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I am not talking Trump ....

You had better believe it....


Anonymous said…
Could you please elaborate a bit more CD?
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian,

What is going to happen?

Thank you for all you do.

Anonymous said…
I've been reading about this in Indigo Adults and some other sources. Could you share more, CD? Sending you hugs.

~ Johanna ~
petra07 said…
I hope this will be for the greater good. In my prayers, I pray for a world where we can live in love and not fear. Some people in this world do not show love or compassion to other human beings. We enter into this world the same way and leave the same way so why some people choose behave like lunatics is very sad. We all have a free-will and we should use it wisely. We should all pray.
Grace said…
I believe we are...I feel it everday. God bless you Christian.
CyndiTx123 said…
I believe it CD!! Wishing everyone a Blissful Memorial Day!!
Psychic Gossip said…
Indigo people started to be born in the late 1940's till ow.
Many not knowing that they re.
Many believe that they have to have violet/blue light eyes, not true.
Indigo refers to their Aura.
Which means Healer
Anonymous said…
Third wave of ascension coming up. I wish I could go back and tell myself as a kid that one day I'd feel like this. Though I wouldn't have believed it!

Anonymous said…
Because we are getting ready for some big things.
T. W. said…
Thank you for explaining. I know little about them.
T. W. said…
Maybe the mother ship will call some of us home. I am not joking. Something will happen and we Christians will have to change our tune.
Anonymous said…
Jack Van Impe was right. The Pope shall announce the false prophet.
Maria said…
Great souls have been praying for years Alex S. Abraham Lincoln prayed. Gandhi prayed. Martin Luther King prayed. A bible study group was in a church praying that night in SC when a murderer walked in and executed them.

It's going to take a lot more than prayers. Prayers without action equals very little. People need to step out of their bubbles and look for ways they can be of service. We need to realize that personal sacrifices are needed for the greater good. If we can't keep guns out of the hands of murderers, homegrown terrorists then maybe we need to restrict those freedoms. But people are selfish and have decided they won't do that. Something so simple and urgent and they say NO. We only have one country and it's a beautiful one. If we began to heal America, imagine the possibilities.
Anonymous said…
This message is perfect. We are already part of this, I absolutely take part in the awakening for positive light. Prayers - that I keep alive into everyday living holding compassion. For me, WAKING UP would include societal structures changing for the better, letting harsh judgement of others fall away would be divine (me included). Some have posted they can sense the whispers of something else stirring. I know energies around me have been greatly supportive the last few months received by me thru healing Prayer. I pray this for the whole world. The greatest thing that was crystallised for me this year is what CD posted - "religion is only a chair at the table of faith" so that's a big societal change I hope will happen - more faith in each other's hearts and soul and the healing of Mother Earth & ALL her inhabitants. Healing-shifting-awakening yes Light and Love and Thank you. It must be LOVE.
Anonymous said…
Delores Cannon always talked about this. She said something about the earth's vibration changing. Interesting. I wonder what impact this will have on the worlds power structure, etc... (rich powerful elite, or "illuminati", if you will).

Any ideas on that, C.D.

