Thursday, December 31, 2015
A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions
Christian Dions’
Psychic Predictions 2016
(Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA).
(Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT)
As many of you know for the past few years.
I have done Predictions for the year ahead.
I have done Predictions for the year ahead.
Some Funny.
Some Not.
Some Serious.
Some Crazy.
Some Sad.
Some Fluff.
Well, this year things are little different.
As we know 2015 was a little rough,
to say the least.
So in light of that.
There is no way.
With a clear mind/Spirit.
That I can do that this year.
As the things that I have been seeing.
Are too….. AWFUL.
To be able to do the normal.
So what follows.
Is more like a letter to 2016,as well as to the people of this Planet.
To tell, what I see.
To hope that someone,
somewhere will take.
Perhaps just a little notice.
So that maybe.
Along with prayer, & good thoughts.
can change what, is ready to blossom.
In the year to come.
Perhaps, giving us all a breathing space.
To perhaps work together,
instead of against.
So with that, and fingers crossed.
Here goes.
“If we would but realize.
That Religion, is only a chair.
At the table of Faith.
That we can either have,
a Feast of Fulfillment.
Or, a Food Fight.
There are many nasty, terrible things.
Ahead, if we don’t change the menu,
in 2016 and beyond.
So awful in fact.
It will make the sad events,
carried out in 2015 in the name of God, Allah etc…
Look like a chimpanzee’s tea party”.
We have an election ahead in 2016 in the United States of America.
I have as you know already predicted since President Obama,
was elected first time around,
That Hilary Clinton would win, if she ran.
Which she is, so that we know.
But, what I didn’t see that far back.
Was the hatred that is being stirred up.
It’s going to get even worse.
Those of you that read my blog.
Will also know that for a long time,
I said that Donald Trump.
Is in danger of winning
the GOP nomination.
But that he wouldn’t get to the Whitehouse.
Well there’s a couple of “bullets”
with his name on them.
I know that “He” won’t listen to me.
Why the Hell should he.
But that’s the way it is at this moment.
The terrible attacks,
that were carried out in Paris.
(Predicted as you know in the 2015 predictions)
Are but the beginning of many more.
France is particularly, but not only,
the target of these monsters.
On a side note.
I see these so called “Christians” saying all kind of things about the monsters that did these things.
They need to look in the mirror of History, to remember, not long ago, Hitler.
A little further back.
The Inquisition.
Nice bunch of blokes they were.
But if you think that for one moment Donald Trump.
Is in anyway the worst of the bunch,
think again.
There are plans from within the GOP to go after Hilary Clinton,
With such hatred, you won’t believe,
it unless you hear it.
Mind you all she has to do is to sit back.
Carry on knitting, and let them get on with it.
But the really sad part of all this trash,
Is that it is going to give rise, to the
re-emergance of the KKK.
Not good.
There are also going to be many more mass demonstrations all across the USA.
These will grow and grow in numbers, as the year progresses.
Even in cities that so far have been avoided.
I’m afraid that the killing of Black men by the police.
Shows no sign of slowing down,
If anything,
Speeding up.
Also would you agree that this is a spot on assessment of Bill and Hill:
Elite deviance is a phenomenon in which a tiny few people who have enough material wealth, political influence and personal connections can immunize themselves from considering the consequences of their most abhorrent, destructive, vile and even criminal behavior.
Elite deviance protects and perpetuates moral depravity and debased ethical relativism among the powerful and wealthy in our midst. It is an aberration of civil society that is only possible through the elites’ cadres of supporters, sycophants, apologists and fellow travelers in media, academia, politics and high finance.
In short, elite deviance means that there are a few among us to whom the rules don’t apply. They can behave with impunity in ways that would otherwise incur severe, if not life-ending, repercussions for all others in the American criminal justice system.
I only hope that Hillary suffers ALL the slings and arrows that she and her highly placed and highly powerful surrogates flung at Bill's victims. That is the very least that this woman deserves. In my opinion hell awaits her. She is that evil, that ruthless, that soulless, and that power mad.
Having said that, I am very, very, sad that these two are now our choices for our next president. For you to keep touting Hillary, knowing who she is, is like a stab in the back to me. I am so immenseley sad and disappointed I just can not tell you. I am shattered.
- See more at:
I have noticed some very disturbing trends with in the Democratic ranks (or outside Independent liberals) who are claiming that the DNC/HRC are cheating every time Bernie loses and they have all these articles to claim that. I know there are irregularities in the voting and that the GOP have actively done that. My question to you is....who is behind the articles? Is it an active attempt to sow seeds of discord for Trump to mop up and get the berners, or are these turn coat liberals who hate Hillary for whatever reason? Who is behind these articles? There has never been any shenanigans in the DNC to my knowledge. We used to get frustrated because they would always try to "rise above it" and allow the GOP to act up and spread lies without challenge until Bill Clinton became president and then he taught us all to answer the question or accusation and don't allow it to gain traction.
