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TOLD YA, half way there..

Saturday, March 5, 2016

A GOP nightmare ...

Here's something to upset the GOP right wingers.
When Hilary Clinton is back in the Whitehouse.
She'll declassify the UFO files.
I can't wait.
If you this Trump is getting them going.
Wait till this happens.


Anonymous said…
This year, three of the four major contenders for the US Presidency have been a Jewish man, a woman, and a Hispanic. I think that's major. And I am excited about the first female US Presidential candidate!
Anonymous said…
Anon4:35: Me too! Trump, you're fired, haha!
T. W. said…
This will be exciting!
Anonymous said…
She is appalling - a total establishment shill - you deserve your 2 candidates - the fix is on. slick willy will be pimping in the Whitehouse again!
Anonymous said…
When Hillary Clinton is back in the Whitehouse. . . .we will have two power hungry degenerates AGAIN because with Hill comes Bill.

Is there any truth to the rumors that Hillary brokered a deal between Canada and Russia whereby Canada provided Russia with uranium?
Then, duh, duh, duh, 140 million dollars shows up at the Clinton Foundation from Russia, with love. Well, shucks, Hillary would never do a thing like that. Would she?????!!!!!;
Common Sense said…
I personally do not care if the President is black or white, gay or straight, Christian or Buddhist, man or woman. I do not think we should vote for Clinton just because she is a woman.

"We need a Mr./Ms. Everything, a man who brings us together with a clear and commanding picture of all that is good within our nation. We need a leader with amazing courage to do what is unlikely; who surprises us with his compassion, intellect, humility, unwavering faith and overwhelming commitment to the good of nation above all else."

Anonymous said…
I agree completely - Clinton will be governing for the banks not the people. I wish Obama could stay on.
Jane Uk said…
Common Sense vote for Bernie then.
Anonymous said…
Agree common sense. It's about time for a president not for the rich people. It's about time for one for the normal people and the peace on earth.
Anonymous said…
No matter whether you support Sanders or Clinton, we do not want Trump in the White House.

Anonymous said…
common sense.. how about Caitlyn jenner then/
Anonymous said…
Well, that certainly isn't Sanders.
chris said…
As an American this election has been downright depressing. Trump is a joke. Hillary a scary power hungry.... And Bernie has been gamed by the REAL nomination process that goes on behind closed doors. Not much optimism here regardless of who gets the keys.
CyndiTx123 said…
I agree with Kay….. Trump is a ticking time bomb… no pun intended- but he is sooo egotistical and just plain mean with his words and just says whatever he wants and gets away with it… Happy that he is not getting backing for outing a mexican judge - who is covering his case of fraud ….. I just pray this judge doesn't get hit by the cartel…. Trust me the cartel will strike anyone they want…. It happened in my town(which is a very high income ratio town) when a lawyer hiding out from the cartel- got gunned down in our very nice shopping area… then his family in Mexico got gunned down… For Trump to out this Judge in California is disgraceful !! Please CD, let us know if this Judge will be safe!!!
petra07 said…
Politicians have a habit of saying one thing and then changing track. So I will wait and see if Hilary gets to the White House to see if she does reveal this info.
T. W. said…
Thanks for my second laugh today!
T. W. said…
I would vote for Cait.
Anonymous said…
Hilary needs to think about retiring. She certainly looks like she should!
Common Sense said…
Oh, the "C" word! Actually, quite fitting. I agree, none are good. Not Hilary, not Trump, and not even Bernie. But as Christian has predicted, Hilary wins and the USA is once again stuck with the Clintons at the White House. When that happens, people are going to revolt. It's going to get ugly.
Anonymous said…
We do not want Clinton either - liar in chief
T. W. said…
The word c**t is not good. I feel like you want people to know how disgusted you are. Okay. As for Bernie, someone found an old article in which he said women asked to be raped. I don't hear people talking about that. Nothing but a$$holes running for president, this is a lose/lose situation for the people.
C said…
Man people get so ugly when these elections come about. This election has been nothing but a disaster and a joke.
Anonymous said…
I won't even dignify the ignorance of politics displayed in this thread with a response, but I will say.....i hope she does declassify it. It should be. We all need to be aware of this. Nobody's going to freak. Let's just be honest about what is known and go from there.....

