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Who the F**K are they trying to kid ...

This maybe the worse PR stunt of all time.
It appears that Patrick Schwarzenegger,
 is "Really" dating Abby Champion..
YA think.
I don't think they could of used,
 a more forced pic if they tried.


Anonymous said…
I'm just curious CD but do you think he might be gay?
T. W. said…
Someone is getting fooled. I hate PR.
Anonymous said…
Miley tried then went bi.
Anonymous said…
Agree! He's MUCH too pretty for her...but why these guys continue to pretend what's obvious is beyond my comprehension. "People" will still like them; it changes nothing!

Common Sense said…
Hi Christian, they caught the other main mastermind Paris terrorist in Belgium today. No doubt this is going to make ISIS very angry.
Anonymous said…
There have already been blind items saying that Patrick is gay. I bet that would just thrill the hell out of Ahnold.
jane uk said…
I liked his dad, and he is a nice looking lad.
CyndiTx123 said…
This young man would be very happy to just come out and be himself. His parents will still love him and so will the public. It's sad and weird how the famous go to the extreme to hide and not be true to themselves. Just Be yourself and screw it if someone has issues with you, it's their issues not yours. Live happy and be happy. Happy First Day of SPring CD!!!!
Anonymous said…
Why is he doing this, he doesn't act, sing or want to be a star? Very confusing?

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