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Watch out, watch out there's a Trump about ..

On June 24th Donald "BabyFart" Trump.
Will be visiting the UK.
To attend the re opening of his,
 "POSH" Scottish Golf Course.
" Trump Turnberry".
Well, that's if the let him in.
He better have really good protection.
I wonder if he knows that the terrorists, 
know where Scotland is....


T. W. said…
I see what you did ...
Common Sense said…
Oh no. Is this where the "bullet with his name on it" comes in? Perhaps "BabyFart" should be changed to "BabyHitler."
Jane Uk said…
This is awful, hope nothing happens 2 anyone in Scotland.
Anonymous said…
Oh FFS with the ridiculous Hitler/Trump comparison.I won't vote for him, but they aren't even close to being the same.
Anonymous said…
I don't know how aware American readers are of this, but the UK is holding a referendum to potentially exit the European Union, on the 23rd of June. It's a very very big deal and everyone will be on a nerve-spangled cliff edge about the result, which will be due just as The Donald comes to visit. What timing! Emotions will be heightened anyway so heaven only knows how people will react if there's a terrorist attempt at that moment.

Incidentally, does CD have any insights about how the referendum will turn out? I did a search but only Greece came up.
Psychic Gossip said…
Trump and Hitler not the same or alike. READ THE HISTORY OF 1930/40's
As the saying goes, when we don't stand up to be counted HISTORY will REPEAT itself CD
T. W. said…
I have heard of it. You might be better off.
Common Sense said…
Anonymous at 4:45 PM, you might want to search online for comparisons. You will be shocked!
Anonymous said…
Funny you should post this. I was just saying, when I saw him ranting and raving over what Hillary said about him that he was starting to look and sound just like Hitler. The same thing, only he makes more ridiculous faces than Hitler and Hitler didn't start ranting and raving until he had already secured his power, unlike Drumpf ha ha ha ha ha. I love this.
Anonymous said…
Funny you should post this. I was just saying, when I saw him ranting and raving over what Hillary said about him that he was starting to look and sound just like Hitler. The same thing, only he makes more ridiculous faces than Hitler and Hitler didn't start ranting and raving until he had already secured his power, unlike Drumpf ha ha ha ha ha. I love this.
Anonymous said…
My father was in the holocaust. He's 91. He said the same way that Trump talks about Mexicans and Muslims is exactly how Hitler talked about Jews. Trump's ethnicity is German. His grandfather changed the name from Drumpf. Lastly, Trump keeps a book of Hitler's speeches by his bedside, which he studies, diligently. Google it - Why on earth would anyone want to study Hitler's speeches?

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