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Morons next target ..

Take a look at Isis's next target.
Remember it came from France,
 in the first place...


T. W. said…
You have a point. There is a large Muslim population in New York, could be a sleeper cell waiting in the wings.

As always, thank you Christian for the warning!
I believe it! sending prayers to the world!
Anonymous said…
I've just read about a foiled terrorist sentenced for 40 years. Vietnamese, affiliated with Yemen Al Qaida, planning an attack at London Heathrow, extradited and prosecuted in New York. These guys are so well travelled and all over the place I'm almost jealous. They're like the new jet set.

I wonder if there are plans to co-ordinate attacks in NY and Paris (Paris has a Statue of Liberty too, not far from the Eiffel Tower) with the 'message' focused on that idea of liberty, fraternity etc across continents? France looks like it's heading for a meltdown with the mass strikes just in time for Euro '16 (huge soccer tournament). It looks perfect for another bout of psycho-murder-mayhem. A twin attack in both cities would be extra potent.

Trying to focus on higher vibes and a united humanity in a new earth, but they do make it SO hard...
Anonymous said…
That's been for a long time I keep dreaming of the statue being broken just the head remaining.
Common Sense said…
I knew it. I have always thought this would be one of their targets as well as the Eiffel tower in Paris. Oh my Lord...
Anonymous said…
I hope the attack is thwarted!
Jane Uk said…
I pray no one is hurt or worse. Fearful times for us all. What example are the world giving to the young?
Anonymous said…
Another replica of the Statue of Liberty in Paris is the flaming torch at Pont d'Alma which became the focus of grief when Princess Diana was killed nearby, with her playboy Muslim lover. That too would be a very potent place with a 'message'. Also to add, the big finale of the November attacks was supposed to be the suicide bombers at the Stade de France. That part was a failure for them, so their ambition may be to get it right this time.

I know this is focused on NY but the symbolism between the two cities and what they represent just feels like an obvious choice for a double showdown this summer.
Anonymous said…
Yes I get the effifel tower too.
Anonymous said…
Yep! A French gift that's America's symbol for freedom. In the US we feed them, teach them, $ support them, train them with our soldiers. We adjust our laws to fit them. They go to college for free. They breed a flood the welfare but we encourage our citizens to abort. We send our sons and daughters to fight their battles. At the end of all this, they still hate America! It's karma for the homeland not supporting its own and outlawing Christianity. Why care for a country they don't invest in?
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian,
Why do they hate France so much?

Anonymous said…
Anon @ 5:44 pm: They hate the French because the ppl and the church banned together to resist them during the crusades. In order to reach the British Isles, they had to go through France because they were not sea people like the vikings. Spain they controlled and made bankrupt through dehumanizing the women and girls. Therefore, the person around the children the most could not teach them. Milala's story has been told over 400 years ago. This is a holy war not a ethical dilemma. Also, France gave sanctuary to the Jews and Moors (African people of sub-saharian decent, aks black africans) refuge. Don't believe this post, study your history and eat bacon and pork chops without fear.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:12 the history slayer! Slay and twirl bish.
Anonymous said…
Sad. I pray this doesn't happen.

Anonymous said…
France has a very sharply defined relationship between citizens and state, since the days of the revolution. So of course does the US, though it plays out in a different way. The French people have secularism (not the same as atheism) deeply embedded in the national psyche and are much more averse to overt shows of religion. There has been a crackdown over the years on hijabs and burkas, for instance, in public (ie state-run) places. Muslims in Europe were much more laid back 30 years ago, loose haired, easy going, casually dressed, mixed with others, but there has been a massive swing towards Saudi style fundamentalism, in dress and social rules which limit integration. Just in my UK neighbourhood for instance, it's become disturbingly common to dress 3 year olds in hijabs and for men and women to refuse to speak to anyone of the opposite sex, ever. It's self-segregation. Other faiths and ethnic groups have blended as the generations go by. The Saudi movement means that Muslims have alas been moving in the opposite direction. It's not cultural either, as most muslim countries never had the Niqab or banned male/female conversation until now.

The strict secular compact between citizen and state in France has come up against an increasingly rigid lifestyle that doesn't want to compromise or accept the French system, and that has caused huge frictions. Paris especially is surrounded by suburbs full of Muslim communities with no common cause with the French way which means a spiral of alienation and often unemployability. Many countries are facing the same difficulties, but France is so firmly identified with their form of 'Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite' and so strict in the legal frameworks in which everyone has to operate, that the animosity and rebellion against it is starker.

Brussels wins the prize for the most virulent extremist activity. I don't know why. London became such a free place for Islamic extremists to meet, proselityse and plot, that it became nicknamed Londonistan.

The US has separation of church and state, but with people who are really into God and not afraid to show it. The UK is socially very sceptical about all things religious but have (until recently male only) Bishops in the House of Lords making law. All countries that believe in freedom but with very different interpretations of what that means!

Bush and Blair have a lot to answer for, but it's important to note that the Saudification of muslim communities was well under way before those stupid wars. Also note that France took a stand against those wars but have still been marked by rebellion and violence. I honestly don't know what to do about it anymore. Compromise and totalitarianism are never going to work together.
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:45 am: Preach!!!
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry I didn't mean to write such a long post. I'd be crap at Twitter!
Anonymous said…
Just as a curious little fact, there is also a Statue Of Liberty replica in Northern Japan, although considerably smaller. It's cool to see, though.
Anonymous said…
The Muslims, we're talking about here are the extremists, and not all Muslims. Most Muslims are okay, as are most Christians. When we see the bombings of Planned Parenthood, it was done by an extremist. I believe it is wrong to hate and condemn all of one race or of Religion. If we do, we, ourselves, are also wrong.

History repeats itself quite often, the hatred of Jews and Gypsies in Germany, internment of the Japanese which happened in our country during WWII. Hate is hate, it doesn't matter which side you're on. Sure, we need to be careful, but not to the condemnation of an entire race or religion.

T. W. said…
You are right. People have the right to choose Whom they serve.
T. W. said…
I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing.
T. W. said…
Thanks for this.
ever since last night I keep getting the Taylor Swift song welcome to New York and heard "welcome symbol" and keep seeing the scene from the movie titanic when Rose looks up at the Statue of Liberty and it keeps playing over and over in my head..I can't shake it.. so I pray that everyone stays
everyone stays safe***

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