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Beats talking to chairs.

So the Old Man of Carmel.
Clint Eastwood...
Wants everyone to vote for Trump.
Well, that's not going to happen.
But, remember he's very fond of Ginger Apes.
Now the monkey I'd vote for........


Anonymous said…
Clint is lost in Hollywood land and full of bull.

Celebrities should never influence political voters, learn from Jane Fonda.
Anonymous said…
Clint needs to just read his lines when he used his mind it gets all confused. He still thinks he's in spaghetti westerns, he has forgotten the hard times he once faced and the discrimination many others still face. His son is where he is not from hard work but contacts.
Anonymous said…
Gwen is marrying Blake, they make a weird couple.
Sana said…
T.W there is a good chance that Clinty is Senile. Or just a moron. Encouraging others to vote for Trump say alot about that person. That is IF your vote counts. Which in fact its not. Proven many times. Just happy that im not a US citizen.
T. W. said…
I see. America is not all bad.
Dirty Harry said…
Go ahead, make my day.
Dirty Harry said…
Go ahead, make my day.
Anonymous said…
I am thrilled to be a very proud US citizen.
All day every day USA!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I am proud to be a United States citizen too and I really dislike when outsiders call down the United States.

Anonymous said…
Sana, Wherever you are living, a whole lot of your day to day comforts and necessities were invented and developed by Americans. You would be scratching your opinions on a cave wall by candlelight it if wasn't for Americans.


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