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Here to STAY ......

Seems link the "OLD GUARD" at the Palace.
Are about to try the same bullshit.
With Kate.....................
As they did with Diana.
Well, this time it won't work.
In fact it will backfire big time.
She's going nowhere.....


T. W. said…
This is good news. I see she put on weight, that is good too.
Anonymous said…
I've been wondering when the shadow was going to appear. The nice, freshly scrubbed idyllic home counties family perfection we've seen over the years, can't go on. I've already heard that the Firm are trying to stop Kate's mother being too involved in raising the mini-monarch-to-be. I also believe Kate is a determined and steely-cored young woman who is inevitably going to mature out of the mute surrendered wife role - which is exactly what Diana did of course.

People may hate the monarchy but they do make good soap opera.

A while back I happened to see Kate's horoscope birth chart. I immediately spotted that Pluto is soon to transit conjunct her Sun and South Node, opposite her moon and North Node, and square her Saturn, all in the space of a year or so, back and forth. I've had Pluto transit my sun, it's like a nuclear bomb going off in your life, and that's without all those other transits happening at the same time. Oh, and by the way the eclipse that occurred when Princess Diana died has just repeated itself promising a revival of the same issues.

CD's message sums it up. Things are going to get VERY interesting!
Anonymous said…
Well she provided the heirs no need for a commoner.
Anonymous said…
So....what specifically is she/has she done, that the palace doesn't like? I don't get it. mother wonders why they didn't just knock off stupid Camilla instead of Diana to preserve the marriage of their son. It is odd, but things such as jealousy and envy are in play with regard to Elizabeth and her psycho husband Philip.

So C.D., why are they displeased with Kate...jealousy again?
Anonymous said…
Hopefully, Diana's spirit is protecting her as well.
Anonymous said…
And no need really dfor a royal family, that does nothing for its people.
Anonymous said…
The problem is her social-climbing family. She is a formidable and her waiting years proved that, and yes, she is here to stay. But her self-indulging (i.e. Lazy) is her downfall. The Cambridges have the best PR team but they are not what they seem to be. Harry has what it takes to lead. It's all in their charts.
Xoxo said…
You can see it in her eyes this photo in particular says it all
God save the queen literally lol no pun intended.. all in good fun

When I say Queen I mean Kate speaks volumes
Anonymous said…

I must be the only one having a problem with it . I do not know there is something wrong with it. It's just my opinion.
Anonymous said…
Also in the stars, young mini monarch is going to be very popular. He gets away with a lot, like his ginger uncle--although (perhaps secretly) it won't be the ladies he's going after. Has a lifelong battle with weight. He won't have a good relationship with his sister. She's going to be a rebel, as close to an anti-royalist as she can get while still keeping her entitlements.
Anonymous said…
Adding a PS to my comment about the mini royals. William will be very stubborn and head strong. Think Henry the Eighth! But with a good PR team.
Anonymous said…
That is wonderful to hear CD. Firstly because she is a treasure and hopefully can do her work without being harassed from the "inside". Secondly - unlike Diana - Kate's husband will jump to her defense against this "old guard". Thirdly - they underestimate how loved she is by the public for just keeping her head down and doing a superb job as Duchess. Finally - I read Fergie's book from years ago and never understood how all the staff at the palace seemed to think THEY were in charge and how THEY were more powerful than the monarch. So odd. I wish Kate and William the best with whatever nonsense CD sees as being headed their way.

BTW - any thoughts on the US election? Polls are closing and we are freaking that an insane dictator might win. Will Hillary crush him in the debates? I know you said Hillary will win - and thank god for that prediction.
Common Sense said…
Say what? They want to get rid of Kate? Why? Diana, Fergie, and now Kate?

They don't like the commoners, do they? It will be interesting to see who Harry hooks up with. If she too, is a commoner, will they want to rid of her as well?

