous said…
I don't understand why CD will post on the likes of hohan, craptrashians and other bottom feeders of hollyweird, but he won't post about what ( IMO ) alot of visitors would like to hear about, Rob, Twigs, and even Kristen, I love ya CD, but why? :(
Anonymous said…
I disagree with the above comment, Rob, Kristen, anf FKAvtwigs are boring (and bottomfeeders as well) and there"s not much elee we could possibly want to know about them.
T. W. said…
People kept trolling the blog when he talked about them.
Anonymous said…
I would love to hear about Rob Twigs and even about kristen. I agree with Anon at 6:29 PM CD posts about kardashians like they are so important and the worst. I don't know why becasue there are more disgusting and dangerous people in HW that need to be called out. We don't hear about sexual abusers or these racists that Chris Rock was reffering to that they asked many times '' is there a black woman needed here?(in the movie)''. Who are these bastards? I would like to hear about Fassy and Alicia Vikander if they are a real couple.
Anonymous said…
Actually, Rob, Twigs and Kristen are old hat. They have no movies, etc., and are not out and about (not current). They had their time and now they are sitting in their mansions counting their money. Thank goodness Christian Dion knows what the people want to hear and see, because it isn't Rob, Twigs or Kristen. Sorry!
Anonymous said…
And speaking of ho's, didn't Kristen sleep with a married man (her director) while she was still going out with Rob? Rob is a gentle and kind soul. He was devastated by Kristen's betrayal and that ended the relationship for him. They will never again be a couple because I doubt he could ever trust again. She blew it, literally and figuratively. She had a wonderful guy and was selfish thinking she deserved more. Now she sits at home licking her wounds. Rob has moved on. The End.
Anonymous said…
I don't care to hear about K or Twigs but I would like to hear about Rob. I've asked Cd to post about Rob only but he ignores me. :(
Anonymous said…
Rob and K were a contract, they got back together to finish the contract after used the director guy bc it was a contract! Rob and T were contract to help his image after that and move on from the "scandal"- they have the same management, she needed help- she still needs help, she's not a nice person, is a snob and was often called out on being rude and arrogant, except now she's desperate so she'll do those fan signings at flea markets. At the Tibet charity, she was the only 1 that didn't join the whole group of artists for the group photos. She always thinks she's above. Rob didn't show up but fans of his sure showed up in hopes of seeing him. T is a liar, has been from the start- she professed to love a guy she'd known for a month for money. She told people she doesn't want fame after saying she only wanted to work with famous people in early articles, she falsified an engagement and let it play on with a fake ring for a year. She's selling jackets of her face for 50$ that she promotes with naked pics of herself wherever she can bc she came from The Box in London, where she knows how to sell sex for money and she loved toying with her audience, she's talked about it. K and T still invite the paps to shoot their coffee and grocery runs and Rob was not immune to that but Rob hasn't been seen for a month now in NYC area- that's the only weird thing. But he reads here, too, so saying something about him gives a stubborn man incentive to do the opposite and drag things out til the end of time just to prove people wrong. CD isn't wrong.
Anonymous said…
They're all hos. It's HO-llywood, people. It's how people get ahead.
Anonymous said…
True, but as much as I hate to say this, it is still a man's world. A woman cannot go out and screw around like Kristen did and remain "sweet" in the eyes of the world. She lost credibility and integrity and her career suffered as a result of her sleeping with her director whilst having a relationship with Rob. They were the "it" couple and instead of marrying and having a baby, they broke up and their careers are kind of dead at the moment.
Anonymous said…
CD doesn't talk about them because he says what he says and then ignore him when he says what he says.

So why would he keep talking about them if you all just ignore? Plus it's relentless. He's tired of the same questions (I'm no psychic, but I can only guess).
Anonymous said…
Well to the ones who are real fans and just wanna know about him as a person and not all the Kristen twilight BS it sucks! Cause we are fans who adore an actor and wanna know about his career and life paths and now we lost our privalige because a bunch of robsten/Kristen/ twilight fans ruined it for the rest of us. That's the worst part about it. I'd much rather hear about Rob then a lot of the others that are mentioned on here.
Anonymous said…
Nobody ignores what CD says about Rob but I recall CD was wrong many times about him and Twilight actress. For example the Dior Homme fragrance contract was supposed to be a failure,it wasn't,Rob is the face as a first celeb and a Brit of Dior Homme clothing line,it's a high profile deal,if the Dior people weren't happy with him they wouldn't have asked him to represent their clothing line. It's the same with K,her first Chanel contract was supposed to a failure too but she got another deals with Chanel. According to CD stewart was supposed to end up in mental hospital but she seems fine. Rob and Twigs looked so far as a real couple for me,it's difficult to believe they are a PR couple because she is his type of a woman artistic,petite type with a beautiful butt and the boobs. she is very intelligent in her interviews.
Anonymous said…
This post by CD wasn't even about your has-beens, TwiStans, but about has-been LiLo.

Sooner than you think, you'll be in nursing homes with your teeth in a cup, gumming about poor Rob to nobody.
Anonymous said…
To anon at 10:19 AM we are not twi stans,twilight is over and these actors have their own fanbases. Your last sentence sounds hateful without a reason. And speaking about Lohan she was supposed to be in jail again,well she is not.
Anonymous said…
Anon at 10:19... Um.... how old are you? Rob isn't actually Edward from Twilight. You know that right? He does have a fan base that's supportive ya know?!

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