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Unbelievable ..

You really can't make this shit up.
Even just a week after the latest massacre.
The powers that be.
Didn't want to put a stop to this bloody gun crap.
Well, when there are even more.
Even bigger massacres.
Lets see what they do about it.
Oh, yeah.


what are people to do? besides surround oneself in the white light can we overthrow these people? the elections are rigged so saying just go vote is not a viable option...I had a vision,nightmare really, of another attack of 130 people and 4 shooters involved...couldn't pinpoint the exact place but it was a concert or sporting event in usa it felt like..could be europe but it makes people not want to go anywhere or do anything to a certain degree
chris said…
Here is the link for how every senator voted on Gun Legislation yesterday. Spineless senators from all over the country. Please take a look and VOTE THEM OUT. NRA or USA you decide.
C said…
I was just thinking about this. The bottom line is this: THEY DON'T CARE. People need to wake up realize how much of their governments don't care for them. We need to start putting our foots down about this. If the government honestly cared about us, they would have done something when Sandy Hook happened.
Anonymous said…
I'm wondering what was attached to that bill to make senators vote against it. Bills are very rarely one-issue documents, they usually have a number of other of items tacked on and a lot of times, because a politician objects to one of those rxtra items, he or she has to vote against the entire thing since they don't have the option to vote down parts of it.
T. W. said…
Why would the powers that be want to stop population control?
Anonymous said…
I can believe it. Those greedy, power hungry, heartless Senators ought to be ashamed of themselves. They repeatedly show time and time again that they cannot get anything done and are only in it for themselves and not for the people. And, I finds a way of hitting people over their thick heads with a 2 x 4 until they FINALLY get the message and enact change. Which means this will most likely go on time and time again and gosh forbid on a larger scale until they.....once again do absolutely nothing. We have GOT to vote them out. All of them. It'll take time....maybe decades...but I have to have faith that we'll come out of this mess and go on to better and safer times at some juncture.
Anonymous said…
Selma Blair...wha...?
Anonymous said…
Some states are going to nullify the gun law. Also Abby dance moms is about to plead guilty to fraud. Another told yah!
Maria said…
I was naive enough to believe we would finally get real action. I called senators, tweeted, cheered on Murphy during his filibuster believing this would be THE moment. Until I began reading how we did not have the numbers and the GOP were not going to budge. I can only hope and believe in the aftermath of this sickening massacre at Pulse people are going to use their voting POWER in November. Because, yes, these senators blocking safety measure are SPINELESS assholes. I've had it.
Anonymous said…
Change happens slowly, it's very seldom overnight. Gun control laws will be passed, but they could be passed by our children or our grandchildren. The county is becoming less rural and the gun culture is very much part of the environment in rural areas. As the population increases (in time)and more and more people live in cities, gun laws will be passed. Until then....well, I don't know.

Kay said…
And also I don't understand why the gun show loop hole can't be fixed. We already have to go through background checks when purchasing a firearm at a store. It's just stupid that we don't have the same laws for gun shows as retail establishments. Why would anyone vote against that?

I've been around guns for most of my life and I can see both sides, but to not vote for the gun show loophole to be abolished makes absolutely no sense. It's not "take an inch - take a mile". We're not infringing on any one's rights.

Anonymous said…
Christian Dion, you really need to read the book "TRANCE Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien. Her videos are also on youtube and you will learn the TRUTH about the Bushes and the Clintons and the New World Order. I'm not reading your blog anymore, because you are a "very wicked woman" with your "predictions" about Donald Trump. I think your "wishful" predictions are disgusting and we really don't need people like you "promoting violence" in the United States.
Psychic Gossip said…
At the risk of repeating myself.
" My predictions, are not my opinions"
What I THINK" and what I "SEE" are two completely different things.
I am sorry that you won't be reading the blog anymore, as by not reading the blog, you are closing down, your clearly already closed world.
Oh Well...
By the way you need to get your gender pro nouns, corrected.
Are you one of those that believe trans people shouldn't be able to pee in public?

As for you objecting to my Predictions/Opinions on Donald Trump.
"AS I have said for over a year,, HE WON"T BE GOING TO THRE WHITEHOUSE"

Here's my OPINION.
Donald trump is a nasty selfish MORON, plain & simple

chris said…
Love you CD. Tell it like it is. And Anonymous needs to heed your words about Trump -- if Trump is keeping him/her from reading this blog, then ignorance is truly bliss -- because only an ignorant individual cannot see through that bombastic, unfiltered jerk of a human being. The only person he cares about is himself and winning of course -- regardless of who loses -- and we all lose if he is taken seriously. Ugly stuff from that MORON. The GOP is gutless -- they deserve him. Buh Bye Anonymous--go attend another Trump Rally. Peace out.
T. W. said…
Christian is accurate and I support him. He is also a man.
T. W. said…
Christian,you are too funny!