Hope all is well with you and yours. This is giving me such a splitting head ache I just had to ask.
Laura O.
I don't like the Clinton's either. I know the scandal you speak of, the press stopped reporting it quickly. Wonder why...
If that is so then you could have fooled me, He He He.
I know you are trying for the voice of reason here but CD certainly does have a horse in this race by the way he characterizes one side and totally discounts or obfuscates the very same thing on the other side. And he has gone way beyond the pale in letting Hill and Bill's major character issues go unanswered, even though I plead for it.
You wonder why the press stopped reporting it? No mystery. Big money and Big Power behind that money. Keep in mind, if Andrew goes down Billy Boy goes down. Mummy would never, ever, ever, allow that to happen. So because Bill was linked to Andrew and Epstein Mummy will not allow that thread to be pulled. It has simply been tucked and tidied and taylored so as to be out of sight and out of mind. And that does not even take into account the power and money behind the cover up here in the US.
I refuse to turn a blind eye as to who this couple really are at their core. Their revisionist, white washed history is spectacturly successful for them. I mean, credit where credit is due, and all that. They have garnered the folks with short term memory, the ignorant of who Hill and Bill are, the gender bender crowd, and the people with rose colored glasses. But there is no way in hell CD, or anybody should cry crocodile tears, or run to the gender card in Hillary's defense when she is taken to task. She is a despicable, ugly, and I believe, evil person at her very core. Why CD will not tell us the truth about these two and all the evil surrounding them, God's honest truth, I don't understand. I can't fathom the reason why CD continue he's to side step this and it makes me wonder why I continue to hope that he would actually try to help this nation by revealing.
Hillary will deserve just about every single thing that she will be hit with. Heck, her team will have invented at least half of the tactics that will be in play. Make no mistake, Hillary was the supreme architect of the take down of those women, Bill's VICTIMS. Bill effed them (or tried to eff them) then Hillary really effed them. Hillary just could not shut Monica down. She tried. Lord, did she try. Oh, that pesky blue dress that Linda Tripp made her keep!
So whenever you see "He He He" if it does not make your blood boil on behalf of Bill's, then Hill's victims, the Benghazi families, for all their lies, all their scandals, and all the vindictive nonsense they have unleashed on this nation then I don't know what to say. Does no one have a heart? Does no one have tears or a memory for what this couple have done, in total, to this nation?
This couple is the very definition of Elite Deviance that professor Simon lays out in his critique of the Little St. James Island scandal that caught out Andrew and Bill but was swept under the rug by Mummy and the powers that be behind Hill and Bill.
Lord, please deliver us from evil.
One last time, please help facilitate this CD. If that means that the two front runners are pushed to the side, so be it. How much evil will you allow to descend to "the throne"? That IS my question.
And, famously, we know that Bill DID have "sex with that woman", but did he have sex with thirteen and fourteen year old girls? If we can't get a clear answer on that from this site then we are ballocked for sure. This would have been done and dusted and "He He'd" over if it involved any one else but the Clintons. That is just how I feel about it and that is why it shatters me.
You can go crazy over this, but there is no reason. Why? Because nothing will be done. Look over at your family and smile....that is real. Hug your mother, father, sister, brother, friends.....that is also real.
Conspiracy theories have been around forever and your anger and frustration will only hurt yourself.
Hug your family.
If CD would but answer one or more of my questions straight on I would feel that we don't have another apologist among us and therefore another person that willingly leaves us in the dark, the muck, and the mire. I know that no one wants to be sued or gone after by powerful people, but if CD would at least say that there is emphatically no truth that Bill slept with underage girls, or "in his opinion" there is a high probability that he did, then I would feel that we had some help and somewhere to go in this upside down election year. If, on the other hand, we are side stepped, completely ignored, or we get things like he didn't "knowingly" sleep with underage girls then I know that the gift is MAYBE used for ulterior motives and may not end up being for our greater good even though we beg for help.
Please know that although CD says Hillary will have "hate" the likes of which no one has seen thrown at her, I am an American that has gone the the sixties unrest and the rest of the decades watching this nation grow. But I have never seen the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton in their total disregard and unfamiliarity with the truth and the laws of our nation. Bill should have been jailed and Hillary should be prosecuted. What ever "hate" will be thrown at her will be fact based. She and Bill have given a gold mine of deviant behavior and unlawful practices as a gift to people willing to speak the truth about these two Svengali's.
What is a gift for if not for the greater good? Good these people ain't. I am asking for truth and justice over blind allegiance. I don't feel that that is too much to ask for. Do you?
