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Let me at, her..

So as Donald "Baby Fart" Trump.
Celebrates, Hilary's get out of jail card.
He's fit to bust.
Sadly he won't.
But the round of hate that he is about to spew.
Will, get his heart rate wildly up.
Let's hope high enough...


T. W. said…
That God is funny! The fix is in.
Anonymous said…
He has to be careful he is not a diplomat and setting the wrong people off around the world. To come after him, his personality is off and attracts the crazy people.
Anonymous said…
Lol! Ci-Error and Russell Cornball Wilson got hitched today! How long will this contract last since he does not like women? Can someone puh-leeez send me the information for the beard service that services rich stupid closeted men? My student loans are due!!! He may have saved it for the wedding night but I don't think she did! Ha Ha! What do you see CD? She might pop out a baby for a TV show a support checks to live off of.
Anonymous said…
Do the cops get off? Or acquitted for the shooting of Alton.
T. W. said…
I meant gif, not god.
Anonymous said…
Donald's no-holds-barred war on Hillary will spill over to hatred of ordinary women. The hatred of Obama that is constantly spewed by these nut jobs has directly led to the wholesale killing of black men. Think George Zimmerman, or the cops who kill first, and never ask questions. Scot-free, the lot of them.

Beware ladies, we have a very good chance of being targets once Trump starts his giant ball of crap rolling towards Hillary. We will have four years of Republican sanctioned Hillary-hate influencing men's behavior.
Anonymous said…
No matter what either candidate will be a nightmare in office. That is what is frightening both ate about ego and power not the people.
Anonymous said…
crooked Hilary is going to president. Oh dear!
Anonymous said…
I don't think Hillary Clinton will be a nightmare in the office of the Presidency. She has years of experience in public service and it was not a "nightmare" for the state of New York. As for ego and power factoring into it, 100percent of politicians are guilty of that. Nobody powerless and without an ego runs for high office and wins.

I do think that Republicans will try their best to make it a nightmare for her, as they have done to Obama with their unified party of "No" for the past eight years.
Anonymous said…
Well, to mirror Killary becoming president, the UK is now very suddenly guaranteed to have a female Prime Minister. Putting aside the fact that they'll probably be Thatcher - The Sequel, it does feel generally as if the old glass ceiling has shattered to the point where it's not really a big deal or issue. Which is nice.
Anonymous said…
Anon 12:21, that was a strange dance between between misogyny and the last line of your comment. Guess you are having your cake (hating women in politics) and eating it too (but it's no big deal, which is nice). Ha! You should become a politician.
Anonymous said…
@ 4:02

I honestly don't know why you're calling me a misogynist (seriously, it's hilarious!) In fact your response doesn't really make sense at all and I think you've had either a comprehension malfunction, or are projecting something onto me.

Any dislike in my previous comment is aimed at their politics and behaviour. The fact that they got up there and are female and doesn't matter in this day and age is something to celebrate - even if I hate their political stance or corruption (in which they are no different to their male counterparts). I don't hate women in politics, I hate psychopaths/narcissists.

I have a playful, ironic nature combined with a keen intelligence which a lot of people on the internet can't understand at all. Like Beatrice in Much Ado. It's a pity you find it confusing. :-)

P.S. "Which is nice" is a catchphrase from The Fast Show, which has passed into everyday usage. I know people who are unfamiliar with it won't get it, but never mind.
Anonymous said…
Anon12:43, "Killary" ? Oh that is so playful! Hillary is a killer, that is so intelligent! Ironically, it's also not true, the lot of it. You are a master!
Oh, and the Thatcher part two prime minister, what was the subject.....misogyny?

You aren't fooling anyone, not even yourself. Your reply is a whole bunch of words convincing yourself of your great qualities after I spent a mere three sentences showing you what you are.

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