T. W. said…
It's good to hear from you L. O.!
Anonymous said…
Thanks, T.W. I really like the idea of them declassifying more info, especially about the UFO stuff. I remember president Clinton got asked about UFO's once and he said he didn't get the info on that, but was interested in it to. So was Carter. The extreme secrecy needs to end. Everybody knows it's true anyway, so it will come as no surprise.

Anonymous said…
The Clintons have an agenda so beware!
Jane Uk said…
I feel for you , i wasn't happy when the tories got in here in England. I heard trump only doing all this so hillary looks good and gets in. He is surprise that he was as popular as he is.
Anonymous said…
I see its back to business as usual in the political comments. This is the last one I'll take a look at. See you in the gossip and world affairs, my friends!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to Hillary Rodham Clinton for winning the nomination!
Common Sense said…
Ugh... excuse me, I suddenly have the urge to vomit!
T. W. said…
You understand completely.
T. W. said…
Thanks for taking time to comment, come back often!
Anonymous said…
You regulars are being played like a violen by what called an Internet "mob". They have led you by the nose. Ask yourself if Christ would agree with your comments about a woman who you don't even know. You know He would not. Judge not lest ye be judged. Someday when you have accomplished something unique, there will be people who will call you curse words, who will revile you without having a clue about who you really are. In public, on the Internet. And they will take great pleasure in having a bunch of silly geese follow right along with them. Enjoy!
T. W. said…
I know you mean well. I disagreed with Hillary being called a c**t. As for name calling, Jesus did some name calling in his day. No lie ever left his lips. We are not perfect like Jesus, but if we are truly sorry when we are wrong we are forgiven. As for judging, we as humans have to make judgements on a daily basis. What color is that traffic light? Did someone just give me a compliment? Should I stay away from this? These are judgements. Let Scripture interpret Scripture.
Anonymous said…
TW, I know you want to run this place, and also be the religious authority, but you have crossed the line again. You just used the name of Jesus Christ to try to justify the using of that word just because you don't like Hillary Clinton. That is a shocking breach of of your avowed principles.

Your examples of judgements are Questions, and people make decisions about questions, and that is called an answer. A judgement is a totally different thing. A judgement is a personal view and may not have anything to do with the truth. A red light is red no matter what you answer, a judgement may be a lie. Jesus died on the cross because of a judgement that was a lie.

Don't judge lest ye be judged, is age old wisdom. You don't like Hillary, someone will not like you for it. The words written here go before many eyes.

Let scripture interpret scripture? Then get all those preachers out of the pulpits and off the TV screen. Any word they utter that is not scripture is not allowed by your rule. Any. Amen!
T. W. said…
I do not run this place. I like to comment here and I like the commenters even when I do not agree.

I am not a religious authority, I am not down with religion. I am pro Jesus. People exercise their free will and can say, do, and believe what they want. A lot of people of other faiths have commented here and I have not bashed them.

As for opinions, Paul had opinions yet people take it as being set in stone. For example, he said men should not have long hair and each congregation had to figure out the length but if it caused division then don't worry if the man had long hair. You have a right to what you said, I just did not agree at the time.

I apologize for not being clear and for hurting you. I can take correction because I believe you did it in love. I have no problem with you and hope you continue to comment here. God bless you always. TW
Common Sense said…
Oh for crying outloud! Who made you the Judge and Empress of CD's blog post? TW has a right to freedom of speech as do the others that post here. Who is judging who? No wonder the world can't get along, because they can't accept other's differences.

Here is a little something that might change your mind about Clinton:

"Coloured people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated."
- Margaret Sanger

"Slavs, Latin and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds... a deadweight of human waste. Blacks, soldiers, and Jews are a menace to the race."
- Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, 1922

"I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision..." - Hillary Clinton

By the way, the "c" word is similar to the word "dick."
T. W. said…
Thank you Common Sense. You always speak well. I wish I could. I am not a fan of Sanger, Clinton, or Planned Parenthood. PP pushes blacks to get abortions and agree with Sanger. Hillary will win and I fear for America.
T. W. said…
Jesus would not have used those words. Have you read Matthew 23:3? He called some people snakes and vipers. In another scripture he called a Gentile woman a dog.

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