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C'est la vie ...

So as Bill Clinton. 
Supports his wife, 
well at least publicly.
He still has to deal with his 
"Dameons "
Trouble is brewing.
He'll be exposed.
If he's not more careful....
It will take a while, but he will be.


T. W. said…
One of the commenters/friends will be pleased. I know I am.
Anonymous said…
A leopard never changes its spots. He's a Leo - so he is ruled by his ego and his you-know-what.
Anonymous said…
I bet it has something to do with the scandal involving those big-wigs and minor children. This Bill is as dirty as Bill Cosby; His wife knew and she's just covering for him to promote her political aspirations. Dogs been barking about him and his ways for the longest. Like the old saying goes: When a dog barks you got 2 choices. Go see what it wants or let it in the house. Ppl let the dog in the house and swept the bone under the rug. Hi Monica!
NicQuerica said…
My husband and 2 year old son are both Leos. :-) They're good guys, they like lots of attention but give back lots, too.
Anonymous said…
I have more time for Bill Clinton than I have for every member of the Republican party put together irrespective of the ego and the promiscuity. Let's face it. He is not the only one with these vices especially at the top of (American) politics.
Anonymous said…
You're probably a nice evolved Leo TW. I think Bill knows he can get away with his sleaze because of his power and charm. That brings out the worst in his Leo and personal qualities.
Common Sense said…
C said…
First and foremost, I'm a Leo and I am not ruled by my naughty bits. Not all Leos are ruled by their lower regions and/or ego. Reserve that comment for undeveloped signs. You need to look at Bill's astrological chart. He has a moon in Taurus, which I assume makes him a sensual man. He also has Libra dominant in his chart, which makes him partnership bound. Venus is his dominant planet, so he's all about love the love of "if you love me. I'll love you." Then Mars is second which makes him go after things with gusto. Neptune is a higher octave of Venus and a higher octave of love.

Needless to say, not all Leos are like Bill Clinton.

If he is doing absolute evil, I do not accept it. Just because of who you are doesn't mean you get to get away with stuff. We all have to take responsibility for our actions. No one is spared.
Common Sense said…
Forget the Leo profile, Bill Clinton is a narcissist, so his "If you love me, I'll love you" would never be about love, it is about "You’re lucky to be with me, so you'd better comply with what I want." Hillary Clinton is a narcissist. Most politicians are, if not all.
T. W. said…
Thank you for your kind words. I give the credit and the glory to God.
T. W. said…
Lovely Leos unite!
C said…
That sounds about right when it comes to a narcissist. I wasn't aware that most politicians are narcissists, then again I never really sat down and observed them (I have no cable, I do however have internet). I am sure there are some good politicians that do not get attention. Eventually the old structure of our government will go and a new one will come about.
Anonymous said…
Hillary Clinton has covered up all his sexual wrongdoings. Trump is probably digging through the dirt right now.
Anonymous said…
I want to back up what Cecilia Bryant says. It really isn't fair to make black and white judgements on a simple sun sign. We all have all the signs & planets in different configurations, they all have negative shadows and positive gifts in potential. They play out in base material ways or on higher spiritual levels. We're each a kaleidoscope of potentials, how it shows up depends on our choices and level of consciousness.

I also agree with Common Sense. Narcissism is rife in politics.
petra07 said…
Bill and Hilary are narcissists. Some people who hold positions of power like the Clinton's, they just think they can do what they like and actually believe they can get away with it. It is a slippery path up to the White House and you don't get there by being a totally good human being. The high end of politics is not a nice place. These people end up believing in their own hype. There is corruption of some kind going on in all the governments in the world today.
Anonymous said…
Why give a fawk about star signs! Everyday is a day that the Lord has made. Be glad and rejoice in it! You all are fighting about star charts while ignoring that this pervert will have a hand in office if/when his wife wins. Lock up your kids and hide the virgins. Hillary will procure hims some vajajay to appease his desires while she works with others to destroy Christianity and usher in the NWO. Read that in the stars. Signed: Well informed citizen who was born on the day that God Chose under His sign, the cross. Amen.
Anonymous said…
From what I've read about astrology, you sun sign is how you and others see yourself, your rising rise is who you really are, and only those close to you really see you this way. Also, your emotions are more likely to be your moon.

People with Leo rising usually have something odd going on with their hair.

Trump has Leo rising and look at his hair!

Anonymous said…
Kay, that made me laugh about Trump and his hair.
Jane Uk said…
I'm sick of hearing about him and his wife.
T. W. said…
I like what you said. The 12 constellations actually tell the story of redemption. Virgo is first, the virgin birth. Leo is last, the kingly sign. Remember Jesus is called king of kings. If you don't have access to the Companion Bible, Google "Companion Bible E W Bullinger Appendix Zodiac." It is a King James Bible with many notes and appendices.God made everything but Satan corrupts the teachings.
T. W. said…
Thanks for my laugh today!
T. W. said…
Shooting at University of California, Los Angeles today. Two dead.
Anonymous said…
Elite Deviance. And people will still look the other way because they have been programmed to by Hillary.
Common Sense said…
Acshully, I think Bill Clinton is in no position to do the dirty deed like he once was able. After his quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in 2004, he has become a vegan and probably the days of whoring are in the past. Little Billy stays zipped!
Anonymous said…
Some people use their religion/ politics/ whatever as a shield to prevent recognising their own shadow. That's what narcissism is, in effect. Complete denial of the shadow. Then the shadow becomes monstrous. Really, that's what 'Satan' is.
Anonymous said…
Any factual criminal activity by a politician would eliminate my vote. That being said, I'm not interested in the sexual lives of my leaders. I do think it is a given, unfortunately, that anyone aspiring to be POTUS is a narcissist what with the process it takes to win an election. I wish there was someone running that I deeply admire for his/her honor and integrity. A contest between Clinton(s) and Trumps is a no brainer for me, however.

BTW...I wish I could comment from my iphone...for some reason, they don't go through.
Anonymous said…
Oh I love Bill....I hope he gets through ok.
Anonymous said…
TW, I saw an old Merv Griffin show where EG Marshall said juries were twelve people because they were first composed of one person from each astrology sign.
Anonymous said…

Am I the crazy one who believes Hillary genuinely loves Bill and Bill loves Hillary?

*Yes* He Has "O.A.P.D"(over active penis disorder), that is a given.

But, in the core of my intuitive soul, I feel they have a intellectual compatibility that strongly bonds them. For true soul mates teach each other, challenge and love/forgive unconditionally.

Hillary doesn't "need" Bill, she retains her own merits and pioneered her own career. If anything, it's obtuse of critics to say she stayed with Bill to elevate her career in politics and ultimately become the first woman president.

Huh? How does staying with a cheating dog, propel her goal as the president of the united stated? it defies all logic!

So, why did she stay with him? Simple....she loves him...and in his own warped way, he mutually loves her.

If anything, it took more strength in character/integrity for her to stay with him than easily walk away....

Food for thought....:)

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