Men and their wars, men and their religions, men and their egos, men and their insecurity, men and their need for power, men and their need to control, men and their need to dominate... Men, are the problem.
Of course I am NOT suggesting ALL men. There are plenty of good men in the world. Good men and women are scared off by today's social media and political bullshit to ever even consider running for president and other political positions. The cream no longer rises to the top, only the loudest and meanest do (i.e., Hillary, Trump).
Perhaps if the world was run by women, there would be no wars. There would be equal pay, health care for everyone, education for all, the sick and the elderly would be comforted. We would live in a kinder, gentler, loving world. There would be flowers EVERYWHERE. John Lennon's song "Imagine" would be the theme of the new world.
A prediction is a prediction.
Not an opinion.
Hope that explains why I don't or haven't done much on the Clintons, be patient he he CD
I wasn't going to comment on your lunacy but here you are again with the Clinton sex obsession! Get a life!
I am an older female, I had have a life, thank you very much, and I have had varied jobs. Paid professional? I wish. I am pulling in part time money right now with retirement looming. Suffice it to say that professional money sounds like a dream right about now. Dare I say that I wish I could access money from a foundation like the Clintons do? Laundering, anyone??!!! Sorry, couldn't resist.
Many of you may not have the life experience of living through the Clinton years so when you don't panic over Hillary taking office I almost understand why. I apologize for demanding things from CD that were not my right to demand. He doesn't have to tell me squat. But I can only take so much chortling and He Heing in regards to this monumental decision we will all be making and only getting one lopsided slant on the front runners before I go into panic mode and double down, even triple down, as CD has done in regards to the candidates. It is his right to do with his site as he sees fit but I honestly started to sweat the way in which one side was portrayed over the other. In doing so I went way, way, overboard. I'm sure that we can all agree on that. My apologies for all on here as well. But this one sided slant scares the hell out of me because I feel that people will think that the Clintons are fab, and wonderful, and so altruistic to want to serve their country and that our nation deserves the likes of the Clintons. We don't. We don't deserve Donald either. These three are the poster children for what Dr. Simon describes as Elite Deviance. I respectfully ask that you look into it. Just the fact that Bill is a sexual predator is a non starter for me. We will get the Clintons as a pair. Hillary did what no woman should do to another woman (the power thirst is great in this one) she attacked and systematically dismantled the lives of Bill's victims, one by one, using the surrogate power of the White House. Until she got to Monica. Attack her she did, guns a blazing, but for "the" dress. I am honestly, honestly, surprised that Monica did not wind up in an insane asylum or end up killing herself considering all that Hillary brought to bear against her. Can any of you put yourself in her shoes??!! Some of the most powerful people in the country, some would argue, the world, more than likely wished her dead, and just as likely, wanted her dead. Can you imagine for a moment the ungodly nightmare that would be at twenty two years old???!!! But that is only the tip of the ice berg for these two. Sorry, on my soap box again.
I won't be voting for either Trump or Clinton. It would a crime against humanity and my conscience to do so. I guess I am left with a write-in. It is something I have never done in my life and it makes me very, very, sad that our choice is an Elite Deviant(s) or an Elite Deviant.
I will now refrain from commenting as I know that I have stepped over some boundaries, pushed too hard and upset many by doing so, myself included (Boy, I was on a tear! Yikes!!) and ultimately, this is not the format to do so. I will say that the knee jerk responses of "get a life" and/or "get a job" are just that and it is low hanging fruit as well. I am glad that a valid point was made further on but using those sound bites will not help in trying to make others see your point of view. I think you know that but you were probably upset like I was and wanted to attack in kind.
Finally, please don't discount the message because the messenger was so panicked, so vehement, so full of hyperbole, and so very imperfect: Trump Bad, AND Clinton(s) Bad.
I am sorry CD for co-opting your site. I will now concede that The Pant Suited Blunderbuss wins by decree.
As an explanation, I will admit that I was at first in despair, and then quite angry yesterday in regards to who in the race for the White House has either fallen to the bottom, or risen to the top, depending on your point of view. But this is the crux of how I feel about things - The people sitting at the adult table need not be shielded from certain information about their favorite candidate ( yeah, I am looking directly at Hillary) because they will need the good, the bad, and the ugly as vital information when they go to vote for a presidential candidate. I feel that just because some facts and truths may be uncomfortable, don't fit the agenda, or are compromising, or even unlawful, should not make it a legitimate reason to selectively omit them. But ultimately, that is your right to do so.
So if you care, I am willing to show that I normally don't go about my day in a stupor or a huff.
Then we can carry on worrying about Twigs, and the like. That is meant to be funny, by the way.