The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Do you have a relevant past life for Trump? Just wondering what it possibly could be.
Yes, CD probably meant Summer or maybe even Fall?
Rather, I was wondering if Trump's taxes will in fact be leaked and also what the fate of Trump will be AFTER the election if you please, Christian Dion.
Thank you in advance....
There are so many people who want Trump though. I know entire communities who will vote for him.
I actually hope that he is doing this for Hillary to win. If not, he is a despicable human being.
Please let us know what you're seeing for this vile human being beyond his presidential aspirations. Please tell me Paul Ryan will LOSE his job too and make my day.
Mr. Obama is her useful tool at this point. A tool that allows this elite deviant woman to get away with sleazy illegal shit. Shit that other people go to jail for. But not politicians. They just get kicked upstairs, handed the Big job.
She is corrupt, without morals, and generally a POS, in my opinion. I can say this up to the moment she is crowned. And I will say it. It will always be my opinion since I don't wear blinders. I will also be thinking it during her long, insufferable presidency. Will she do me like she did Bill's victims?
She is verbally abusive.
She is physically abusive.
She's backed by big money here, and big money from other governments. She's laundered their "donations" through her foundation.
You can not tell me that anyone else would not have gone to jail for this alone!
Like I said, a total POS, in my opinion.
This whole election is a charade that turns my stomach.
I saw Lisa Bloom on TV yesterday and she briefly mentioned this case. Here is a link for info about rape, but I haven't seen any other mention of this on the news:
They are all alike.
The latest is that Trump may drop out. Can you comment?
My heart is leaping with joy listening to news on how people are turning against Trump. I think the best thing I read the past few days was someone who said "the irony of an American Muslim being the one to take Trump down is beautiful poetry." The Khans are the best of America. Real Americans can see this.
I hope Trump gets humiliated and taken down so hard he'll be a pariah in this country after he loses. Let's all unite, all sane Americans, and make this a more harmonious place to live. We have seen the ugly orange face of hate. Let's never go here again.