The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
What is going to happen?
Thank you for all you do.
~ Johanna ~
Many not knowing that they re.
Many believe that they have to have violet/blue light eyes, not true.
Indigo refers to their Aura.
Which means Healer
It's going to take a lot more than prayers. Prayers without action equals very little. People need to step out of their bubbles and look for ways they can be of service. We need to realize that personal sacrifices are needed for the greater good. If we can't keep guns out of the hands of murderers, homegrown terrorists then maybe we need to restrict those freedoms. But people are selfish and have decided they won't do that. Something so simple and urgent and they say NO. We only have one country and it's a beautiful one. If we began to heal America, imagine the possibilities.
Any ideas on that, C.D.
Thanks, again,
Maybe a star ship will be seen by so many there can't be a cover up. Maybe our star friends will begin to make themselves known. Maybe the veil is getting so thin that many more will see other planes and entities. God bless us each and everyone in this time of change.
It's living from the heart not the head; 5D higher consciousness instead of material 3D only; not forcing life rationally but allowing it to flow; rising above the dark instead of being locked in battle with it; feeling connection to everything instead of separation; Quantum physics compared to Newtonian physics; an inner radiance instead of 'trying to be good'. Intuition rather than dry logic; Manifestation. Lots of different ways of referring to it. But ancient civilisations and the mystic core of religions all point to the same process.
Unfortunately, like any spring clean, it also means having to clear out all the grime and finding the horrible murky stuff at the back of the cupboards and under the beds. Change can be painful. It might look bizarre that all this positive bliss talk is appearing while the world is unravelling into catastrophe and mass crises, but that's the old ways being purged. Millions of people are becoming more aware of how the world has been working, and finding their inner power to live differently. It will take time for that to build into a complete new reality but transformation is well underway.
I still hold on on Shraddha
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. Jimi Hendrix
I read a few weeks ago about the deathbed prophecy of Bulgarian mystic Peter Deunov. The Christian Dion of his day? It told of what the world would be going through in several decades' time (this is from 1944). Bearing in mind the world at that moment was in its own turmoil, he was talking about something chaotic in a different way which sounds a lot like now. Google his name, it's a bit startling!
I think that was one of his final prophecies. It seems like he read that out of the Bible. No matter, his advice was to turn to God. This I agree with.