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Well, well, Kristen Stewart, has a new girlfriend.
Called Soko, she French and a musician.
Now I am not saying this is a PR stunt.
But I will tell you it won't last.
(Looks like they both need a new hairdresser)


T. W. said…
This is funny to me. Thanks for my laugh today.
Anonymous said…
^^^ I laughed, too! I also agree...they do need a new hairdresser!
Anonymous said…
She always seems to shadow Rob. Dating A wannabe singer that gets too public on her social media just like FKA? Groundbreaking.
Anonymous said…
Why do you think this is not PR while Rob and FKA are? They both used paris paps to make their "love" go public. Can Rob or Kristen even love someone besides themselves?
Anonymous said…
Thank you CD for posting this, could you also update us on Rob now, please and thank you :)
PR said…
Con solo mirar las últimas fotos de ella en París es PR y lo aprendió muy bien de rob es ver las mismas fotos de rob y t solo falta que salgan de compras jajaja
PR said…
Con solo mirar las últimas fotos de ella en París es PR y lo aprendió muy bien de rob es ver las mismas fotos de rob y t solo falta que salgan de compras jajaja
Anonymous said…
I see what you did there, both of them are in desperate need of a shower love ya CD ;)
Anonymous said…
She killed her career, Jessica Alba did too, they weren't grateful for being given acting roles.
Common Sense said…
To translate PR: "Just by looking at the latest pictures of her in Paris is PR and learned it very well. Rob is seeing the same photos and Rob just need to go shopping lol.

And I will comment that I think that Kristen killed her career (for the moment, anyway) when she slept with the married director in the Huntsman movie. That, and the fact she was in a relationship with Rob at the time, did her in. Now she is young, and has many years ahead of her to make a "comeback." But please note that both Kristen and Rob, if they never worked again, they would perfectly fine. They have so much money between them. The only thing that will probably kill them off is the cigarettes.
Anonymous said…
Did anyone in the US even know who SoKo was before she started 'being seen' with Kristen? She's using Kristen. And Kristen killed her own career because she can't act...has nothing to do with affairs or Rob.
T. W. said…
Thanks for the translation!
Anonymous said…
"...."as their marriage continues to unravel on RHBH..."  ON the show, at NO point was the Foster union shows to be in trouble.  In fact, YoHo carefully constructed a beautiful LIE, that they marriage was solid as a rock.  They had not been living in the Malibu house for over a year, because it was leased out to a soccer player.  That was never revealed on the show, either.  They both exhibited a presence of being in love and a strong couple.  YoDull is a crafty one.  She has fooled millions of viewers with her conniving plot to get DAVEF's money."

Just had to post this, sipping tea, truth will cone out about Yolonda.
Anonymous said…
sorry,but I don't get. CD says Rob and Twigs are PR but these women are in real relationship not PR one? Hmm. Obviously it won't last because they are too young to be together forever.
jane uk said…
She never looks happy.
Anonymous said…
To all of you "Kristen killed her career" people...
Going back to your first love, indies, and getting awarded for your work in those films multiple times just this last year isn't not having a career. Sorry to disappoint you all. Just because you are not interested in those movies doesn't mean they don't exist nor that they aren't worth watching. Ask all those great directors she's been working lately how "bad" actress she is. The fact that she's not on your radar doesn't mean she went away. Luckily, the real world out there is much much bigger than that world in your heads.
As for her private life... Let her live and love whomever she wants. All of us are searching for happiness.
Anonymous said…
hi Christian,hope you're right and this relationship it's over before the summer but how to trust you if like a year ago you said Robert Pattinson and his PR singer gf will be over before end of 2015 and they're still on,so...
Anonymous said…
Delusional Rob Pattinson fans are out to conquer the comment sections of every Kristen Stewart story! I see you are still operating under your handbook of rules for being a faithful RPuttz fan...repeat your comment over & over & over & over even if it's a lie & delusional. Her career is far from dead & she certainly didn't kill it since she's made 10+ movies since the last Twilight. I know that rule #2 is to ignore all awards or mentions that she receives but I think I should tell you that she won 10 Critics Awards for CoSM. You Rob Pattinson Mommies should really go focus on him.
Anonymous said…
You poor troll from Rob's Gossip Cop site. You kstew stans are on every Rob and Twigs' article and even on Twigs' IG. I've never seen grown up women defending a woman who is sleeping with married men to get a role. I bet kstew PR team is responsible for this relationship to make kstew look better and stop being linked with married directors,so their wives can be ''safe'' and she can work with directors in the future. LOL
Common Sense said…
CD, Kristen is a HOT topic! I loved the Twilight saga. The character of "Bella" was an interesting one for Kristen to play. I also do not think she had to go too deep to play this role. And I don't find her acting in other roles since to be anything Oscar worthy. Yes, she has made other movies since, but had she not had the affair with her married director, she would have had BIGGER AND BETTER roles to choose from. The Huntsman series "fired" her because of this affair, which apparently "tainted" Snow White's character. Do you think Kristen cares? I doubt it! Now she is doing "B" movies (my opinion) and most of these will go to video once released (again, my opinion). As I have said before, she is very young and has years ahead of her. She needs to figure out who she is before she can advance in the industry.
Anonymous said…
Now I understand you stance on giving insight into Rob P's life, etc….. I had no idea how many people are gaga crazy over them! It's comical!! But I do love me some gossip on them…. :)
Anonymous said…
It's my birthday. Christian, would you do just a quickie what you see for each coming up please? Its all hilarious now.

PR said…
Por dios cuanta gente que no se informa pero opina creyendo que saben todo, las películas de kris no son de clase B de hecho julianne moore ganó el Oscar el año pasado y kris actuó en la misma película, tanto rob (aunque a muchas les moleste lo voy a mencionar) como kris actúan en películas independientes con grandes directores y ella a ganado muchos premios el año pasado y este año dados por críticos de cine y en festivales de cines,y podría seguir nombrando muchas cosas más.... Por favor cuando opinen de alguien infórmense pero no de prensa de mala calidad que lo único que importa es obtener dinero a cualquier precio.... Por otra parte sigo pensando que lo de kris con soko es un gran PR como lo fue Rob con T con solo ver los videos que salieron hoy quedo muy claro ahora porque rob y kris hacen PR la verdad no se ellos tendrán sus motivos
Anonymous said…
They're cute together but there's something off... I liked Kristen more with Alicia Cargile, they looked like two of a kind. Well she's only 25 and I guess she's exploring here and there...
Common Sense said…
PR Translation (best I could do):

My god how many people are not reported but believe they know everything, movies Kris are not Class B. Julianne Moore won the Oscar last year and Kris acted in the same film, both Rob (although many bother them I will mention) and Kris acting in independent films with great directors and she won many awards last year and this year given by film critics and film festivals, and I could go on naming many more things .... Please when someone THINK the press get informed but not sleazy that all that matters is to get money at any price .... Also think that Kris with Soko is a great PR as it was just Rob T see the videos that came out today it was very clear now that Rob and Kris PR truth they do not have their reasons.
Anonymous said…
....And this is why I prefer to not have posts about K Stewart, the comments become clogged with her obsessive sycophants who are desperate to prove her relevancy to anyone with a pulse.

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