Pretty Boy Zac Efron, actor has finally admitted.
That he and "Girlfriend" Sami Miro.
Are quits after two years of dating.
(Not that we didnt know that here ha ha)
Odd though,
as I thought he'd been single all along.
Well, no doubt, his handlers.
Will have a Girlfriend lined up for him.
Lets hope this one can act at least, in public.
Hope all you and yours are well. Did you ever get a reply from the TV people Cd
Nothing yet, But I feel that I got their interest up for you. I am going to write some more today. I would love to see you on a show that compliments your style and flare. People connect to you and your also very funny! Anyway, Hugs & Love CD!! Have an awesome Wednesday also known as Hump Day…. I know right.. hump day? hahaha!
PS. I would would help greatly if all fans of CD write -email to their fav network or show requesting them to check CD's website- It's very simple to do, I have done it. Pray that a good producer will get word and check CD out and see how to get CD a special show that will not hinder CD's openness to promoting self awareness for the people of the world blended with entertainment. I was just thinking the Today Show to have you on…. I am going to send them an email right now. (I watch that show every morning) Just get CD's name out there is a big plus! Love ya CD!! Peace & Blessings to all!