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Tick, Tock, said Peter....

SO the man? who is the very definition of, "Insanity".
North Korean Leader Kim Jon Un.
Is again promising to throw all kinds of crap, 
at the World.
Oh, he's serious.
But those that are in charge of sorting such things.
Are putting together the packs of,
 exploding black powder.
Required to do the job of getting rid of him.
He's so close to the fuse, 
he should be able to smell it.


Anonymous said…
Well, hopefully this attempt will work out more successfully than when the SS officer tried to assassinate Hitler.
T. W. said…
Good riddance.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys west and their invasions among indigenous people. Who really are the good guys?
Anonymous said…
I guess the good guys are those who put the good of mankind over all other priorities.
Anonymous said…
Yep....I do believe this N.K. leader "Nutter" is absolutely about to go Super Nova. It's been coming for a long time so I hope "the sorters" are indeed ready! Good riddance.
will a good soul replace him?
will a good person/soul replace him to lead that country?

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