I find this fascinating. Kate may not be perfect, but she appears to be a very good mother and wife. What more do they want? Born with a title?
Anonymous said…
Kate is self-centered and lazy. Her being a good mother is all PR. Will deserve her coz he, too, is spoiled. Carole is running their household. I don't need to quote any source, the hints are al over place. A lot of their staff have quit. I rest my case, the public is being fooled.
Anonymous said…
She was raised to be exactly where she is. She isn't going anywhere. And she may wear that ring, but she doesn't remind me of Diana at all. Would Diana have made the see-through dress move that Kate did (fashion show in days of yore)? Nope. The only similarity is they both usually look(ed) like they should eat a good square meal of normal proportions.
Anonymous said…
This one deserves to be booted out with her family. Diana was booted out for the wrong reason, but Kate oh deserve it. Her family took advantage of the very dysfunctional William. They projected the fuzzy family feeling to lure him to them, he was vulnerable but a fool. And still is.
Anonymous said…
I don't think the British Monarchy can afford another big marriage scandal or something worse. The Monarchy is deeply in debt and their popularity is dwindling with each year. Harry seems to be on the rise and would have made an excellent King. Thank you for the scoop CD. It is so appreciated and I have enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts as well. Great group!
The Original Sarah said…
See CD, we are DYING for more royal info!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow interesting but Kate has lowered the standing of the monarchy and her sychophant family.
Anonymous said…
You can see George has a temper and is spoilt rotten. The sister looks like Kate's family and will be looked down upon by the royals as reminder of her common family.
T. W. said…
Kate wore that dress because she knew William was watching. Social climbing at its finest.
T. W. said…
Love you Sarah! Post more often!
Anonymous said…
When did Kate become a treasure???? She spent 10 years chasing the title even though she got dumped several times. Her PR team said she worked at Jigsaw but none of the employees could remember when she started working there. The manager was even quoted that she was only interested in going where the Prince went. She did not have a career to speak of. Her family made themselves look like the big money they were really not. All Kate does so far is flash her lady bits, laugh maniacally, speak nonsense with fake posh accent, flick her hair constantly, and work herself to be the fashion icon image her sycophant team is trying to build up but failing. If a divorce happens, she will pull off the Diana card. Trust Carole's scheming on this.
Common Sense said…
George, his Royal Cuteness has a temper and is spoiled rotten... yeah right! What 2, 3 year old doesn't have temper tantrums and is not spoiled rotten by their Mother? I don't know any!
Anonymous said…
Geez... what is with all the hate? I've never heard one peep from anyone in her family since they all waved nicely at the wedding 5 years ago. Maybe it's because I'm an American - but if Kate's family were coal miners who worked hard to get ahead - good for them! That is wonderful and something to be proud of, no?

I wish Kate, William, the Queen and the whole darn bunch all the best. I find them all delightful and very service oriented people. I hope CD's prediction is correct and whatever "they" are up to (re Kate) is thwarted.

Maureen said…
I have Pluto conjunct Sun nat ally and both are square Saturn (applying), and although it's hard to live with, it does make you powerfully determined. Kate has a Capricorn Sun. When it comes to Saturn energy, I wouldn't bet against her. She and William are bonded tighter than Charles and Diana ever were. She can wait her enemies out. They've despised her "commonness" for quite a while now. It's nothing new. Besides, William loves his in-laws. The "Greys" are outmanned here.
Anonymous said…
Meanwhile, in the world, there are worse things happening to human beings. These spoilt and overindulged Royals are just that and the fools who fawn over them need to get a life.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Maureen. it's because you are an American. You only get to read how nice Will and Kate are, that's all they want you to know. Also, it's not Kate's 'commonness' that the palace courtiers have issues with. It's her and Will's lazy a-s-s-es! They want privacy, don't want to work, but want royal perks and be in constant vacation. Their publicist are running out of reasons to justify their laziness. George and Charlotte are already grown and they will use 'raising a family' as a reason...all the while they're somewhere in some island lapping in luxury...using taxpayers money! Of course, the secret vacations will be off the record. Yes, the nice thing you read are all PR campaign. I don't hate Will and Kate, I hate their laziness.
can you define their "laziness"? all they do is cut ribbons and wave and say hi to commoners it seems...what work do they need to do that is more important than raising good children and being with their kids? unlike how queen elizabeth was with charles..... but I'm american too so maybe I just don't get it but I love the british and am interested in learning the british culture!!
Maria said…
I love Kate. I also love how William is determined to protect her. I hope they continue to embrace their happy family in spite of the massive pressure and attention.
Anonymous said…
In her eyes she suddenly realizes what she's taken on and that they don't really like her. But she is wearing Di's ring so that might protect her rather than haunt her.
NicQuerica said…
She grew her hair back too after that frumpy dull haircut she got some months ago. There were rumors that 'Ol Bessie wanted her to cut it bc it was drawing too much attention. I hope Kate digs her heels in good and deep. Heaven knows they did Diana dirty.
NicQuerica said…
Yes I also believe Harry is the one who would mAke a great King.
Anonymous said…
Some got it all wrong was imp got with ones before infiltrators..some behind set ups plots 81...later..recent..took our heritage ..power ones infiltrTed
.took us from ones behind smear..same some different imp ones put pieces with..some of my own friend cuz behind horrid..various suspects..politicals too..set ups interconnected..
Common Sense said…
Yeah, agreed NicQuerica, that "frumpy" haircut she got some months ago was pretty bad, I'll admit. I wonder if it was the same hairdresser that did Tom Brady's recent cut. Ha Ha
T. W. said…
Her hair does look better now.

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