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Way WORSE ...

So it's confirmed Theresa May,
 is the "New" Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Many people are drawing,
 the similarities to Maggie Thatcher.
How aware..
Well, she is like, Maggie.
But way worse.
She' going to be a NIGHTMARE.


Anonymous said…
Wow and like Clinton too.
T. W. said…
Sorry Britain.
Anonymous said…
Just in the last week or two she's endorsed Sharia and told EU residents in the UK they might have to be deported. Spectacularly wrong headed, she hasn't even got warmed up yet. She's going to rub everyone up the wrong way, it seems. She says she wants to unite the country. With people from all walks of life rioting everywhere up and down the land, presumably.
Anonymous said…
What about the explosion in Brussels?
Anonymous said…
Wendy Williams is on air to embarrass people, she has no shame. And will never compare to Oprah, this has to be done on purpose even Montell had intellect and standards. WW is a blow up doll with nothing going on between her ears.
Anonymous said…
Karna is happening and then the choice in the US. Everyone is shaking their heads.
not to be off topic but am I the only one who is happy about calvin harris and katy perry calling out taylor swift? calvin is standing up for himself in his tweets about her and her team being bullies and trying to take him down and he is not having love it and I loved when christian talked about her true chracter last night on the radio and today, less than 12 hours later, calvin harris called her out! lol
Anonymous said…
Well Taylor is in a fake relationship and really who are they fooling, too much PDA.
Anonymous said…
Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna mate, fakers gonna take, let's all vote for Donald Trump and he'll send us all to hell! Yay! One way tickets, step right up! Coach seats with a vomiting Lamar Odem for the Brits, courtesy of your new Maggie May.
Common Sense said…
Can't stand Wendy Williams! Big mouth troublemaker!

As far as Theresa May being compared to Thatcher -- Thatcher wasn't all bad, she had some great qualities.
Tony said…
When Thatcher got in power in 1979 I was 16. And within no time things got worse with low paid jobs and a lot of people thrown onto the scrapheap. The Midlands and the north suffered the most. I just hope history does not repeat itself but I totally agree with you Christian.
Anonymous said…
Yawn yawn yawn
LA-GB said…
I think the real worry here is that she is, although a well known face, a bit of a mystery .. she could actually be a psychopath and we wouldn't know until its too late....shame as I wanted a woman at the helm for a while to build some stability.... but I think she might let herself down, PMQs might be fun in a few weeks! #justsaying
Anonymous said…
CD what do you make of George Bush at the Dallas memorial, swaying and dancing about? Drunk or dementia? Was he ever really sober? What's going on with him and how does Laura cope with it?
T. W. said…
There have been numerous published reports saying he has Alzheimer's disease.
Anonymous said…
I guess that's Karma, horrible sickness to have but he can't reverse the horrible things they have done in govt.
Anonymous said…
What about the sex scandal with Ghislaine Maxwell and Robert Epstein?
Myles Standoffish said…
Look, I am all for women taking the reigns. Even though my moniker is male oriented ( it was a bit of poking fun at myself by using a name from American history) I am a woman. I am here to say that gender bending for the sake of gender bending serves nobody well. Maybe this woman has merit, maybe she has experience, but maybe she is the wrong person at the wrong time in history.

Having said all that, I am still disturbed that Hillary appears to be made out of Teflon and may get our top job. Why she is handled with kid gloves I will never know. I want a woman in the White House but not This woman.

If CD can see his way clear to giving us instant insights on the true nature of Hillary like he is doing with this woman it would be much more helpful to us folks that don't have a clear choice in our coming election. We have a choice between evil and more evil. I can't pin down who is who at this point because it is a fluid situation and changes from side to side on any given day.

Please help to remove the force field surrounding Hillary. Who is she really and who will she be beholdened to if she gets into office?

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Thanks, TW. I haven't heard anything about Alzheimers. A lot of people are just saying 'he's off the wagon hahahaha' which will look dreadful if another truth emerges. I suppose it's cruel enough if it's alcoholism, but there is an element of choice with that. I thought there was a possibility it was something that couldn't be helped, which I wouldn't wish even on Bush. I hope the people in Dallas weren't upset by it.
T. W. said…
You are welcome.
T. W. said…
There's always the American tabloids of you want to know more about the Clintons. This woman is part of the elite powers that be, hence the Teflon status.
Common Sense said…
Geez, I saw Bush on television but did not notice anything... and I usually notice everything!

I think Hillary might do well for the first couple of months of her presidency, but from there it will go downhill. Women who voted for her (not me) will be on a "high" that a woman is in power. Hillary has had numerous health issues in the past, and my spider senses tell me that the enormous pressures of the job is going to get to her. She will blunder and her presidency will not go as voters had hoped.
Anonymous said…
Common Sense, Google the video. Bush is having a high old time during the singing of The Battlefield of the Republic. He's got the wife on one side and Michelle Obama on the other, holding their hands. Mrs. Obama gives him some priceless looks.

It's on par with the White Man dance he did with the African tribe. That was cutesy, but this latest show he put on was at a Memorial service.
Louis said…
They don't call her Machiavellian May for nothing!

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