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All done bah the shooting ....

So now the Bernie has endorsed Hilary.
It's all over.....
Say "Hello" to Madame President......
Not the we didn't know that all along.
In fact more than 8 years ago, we knew...


Anonymous said…
Maybe Bernie forvicr president
will she be a good president, I wonder?
Anonymous said…
Yeah, baby!
T. W. said…
Yes, you did tell us. She has been waiting in the wings for so long. Will Bernie be her running mate?
Anonymous said…
All I can say is AMEN. Do you see this election as being a close one? I can only hope Trump will be humiliated! Will Hillary crush babyfart?

Do you have any predictions for VP's for either Trump or Clinton?

What do you see VP Biden and President Obama doing after their terms are up? I believe they still have a lot of positive brainpower to offer this world (and darn don't we need it!).

Anonymous said…
What does the title mean? "but the shooting"? What does that mean?
Anonymous said…
The outcome of her presidency.
Unknown said…
lol...welcome to the new era of hard and cold president she will be
Myles Standoffish said…
This is a sad, sad, sad day indeed.

I hope some way, some how, she and Bill get their come uppence. It is hard to find another couple so full of themselves and so thirsty for power as the likes of Bill and Hillary Clinton. A power they must have, at any cost.
I'll say it now, before she becomes the president, I would not stop to help this woman if a tornado was heading right for her. If I helped it would disrupt what she has coming in regards to karma.

And I still think it holds true that our favorite psychic handles her and Bill with kid gloves. They are not deserving in any way, shape or form. They are vile, despicable people.
Anonymous said…
(Off the topic)

Hi, You said Niall is gay. Is this PR stunt?
Anonymous said…
Unknown, The public doesn't need or want her to be our mommy. If she's all business, that's ok.
Sana said…
Shes a Scorpion like the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher.
T. W. said…
If they are clients of Christian's then he has to choose his words carefully.
Anonymous said…
Sorry for asking this question here. But do you still believe Trump will chose Ann Coultier for VP? I hope so, will be certainly entertaining watching these two jerks. That said, I can't get my head around who Hillary will pick can you enlighten us???
Anonymous said…
I agree CD, Trump didn't think he would get this far so now he wants it although he was supposed to let H in but now wants to go all the way. The power and then the financial rewards he would be free of debt. But they will probably find a way to block it.
Anonymous said…
I'm also wondering about her running mate. Will it be Sanders?

Anonymous said…
Wrong. Maggie Thatcher was Libra
Anonymous said…
Your system is Broken. Both are lousy candidates. Hitlery will ruin America.
Xoxo said…
Myles karma will come rather you help her or not, it won't stop because u help her. Mother nature is bigger than all us. There's no way u "urself" can stop karma from happening don't put so much emphasis on your self.
Anonymous said…
No chance
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I think all the One Direction boys are...
T. W. said…
Yeah. That is to be expected.
Anonymous said…
I'm surprised no one added "Not that there's anything wrong with that....."
Maria said…
So fun ignoring most of these comments. Wheee!

Thrilled for Hillary and for women! Sexism bore it's ugly head time and time again and we had to stamp it out at every turn. I am worried about her health. This is a difficult time in America on all fronts. I hope she choose the best team possible. I hope she can stem the tide of violence between police and the black community. To me nothing else matters until ALL humans in this country are made to feel equally valued.
Anonymous said…
Maria, God bless your precious soul! Amen, sister, to all you have declared. You are the bright future of our country.

Anonymous said…
Trump a rapist?? Relates only in terms of this upcoming election, but not to this pair. Just read this article in HuffPost of rape allegations of a girl when she was 13 years old by Trump. Can you tell us if this is true? If so, will Trump ever be exposed?
T. W. said…
Hillary is very bright, so bright she could be the team! No joke.
T. W. said…
Hi HRH! Keep posting!
Anonymous said…
CD what do you think are all the One Direction boys gay? When will Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson come out as a couple!!
Anonymous said…
Just want to add my two cents. I knew Hillary many years ago, and she was a lovely,warm, caring human being. Perhaps the years of politics have hardened her, or she comes across as a bitch, as many powerful women do, but there was a time when she would have done anything for anyone. I can't help but think that person is still inside her somewhere.
Anonymous said…
Hi TW! CD called me HRH (her royal highness) in the reading I requested. Couldn't be further from the truth, which, of course, he knew. He's a wicked good joker!

I'm about 50/50 remembering to "sign off". But I'll keep at it!

See ya!

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