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TOLD YA...Now Munich.....

Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions

Christian Dions’
Psychic Predictions 2016
(Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA).
(Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT) 
There are as I mentioned above many more attacks, in the pipeline.
At least, 
six in the USA.
Many more, 
that we won’t hear of as the powers that be,
Will stop them.
The UK won’t get away lightly either.
In fact although they won’t have as many attacks that are successful,
The numbers of injuries will be higher.
Not just in London either. These monsters are looking at the Midlands and the North to make their voices heard.
Canada needs also, to keep a sharp eye out on their West Coast.
Plans are a foot to make them sit up and take notice.
They also haven’t finished with France.
They see the 2015 events as a bit of a failure.
I feel that they will go for Paris of course.
But the are about to spread their terror in the coming months.
They also intend to make the people of the Nordic countries, feel the wrath of their ideas and hatred.
Germany in particular, is under their planning wing.
They want to make the German people truly bleed.
They intend to really go for the Airlines this year.
No matter what security, the airlines feel that they have in place it.
Will do little to stop them.
They intend to bring down an airliner a month in the coming year.
Some of the carriers they attack will be obvious, but others, will raise many eyebrows.
Australia is also  under the magnifying glass of distractions.
A couple of big hits in Sydney, with others to follow.
They also have a plan to see just how many Heads of Countries that they can in someway do damage to.
The World will be terribly shocked with just how successful that will be.
We shouldn’t just be looking at the single men theory, or lone wolves.
Married couples will top the list.

Most of the predictions,
are too dark to print.
The terror that is going to reign down across Europe.
In a word.
Will be spectacular.
It will be the worse troubles,
since World War II.

There are so many of these events in 2016.
There isn’t room to list them.
The really sad part is.
That these events will speed to Europe due to idiot copy cat morons.


Anonymous said…
I hate to say this but you were right CD. And of course more to come, you don't need soldiers in uniform, anyone who is willing to die. I wish we could all stop the hate and confusion which is all about hidden agendas and money.
T. W. said…
Homegrown terrorist
Anonymous said…
Second attack at a German subway station--coordinated attacks. Witnesses heard the mall shooters shout "Allahu Akbar".

Gott in Himmel, help us.
Anonymous said…
Every night I pray for the world and pray for a world where we can live in love and not all this negativity. We have to be positive. Trust the source in the spiritual realm.
Anonymous said…
T.W - You could be right on that.
Anonymous said…
Bless the people who have passed and their loved ones who mourn for them.


Anonymous said…
How is he homegrown when he had only been in Germany for 2 years?
T. W. said…
It was his home for a time. I would be more afraid of the homegrown terrorists.
Anonymous said…
Thanks to our leaders for making earth a hell hole.
While Obama still didn't get his mojo back.
T. W. said…
I don't like Obama either but there is still time and hope.
Anonymous said…
He was born and bred in Munich, and he deliberately lured youngsters to MacDonalds (some proof that fast food can be really bad for you...) The victims were Turkish, Greek and Kosovan. It was the 5th anniversary of Anders Breivik's psychopathathon though he had no apparent links to any political cause. He just loved shooting sprees.

What the hell is all that about? What a senseless waste.
Anonymous said…
He had no ISIS connections, according to the German police.
Psychic Gossip said…
Other than the hate that is being pumped at the kids from all these monsters. A bomb in the mind is invisible..

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