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When someone is KILLED...

So as the shooting of people,
 especially those in uniform.
The power that be, still won't impose commonsense gun laws.
But, you just watch.
Once the 1st fucking Pokemon GO, 
playing moron.
Gets run over or shot.
Then they'll ban something.
Oh no, not the guns.
THE GAME..............


Anonymous said…
This country was taken with the guns it will a long time before those beliefs change. Pokemon is a craze and distracts from the real issues.
T. W. said…
I heard the creators of the game were using it to violate privacy. I don't play so I won't judge those that do.
Anonymous said…
The outcome of the Dubrow's home 20,000sqft, the running cost and maintenance. This man will work himself to death and his wife is oblivious to this, since he works those long hours for a reason. The pressure to maintain that lifestyle.
Anonymous said…
Most of those apps violate our privacy.
Anonymous said…
easier to take the game
Anonymous said…
A safer version of the game.
Anonymous said…
Kim Kardashian is attacking Taylor Swift on twitter. Please tell me this is the straw that finally break's the camel's back.

I'm not a fan of Taylor, but I'll be a fan if this means Kim and Kanye leave the world alone.
Anonymous said…
Sadly Courtney Stodden lost her baby. Now the press are trying to state that she tripped and that cased the issue 2 weeks later, so sad.
Anonymous said…
Kim is seeking attention, ratings must be plummeting.
Anonymous said…
I can believe it. That game is just ASKING for an incredibly bad accident to happen to its users who are wandering around like zombies playing the game. Didn't I read where two guys fell off a cliff playing the game? Nothing good can come of this game unfortunately. Like you said....likely it won't end well.
T. W. said…
Gotta catch them all...
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I also want to know if Kanye has finally stepped over a line that will get him convicted of a felony. Recording someone without their knowledge or consent is illegal in California. Will he be prosecuted and convicted? He and Kim are like another version of Joe and Teresa. Neither one of them is very bright and they are both very egocentric.
Anonymous said…
Taylor Swift's PR team are fighting to maintain her fake image.
Anonymous said…
Axeman just attacked people on a train in Germany.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Taylor is fake, but Kim's ratings are plummeting, she's married to a gay man, people are sick of her, her family and Kanye, and Kanye is a global laughing stock for many reasons. Hopefully Swift's team does press charges against those two idiots.

All three of them need to be knocked down, but the idea of Kim and Kanye crapping themselves over potential criminal charges is not only hilarious, but well deserved.
Anonymous said…
Yet you don't have a problem with Dishonest Kim pushing defective, low quality, or dangerous products onto her gullible fans in order to turn a quick buck? Kim and Kanye did no one any favors, they were simply attempting to gain more attention for themselves. Kim knows everyone sees her as the skank she is, and is trying to label someone else. They are running out of celebrities to attempt to hitch their wagons to, and Taylor's image has been falling apart for a while without Kim's "help."
Anonymous said…
That game needs to go. ASAP!

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