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So,so sad ...

The Holy month of Ramadan.
Begins this year on June 5th to July 5th .
As much as this is a very special time, 
to true believers.
The morons that are Isis etc.
Will use this time, this year to cause major upsets.
Worse than ever before.


Anonymous said…
Hope this all ends very soon, it just gets too much.
Anonymous said…

what do you think of the Amber Rose show? More social media hype but falls flat with viewers.
Maria said…
Continuing their trend of being oh so holy and moral, yea? Unreal.
Jane Uk said…
We live in fearful times. I pray we come to have better times soon.
Anonymous said…
A lot of those emigrees from last year might regret choosing to go to Sweden. Ramadan when the sun never sets? Ouch!
T. W. said…
I never thought of that. The Muslims I know go by etan time to tell them when to pray, etc.
T. W. said…
I think it is called etan time. I am going by memory. The point is they have a set time to pray, so maybe they have a set time to eat. One year it was 4am eastern time.
Anonymous said…
T.W., I'm pretty sure that in the case of Ramadan Muslims have to wait for literal local sundown. It's certainly that way in the neighbourhood I live in (UK) - and they find that hard enough at this latitude. Also, when the great migration surge happened last year, A previous Muslim emigree to Sweden put out some comic youtube videos as a warning to people about their unrealistic expectations and misconceptions about how life would be. One of the first things he mentioned was that Ramadan was a nightmare for that reason.

Whatever people think of the migration issue, one thing that's a concern for me is that so many of those who risked so much and spent so much money trying to get to their imagined promised land(s), can become disillusioned by the harsh reality compared to the dream. There is something akin to Tulipmania in the expectations of many migrants I've seen and read interviewed. Or it's like the Wizard of Oz - on a long arduous journey their destination takes on an absurdly idealistic image. Then they arrive and the truth hits them, they're not going to just get what they want. Some make their way back home (what was that about being a refugee?!), others become resigned and admit they were unrealistic. Some are embarrassed and ashamed and don't want to let their family know what it's really like. But others become bitter and angry. Even if they didn't start off with a fundamentalist mindset, as the reality bites they could become hardened and join the hate groups out of sheer resentment. And that's not even counting the ready-trained psychos who will have slipped through in the crowds. We won't hear the end of this for a long long time, I fear. :-(

Sorry, that's a bit of a waffle, but this issue has become so polarised between 'let everyone in/ ban all foreigners' I think it's good to put down some more complex thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Anon 5:15 and 3:13, Common sense is so appreciated in the comment section. Kudos!
T. W. said…
I thank you for sharing your thoughts. Many blessings to you!

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