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TOLD YA, Dallas shootings ..

Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions

Christian Dions’
Psychic Predictions 2016
(Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA).
(Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT) 

There are so many of these events in 2016.
There isn’t room to list them.
The really sad part is.
That these events will speed to Europe due to idiot copy cat morons.


Anonymous said…
That what I am worried about.
Anonymous said…
Why does no elected official speak out, Obama has to be neutral but it was enough to diffuse the situation if nothing has changed.
Anonymous said…
How will they copy in Europe? If we don't carry guns or bear arms.
Anonymous said…
The media are dangerous and are causing issues that we don't need.
Anonymous said…
Sadly, I am not surprised at this. I hate to say this...but the cops caused this by the way they went about attacking and killing black people across this country. Have they ever heard of handcuffs, talking people down, not jumping on them and slamming them around and choking them out??? Apparently not. The public has had enough and when I saw those two thug cops sitting on that man with his arms pinned and then shoot him because he "had a gun on him".....I just about threw up. That was intentional. I am sick of them getting away with this crap time and time again. I am sorry that the innocent people and officers will probably be the ones to pay the price for the ones that are actually dirty, but they have to get them off the street and hire new cops when they wind up killing someone under suspicious circumstances.

Prayers to the family's of the affected officers in Dallas...
Anonymous said…
Well? Was this an ISIS thing or just civilian lowlife scumbags who murdered these cops? Good thing Texas is a death penalty state. Tragically, the cops were handed a death penalty they did not deserve.
T. W. said…
Do they have bombs like they claim?
Anonymous said…
Oh, please.
Anonymous said…
I can't believe a lot of people are surprised something like this has happened. There have been way too many instances of police brutality against black men. It's horrific on so many levels for both the Afro-American community and against innocent police officers that fairly do their job but lose their lives because of a hand full of "severely corrupt" officers. There has to be a better way and violence from anybody is not the answer. Most likely it will get a lot worse before it gets better. I hope I am wrong. Prayers for everyone that has lost their lives. Go in Peace.
T. W. said…
This has been happening for a long time, it is just now being made public.
Anonymous said…
the officers were innocent that were killed, but so were the black men that are being killed on a weekly basis. I kinda think it was planned this way, to give whites a taste of how shattering and horrific innocent death is, and how it can be targeted by the persons race.
Common Sense said…
The cops caused this? Yeah, right! That is just crazy! No one put the gun in the killer's hand but he himself. He alone made that choice to kill five human beings. Five! Violence begets violence. If black people think that by killing others is going to get their point across, they are badly mistaken. If anything, it will escalate and get much worse.

I saw an old actress on a talk show a few months back, and she said that we are addicted to money and materialistic things, and that we have lost our soulfulness. Guns and killing people have never been the answer. When the hell are MEN going to learn the lesson?

Xoxo said…
Should I be concerned for my brother? He's gonna save for a car one day. And I worry he might get pulled over for being black he's only 19 I get emotional about it
T. W. said…
You can ask your guardian angels to help.
Anonymous said…
Except the men being pulled over were all being pulled over for a suspected or outright violation of the law. The lowlife (s) that murdered these cops who were on patrol specifically came out to do just that. Thankfully, he died painfully too.
Anonymous said…
After 400 years I wish. Let's ask angels to intervene and expose the hypocrisy of institutionalized racism. The tail light was not broken they were stopped for fitting a robbers description broad nose. That is the description broad nose.
Anonymous said…
Any feeling that this was staged or set up by higher ups to create division and conflict? All of these recent events feel off to instincts tell me someone hidden is pulling the strings.

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