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NO it won't....

A bunch of Religious Nutters seem,
 to think that the World end on 29th July.
Well that went well ha ha.......
Oh seems they think that the magnetic poles flip.
NO, NO, NO....


Anonymous said…
It's only the end of the world for the Darkness. "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

I've just seen this, people might enjoy reading this. Usually 'Business Story in the Telegraph' wouldn't be my first choice of online entertainment, but this is beautiful. A huge devastating bucket of truth just got thrown in the IMF's face by their own watchdog. I wonder how Greek people feel reading this.
T. W. said…
I guess they didn't read the part that says this is a world without end.
Anonymous said…
Well it's already July 29th in a lot of places.
T. W. said…
This group claims Jesus Christ is coming back today. How can this be? Jesus said he didn't know the hour of his own return, how can this group know?
Anonymous said…
This the western and European banking system is coming to end. Well greed and the countries they feed on are waking up. You can't spend other peoples money forever and some point it runs out.
Anonymous said…
The only thing they could have predicted: views on their youtube channel's videos.

Would Jesus really come back during election season? Seems like that would be a very bad time, people wanting endorsements and stealing His thunder. Better time to come back would be post-election, maybe at Christmas.
Anonymous said…
I wish Hillary cared and connected with her words, but she just speaks like a politician. She comes across as cold
Anonymous said…
They don't know anything, at all. Even when Jesus was walking this earth he didn't know, God did but not him. I'm not 100% sure, but those nutters are just insane. I think God knows, we just don't.
T. W. said…
She talked a good game tonight. I still don't trust her.
Sana said…
T.W I love your comments! Hahaha. A World without at end of nimrods. Anonymous I think Hillary is a puppet. It's like that in politics,like PR for the so called actors, singers, etc
Anonymous said…
Well, today is the 29th in the United States, so we will see, lol.
Anonymous said…
Hillary shouts when she gives speeches, this is the reason she seems cold. When she lowers her voice, she seems to be much kinder and caring.

Anonymous said…
Since this thread is about the end of the world, two words: Donald Trump.

"Make America Hate Again"
Anonymous said…
From the famous astrologer Walter Mercado about Donald Trumps chart:
I did a chart about what I see in the future and present of this Monster, this backwards person that can lead not only the US but the world to total destruction. He has no knowledge of politics and knowledge of any type of diplomacy. The minds of people cannot be bought with his insulting and offensive policies. I am totally, completely, and absolutely in favor of Hillary and, astrologically, she is the better prospect. God willing, the stars will align and we will have the right president.

Translated this from Spanish. The end of the world as we know it--Oh well, come election night we will see how many voters have a death wish, lol!

T. W. said…
Hi Sana L! I love your comments too!
Anonymous said…
Please, please dear CD tell if you can see something for Mia Wasikowska and Robert Pattinson, they are working together in Utah.
Anonymous said…
RE:Annoymous 8:57, they're just friends and she has a boyfriend. CD has all ready said probably a million times that he's banned him and Kristen from his blogs because of all the crazy nutters who kept asking. I'm not trying to be mean in anyway, shape, or form, and I would love to know just as much as you do but it's gotten to the point where people just don't want to hear about it. CD has said that he and Twigs are over, we just haveb't heard yet, and the girl he's supposed to be with isn't famous at all, she's more the behind the scenes. Christian, please forgive me for writing all of this.
T. W. said…
You were right to remind us.
Anonymous said…
When is Trump going to go away? I have never seen such hatred in my life, I didn't know that someone like this really exists. How can anyone follow someone with such hatred inside? This is unreal.

T. W. said…
Love you back!
Anonymous said…
Kay,I think he'll go away forever, I never really liked him at all. Christian, have you ever had anyone call you delusional, insane, or crazy? My psychatrist called deluisonal a while back. T.W. I always love reading your comments :)
Anonymous said…
But he didn't check what would happen if Hillary won. Neither is better just Hillary makes more sense but she will be about attacking rather than mediate, I wish things would get better. The change of order and power has ended, a new world order is emerging.
T. W. said…
I love reading your comments too!
Anonymous said…
Well, looks like you were right yet again Christian as I'm still here. Unless I'm in another parralel universe.
Anonymous said…
John Hinkly was released from custody. He's the guy that shot Ronald Reagan to impress Jodie Foster. Ironic if he goes after another politician, perhaps fulfilling Christians famous prophecy. CD has never budged from it, saying bullets for Tfrump.

Anonymous said…
At least Hillary can control her temper and doesn't have thin skin. Trump will have us in a world war.

Anonymous said…
To Anon, July 29, 9:39PM. I know CD doesn't talk about Rob but maybe he can say about Mia. Who is her BF now? I know CD posed a while back about K Stewart and her GF Soko despite he ''banned'' her from his blog.
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous that said...

Kay,I think he'll go away forever, I never really liked him at all.


Thank you. Trump is a worrisome entity.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous 6:30PM: She doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment as far as I know, she was dating that Jessie Eisneberg guy but they broke up a year ago. Kristen and Soko broke up and now she's back with Alicia again according to the gossip sites. I hate keeping track -_- And people are calling Twugly out on twitter for taking all the credit for some video choregography which was originally done by Aaron Silis I believe for a video she did. Proof

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