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A dress rehearsal...

For those that have asked.
The Bombing in New York is terrorism.
It's the beginning of a bad patch.
A dress rehearsal of sorts.
Watch for lone wolves and trucks/cars.
Sad to say....


T. W. said…
That is the feeling I got too. They want to see how we react.
Anonymous said…
This really saddens me, New York is where I'm from and where I grew up and was raised. It is sad :( Sending love, prayers, and healing energy to those who were hurt.
thank you cd! sending prayers to the world!
Common Sense said…
Yes, I wondered if the latest bombing in New York was ISIS. They said on the news that it wasn't terrorism. Wrong. I think New York and its people have suffered enough.
Anonymous said…

Cops are investigating a tumbler page featuring a manifesto written by someone claiming to be the Chelsea bomber, who appears/*claims* to be some sort of an LGBT freedom fighter of sorts. The page has been taken down, but not before someone copy/pasted it and posted it on another site.
auntliddy said…
Well we can only hope that eveeything that can go wrong with these bombs will happen and save some lives. I will never understand killing people you dont even KNOW because they dont live your lifestyle or religion.
Anonymous said…
If you go around bombing other people at some point it will come back home to you. And then may be you will stop doing it to other people.
Anonymous said…
The statement put out that it was 'intentional' but not terrorism had echoes of 'it's just a touch of pneumonia'. People aren't falling for this crap anymore. I'm mentally reaching out to the great city of New York, it's terrible if this is only the beginning.

And to Anon: The people of New York didn't bomb anyone. I suspect that more than most in America, they didn't want their mass trauma to be cynically exploited for rapacious oil wars.

Perhaps if the moronic fascist movement stopped trying to turn the world into a 7th century bloodsoaked sandpit, the bombing might also stop then too. Or does it only ever work one way round?

Germany had a suicide bomb go off the other week - that's the Germany that's been the most open armed country to all comers from the middle east. Which rather buggers up the logic of your argument.

No victim of terrorist attacks deserves it. None of them.
Anonymous said…
Please! Tell us what is up so we can avoid it, or stop it from happening! Just saying more will happen helps nothing. How do we avoid this?
NicQuerica said…
So this is a practice run? *sigh* I'm from NYC too, born and raised. I want to take my son to see the city where I grew up but now I don't feel it's safe. Much of family still live up there, I'm concerned for their safety.
Anonymous said…
Bomb investigation on New Jersey train tracks in Elizabeth.
T. W. said…
More pipe bombs have been found.
Anonymous said…
you don't get any feeling of false flags? something seems off here.
T. W. said…
An oil pipeline recently burst and there is almost no gasoline in the southeast. I don't know what caused it but you can bet the government and terrorist groups want to see our reaction.
Unknown said…
I just took one look at the pictures and knew it was a false flag. Very few, if any, of the national news stories regarding bombings and mass shootings have been real in the past few years. The Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, the Pulse nightclub, and others have been proven by independent investigators and journalists to be staged by the Feds. Why are they doing it? Because they can. They have the technology, and America is dumbed down and brainwashed sufficiently to believe that mainstream media would never lie to them. Teehee. The folks giving you the news every night are so dumbed down, they don't even know that they're passing along a bunch of staged propaganda. The days of the free press and real journalism are long gone. As long as there is a boogeyman out there like "terrorism" or "ISIS", the elite keeps making money off war (aka "defense"). As part of the UN Agenda21, they want to eventually repeal the second amendment. Biden already signed off on the UN agreement to outlaw handguns in the US. Ask yourself why he would sign something like that with the second amendment in play? Because they plan to continue to control public opinion via false mass shootings until guns or the second amendment are legally gone. There's a very ugly shadow government that has emerged in the last few decades. It's scary when you really research what's been going on.

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