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Just a reminder..

So as the 2016 Rio Olympics start today, in Brazil.
I know I have said this for a long time.
It's going to be mess.
Let's just say,
that I am glad I nor anyone I know will be there.


Anonymous said…
Sad but they said the president of Brazil is a snitch they published it in the press. What happened to Brazil? It looks like this is a set up, wikileaks.

Trump keeps leaking confidential information.
Anonymous said…
They swimming in toilet water! Why not let them compete in a port-a-potty. It's probably cleaner;)
Anonymous said…
I could not agree more and I feel so badly for all of the athletes and their families. Have you seen photos that some of the athletes have taken of their quarters? Sinks that have imploded, dwarf sized beds, shower heads that just fall off when you turn on the water, electrical wires hanging out of the wall next to water sources, etc. And, don't get me started on the poisonous water they will have to swim in. They should throw in those bloody crooked leaders that created that mess in the water for a while and see how they like it. I just pray there won't be a "terrorist" situation. You called it a long time ago and are spot on correct.
T. W. said…
I hope no one gets hurt.
Anonymous said…
Did Lindsay Lohan's toy boy really beat her up on the beach?
T. W. said…
Watching now. They are discussing global warming during opening ceremony. Has to do with the Amazon. Brazil has been making strong statements tonight.
Anonymous said…
My thoughts and payers that no one gets hurt! CD, I'm wondering if you take other payment methods than PayPal - my PayPal got hacked and wondering if you accept bank transfer?
Anonymous said…
This is the last place that I would wish to be at the moment. I do feel for all the people that are though.
Anonymous said…
An Air Algerie jet enroute from Algiers to Marseilles has disappeared after declaring an in-flight emergency.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if Mariah Carey's reality show will be a hit.
Maria said…
I couldn't care less about these games. I must be weird. I think the world should have boycotted Rio when they saw the horrific cesspool of their waters. How dare they spend money on these games and ignore dealing with their own filth and pollution. I won't even get into the poverty aspects of their society because we should be ashamed as well.

CD I'm so happy you have single question readings. Thank you. I'm going to write you later and get one. You will not believe what happened.
T. W. said…
Yeah, there were dead bodies in the water. I also think many of the poor were displaced from their homes.
Anonymous said…
Why doesn't America deal with it's own poverty. Brazil used to hold yearly mardi gras and no one complained, this looks like a set up. But every country has its issues, I hope things change for Brazil with a better result, govts for the people.
Anonymous said…
Is Lindsay Lohan trying to ruin her ex boyfriend's reputation? People get possessive over their phones especially when you toss it out of a car. She knew the paparazzi where watching she set him up. That's the end of that engagement and money train.
Common Sense said…
The Olympics are supposed to unite the world and I wouldn't miss it for the world. The Olympics have personally been in my hometown and I loved every minute of it. It was like a 24-hour mardi gras (one big party for ALL), the energy was fantastic and it was like Christmas morning every day for 10 days.

The reason Brazil wanted (and needed) the Olympics is to show the world the beauty of their homeland. This will increase tourism, and just maybe they will be able to finally afford to put money toward schools, hospitals, infrastructure and money for the poor, etc.
Louis said…
I really think the Olympics are dying in Rio: The "low rent" nature of the opening, the Brazilian crowd cheering the suffering of a German athlete, the dangerous conditions the rowing was conducted in, the thefts from the team dormitories, and the the questionable drug status of the Russian team all beg the question,...what is this? You see better sportsmanship at the world championships.
Anonymous said…
Adding to anon 1:06: the kayaker who overturned because he hit a sofa that someone had thrown into the water course, the men's gymnast who broke his leg and then the Brazilian medics dropped the stretcher he was on, the woman cyclist who was in the lead and had a horrific accident when she went fast around a curve and hit a concrete curb--it was said that the mapping and instructions given out didn't match the course, the martial arts competitor who was kidnapped by Brazilian police and held for ransom, the man carrying the Olympic torch towards the stadium and ran like the devil was after him when people started shooting......
T. W. said…
Wow. We just started.
Petinhse said…
This one time I hope you wrong. I'm praying for them.
Anonymous said…
YESS US women gymnastics team USA Wohoooooo
Anonymous said…
MIchael Phepls wohooooooo USA USA!!!
Anonymous said…
@ 1.06 and 7am above, I do like the summary of doom that seems to be cloaking these games. We must of course add the lurid Amazonian swamp water in the diving pool. Having read so much about how dirty and dangerous the open water was going to be, when the diving started I thought 'well, at least they're alright for clean water.' Nope!

It's unusually nice having the daily summary of quirky stories and mishaps, but this time it just feels grubby and incompetent. It makes me feel proud of how London did.
T. W. said…
He needs to be humbled.
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:32, pride is justified! Bless the Brits!
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh, what a bunch of negative nancys the statements are above.
Brazil is one of the poorest countries in the world, and half the people don't have sewage systems in place as the government is corrupt and don't care, so they have done AMAZINGLY well hosting the games so far! In every Olympics there is less than one percent mishaps, and still everyone wants to DRAMATASIZE it just like the MEDIA want you too. Of course London was less crime, because the locals have more resources and basic sanitary services, and you know...friggin food to eat! hello! (Although I'm sure many homeless don't), my god you can't even begin to caompare and why would you want to? Brazilian people have done thier country proud (my sister is at olympics so i have 'on the ground' info, not MEDIA or negative nancy bullshit). When that chick went round the corner on her bike, her brakes locked, it wasn't just cos 'the map info didn't match up', as she does have eyes like us which she was using for the road in front of her. She wasn't just riding 'blindly'. And hello, if you had absolutely no food or water, e.t.c you may find your selves forced to steal the basics too, ..who are we to judge, when most of us havent been in that position before. also, that was the best olympic opening ceremony yet, they actually had an environmental message and will be planting lots of trees unlike any other prior olympic games who wouldn't give too hoots about that message. also each athlete got to plant a tree, and great dancing e.t.c much better than blowing all this money on a ceremony like previous years that were boringly long, had no heart, yet had lots of money.although i do hope the brazilian people revolt and overthrow government once and for all! yay!:-)

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