I am female and I have used the men's room out of desperation. Governor McCrory should have left well enough alone. Trans people can use any toilet as far as I am concerned.
Maria said…
I agree! I could not care less who uses the restrooms. There is no more danger in sharing than there is now. GMAFB. I love that CD won't suffer fools or hold back. Courage and honesty are so damn refreshing.

Kay, a main part of the problem is that when people get put on the watch list it becomes very difficult for them to get off, have their names removed. You can imagine how it can affect the lives of innocent people. It can go on for a long time, trying to get one's name clear.

That said, the only reason GOP and NRA have a problem with this is commerce. They're concerned about losing the tiny amounts of profit if people can't buy their guns. For them the risk is worth the very obvious danger. FN ridic!
so that commentor thinks christian promotes violence but donald trump doesn't? haha Thanks, I needed a laugh today.... christian is very funny and comical and truthful so if that commentor cannot appreciate that then don't let the door hit ya, I say
Anonymous said…
I had to guffaw when I read the comment that said change happens slowly. By the very definition of the word, change is quick. But that being said, gun laws were changed after Republican Ronald Reagan was shot. It was called the Brady law, after the man who was so severely injured by Reagan.

In the Clinton years, there was a ban on weapons like AK 47s, and Uzis, etc., and a ban against high bullet count magazines. BANNED. COULDN'T EVEN BE IMPORTED.. It was hard to get a gun permit, and nearly impossible for an ordinary person to get a concealed carry permit. There was a three day cooling off period after a gun was purchased, so NO gun show sales.

We lived in St. Louis county, and you had to get a letter from the county sheriff granting you permission to buy a gun.

Christian is right about the escalation of mass killings. The Senate gave the green light, right after the worst mass killing ever. No rioting, no huge protests, not even a flaming bag of dog poop on the Capitol steps after their votes. We will reap what they have sown.
CyndiTx123 said…
I am with him…. CD that is…. :) Thank you for responding to the nutter about whatever he was trying to say…. So many crazies out there!!
NRA has to be paying out a lot of politicians not to get some kind of ban on assault weapons… wished the former Pres Bush/Cheney…. kept Pres Clintons ban on assault weapons going…. instead he refused to sign the law to keep assault weapons banned…. Ugh!
Anyway- thank you for all of your insight!!! Big Hugs CD!!
Anonymous said…
Cyndi, I was reading the other day about a fellow who found out his congressman got $3,500,000.00 from the NRA in contributions for his gun favorable votes. So this guy publicly challenged the politician by asking, "If I give you more money than they did, will you vote yes to gun legislation?"
Anonymous said…
Anonymous June 22 @ 6:01 PM, what are you, some kind of nut?
Anonymous said…
Just from what Anon 6:01 said about CD, I know Cathy OBrian's book is outhouse paper. You totally botched your advertisement.
Anonymous said…
Change does happen slowly. It took until a few years ago for medical marijuana to become legal in a few states. Legal Marijuana is on the move too even though it has been smoked for decades. As the population ages, the newer, progressive generations age and they are notably more liberal. Concerning the LGBT community, acceptance of marriage laws is only in a few states, and it will take a long while for it to be represented in all states. It's a slow ascent up that mountain, inch by inch, but someday, with the help of our children and grandchildren, the LGBT community will be on the mountain top.

President Reagan was different. He was the President. Injure or kill a President and change will occur fast. Injure or kill children, nothing happens. Until someone higher up is wounded, it is a slow climb for gun laws. If you're ever lived in a really backward Red state, you'll understand how it will take decades for new gun laws. These people are good people, but they are radical to the extreme concerning guns. They won't allow it. But their grandchildren might.

Anonymous said…
Well now a cinema shooting in Germany and they have strict gun laws which bans fully automatic weapons and severely restricts the acquisition of other types of weapons. Not every citizen should lose their 2nd Amendment rights due to relatively few crazies and extremists. Not the right solution!
Common Sense said…
I don't know if marijuana should be legalized for non-medical use. I just don't know. Personally, I like my brain, my most prized asset, to be super sharp at all times. I can't stand the smell of marijuana, it is a stench of huge proportions. I can't imagine riding the train in the morning and working with a bunch of people who are buzzed. There are medical issues with extended use. Sorry, doesn't work.
KellyK said…
Common Sense: Even if marijuana was made legal it wouldn't mean people would automatically be buzzed all the time. Alcohol is legal, that doesn't mean all drinkers are drunk all the time. There are medical issues with extended use of alcohol too, should we revert back to prohibition? There are liquor stores everywhere. Beer can be bought on almost every corner in every convenience store and still, the majority of drinkers aren't drunk on the train or at work. And if we're concerned about the long term effects of a smoking substance we should start with cigarettes.

I came here something else..strange that this is the convo I got into. I don't even smoke pot. lol

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