Thanks, again,

Anonymous said…

Maybe a star ship will be seen by so many there can't be a cover up. Maybe our star friends will begin to make themselves known. Maybe the veil is getting so thin that many more will see other planes and entities. God bless us each and everyone in this time of change.
Anonymous said…
please just say what you mean! this can be interpreted ay way we what way do you mean this???
Quinhas said…
I also agree that a spiritual shift is happening right now this year. In fact, I feel anxious that I need to do something, maybe I am meant to do something. A couple of years ago I had someone tell me that my aura is white along with red and blue. I wonder if I am an indigo child?
Common Sense said…
Christian, thank you so much! You know what I mean!
Unknown said…
How long will it take to happen, this year?,next year? What are the stages leading up to the big finale? Answer Christian please, I need to know
Xoxo said…
I was doing research on indigo people recently and last year. I have a lot of qualities I think I Am an indigo warrior. But i don't get caught up in the hoopla of it all. We all come in different forms and practice it in different ways but still with the same mission and purpose. I also read about the rainbow and crystal Children as well :) they seem more rare now in days
jan said…
Good! I've been waiting for this moment and am still waiting!
Jane Uk said…
My youngest daughter actual name is INDIGO. People always tell her what a cool name she has.She also gets people saying that can't be your real name! I've be hearing about this big awakeing for a long time .I pray it is true.
Anonymous said…
For people who don't know: you may have heard talk of things like the Age of Aquarius, The Mayan 'end of the world' in 2012, The Shift, Awakening, Ascension, Disclosure. There's been a big paradigm change in process involving a raising of vibration and expansion of human consciousness. It doesn't happen overnight but 2012 was the pivot point. Now the old energies are making way for new ways and a 'new earth'. So many people I know believe it simply because their own perception has transformed, their world view and how they live. Even the idea of the second coming ties into this, though it isn't seen as one spiritually ascended master but happening en masse, in the hearts of people collectively - inner connection to Source. It's also related to anticipation of disclosure of life beyond earth.

It's living from the heart not the head; 5D higher consciousness instead of material 3D only; not forcing life rationally but allowing it to flow; rising above the dark instead of being locked in battle with it; feeling connection to everything instead of separation; Quantum physics compared to Newtonian physics; an inner radiance instead of 'trying to be good'. Intuition rather than dry logic; Manifestation. Lots of different ways of referring to it. But ancient civilisations and the mystic core of religions all point to the same process.

Unfortunately, like any spring clean, it also means having to clear out all the grime and finding the horrible murky stuff at the back of the cupboards and under the beds. Change can be painful. It might look bizarre that all this positive bliss talk is appearing while the world is unravelling into catastrophe and mass crises, but that's the old ways being purged. Millions of people are becoming more aware of how the world has been working, and finding their inner power to live differently. It will take time for that to build into a complete new reality but transformation is well underway.

petra07 said…
We don't know the bigger plan. Miracles are reminders that we do not know everything. Keep believing, keep going, keep your heart open, keep your eyes open.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I feel it for a while that the transformation is happening. Humans have to learn another lesson in ignorance. Each time they ignore the lessons to be learned they have to go through that process based on KARMA again. As long as they don't get it it's on repeat. Each time worse than before. So I hope humans will learn this time. So that the transformation will go on in a positive way.
I still hold on on Shraddha
T. W. said…
Pope is the false prophet.
does this mean people/healers are becoming more psychic? because since 2015,my psychic flood gates are flooded open and I am just trying to teach myself how to manage it but I definitely want to embrace 2015 it flooded in fast and I got scared then it stopped being so strong for awhile and this year, I am not fearing it and am trying to continue to cultivate it and invite it in...I bet a lot of others are awakening like this too?
T. W. said…
Thanks for the advice.
T. W. said…
God did say more people would prophesy in the Latter Days because He is pouring out His Spirit upon them. Maybe this is it?
Anonymous said…

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. Jimi Hendrix
Anonymous said…
@ Frugal and Fabulous - That's it yes. It's just a matter of readjusting and learning to ride the wave, though it can send people a bit haywire. The real problems come when people resist it or try to stick to the old ways, then they're in for some tough and frightening times until they finally accept the changes. If you embrace it then you're doing fine.

I read a few weeks ago about the deathbed prophecy of Bulgarian mystic Peter Deunov. The Christian Dion of his day? It told of what the world would be going through in several decades' time (this is from 1944). Bearing in mind the world at that moment was in its own turmoil, he was talking about something chaotic in a different way which sounds a lot like now. Google his name, it's a bit startling!
T. W. said…
It looks like he was a medium. No telling who he was talking too.
T. W. said…

I think that was one of his final prophecies. It seems like he read that out of the Bible. No matter, his advice was to turn to God. This I agree with.

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