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Fun & Games.

So we can now reveal.
By Blac Chyna herself.
That she and Tyga made a sextape.
How do we know this?.
Well the famewhore talentless rapper/singer.
Is planning to set the dogs, 
 on anyone who publishes said tape.
I can't wait
I hear that the producers of said tape.
Are suggesting that the Tape/DVD/Downlow.
Comes with a free Magnifying glass, 
so as to see all his details.


Anonymous said…
The size of her latex azz makes everything looks smaller. But the butt can't be blamed for his shortcomings, eh? Poor Kylie. The download might give your computer herpes.
Anonymous said…
Why pay to she her toilet smasher, er, butt? She shows it off for free. Her mom did bottom basement poem too. Google Tokyo Tony. What does her man Amber Rose have to say about all of this? I think the Black Plague doesn't care as long as she makes $$. Kylie is next if pimple mama has her way. She'll hold the camera I bet.
T. W. said…
Ha! Thanks for my laugh of the day!
Unknown said…
CD why is Robert Pattinson with Twigs at the Met Gala? When is he going to be done with her?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Forgive me, auto correct she= see; poem=porn. Black Plague= Black Plague.
Anonymous said…
He's gotta complete his OR duties in order for the che k to clear
Common Sense said…
Oh now I see the connection between Rob and Blac Chyna! Sex tapes and untalented whores seem to run in the Kardashian family. I am sure Robert Kardashian Sr. is rolling over in his grave.
Anonymous said…
She must use a lot of toilet paper.
Leeann said…
CD please say about Rob and twigs at the met. Please say when it will be announced as over? They look so awkward together. Please say when it will be announced.
Anonymous said…
Say about Rob and twigs. Please CDion
Jane UK said…
What horriable people. They all deserve each other. Is everything that should be private up for sale with these people?Money is not everything.
Anonymous said…
I'm wondering about Robert and Twigs too. I said just a one year ago when they both attened the Met Gala that this won't end soon. They don't look awkward,there is a vid of them in which Twigs prepers for the event and she holds his finger,they both look adorable. Their pics on the red carpet are great. CD,what do you think?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
They aren't great, they look like awkward prom dates that only went together cause there was no one else to go with, and they didn't wanna go alone. Last year looked more realistic than this year. I say the end is nigh.
Leeann said…
CD can you do just one reading on Rob? Like you did for K. Will you just say when a new girl will come along and when this will finally be over? His career? Please just once?
Anonymous said…
How long until then though it's been almost two years, I mean was that a two years contract or sth?
Anonymous said…
CD what can you say about Twigs and Rob? When will the PR end?
Anonymous said…
They look great. Watch the private vid of them interacting before the Met gala. The pics in which Rob doesn't smile or look concerned are when the paps yell his name and ignore Twigs and want him to posing and smiling when they take the pics; they get angry when he doesn't. He is a shy person,the people who are not the fans of his and see him occasionally don't believe it but he is a very shy and still doesn't feel comfortable on the red carpet.
Anonymous said…
Pics of them in the car leaving, she's as far from him as she can get. CD is anything else keeping him with her besides contract- sex, drugs, rock and roll? What happens to Twigs once they break up? She wants to sell a perfume now. Will Rob play the field until he meets the one?
Anonymous said…
Remember when there were 2 or 3 people here saying they are Rob's future girlfriend and arguing about it? CD could you have been duped by someone that says she's his secret girlfriend but isn't? Maybe he will stay single like George Clooney. If a new girl comes, will people like her? They didn't like Kristen or FKA. We need your insight.
Anonymous said…
Please CD give us sth about Rob and Twigs ! Please......
Anonymous said…
The fans of Rob like Twigs,you are talking about some delusional robsten stans who still dream about reunion and hate on Twigs. Kstew was caught banging a married man,are you expacting that the fans of rob like her? she is gay btw.
Anonymous said…
Twig doesn't want Rob's branch anymore;)
Anonymous said…
Cd how come you don't talk about Rob? Is cause you not allowed? Or just because you don't know for sure? -J

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