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Him Weed & Booze. Her? Oh Hell.....

So at the moment the pressure is on Brad Pitt.
The investigation, the allegations.
All very bad.
he's not the one that'll end up under investigation.
There's a saying 
"Those that live in glasshouses. 
Shouldn't throw stones".
Well, Angie seems to have lobbed a couple of boulders.
But, they'll be back to visit, with snow on.


Anonymous said…
he he he .....
Anonymous said…
Angelina can be very vindictive for someone who wants to be known as a humanitarian!!
Anonymous said…
ho ho ho, prolly around Christmas
T. W. said…
Now that is karma. Brad should have went to seminary when he had the chance. It is never too late to answer the call.
Xoxo said…
In all honesty CD will anything be done to those cops that murdered many black males in particular. My question is really will any of them get jail time and if not how does God deal with them? I would really love your insight of how God deals with it or punishes who takes such life ... so to speak. Would love to hear from you. You choice of course
Oxo dev.
Anonymous said…
I feel bad for the children. The kids lose in this situation.

Angelina has been open about drug abuse and experimenting in her past, while Brad, though never admitting to straight up abuse has still had gossip/stories leaked about his stonerism.

Brad and Angelina need to get professional help or rehab so they can be healthy for the children.
Anonymous said…

Many rumors over the years and many wondering about "Saint" Angie!
Anonymous said…
Karma, Jennifer Aniston must be watching with some sense of satisfaction
Anonymous said…
Nothing funny about any of this. At all.
Anonymous said…
Jamie Dornan and amelia warner. Chris Evans and Jenny slate please
Anonymous said…
Will there be a Jen & Brad recon?
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to say that I do not believe the allegations of child abuse. She is the whacko, that has no boundaries. Is there a reason she is being so vindictive to him? She is the one that was so spiteful to her own child, Shiloh. All the pictures of her are with Brad. It was sickening what she said about that poor baby.

CD, what are your thoughts on this???
Unknown said…
You mean this is going to turn into Mr & Mrs Smith?
Maria said…
I figured this was the deal. Is it reckless and dumb? Yeah. Doesn't change my regard for him as a father however. The guy isn't happy and medicates himself. He's too old for this but I suspect he hasn't identified or slayed his personal demons. I still don't understand or support why Jolie became so vindictive that she would risk his relationship with their kids as well as hurt him professionally. That is massive vengeance. Whatever happens to her she deserves. She has proven herself to be a bit of a fraud to me over the past few years. Lots of pretense to sell the public on her sainthood. Bummed they couldn't just seek counseling. Things don't just go bad overnight.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian!
Will Brad meet the one finally?
Anonymous said…
Hehehehe! I can believe it. It won't be pretty...that's for sure. I can't believe she actually thinks she is going to come out on top with this situation in the end. She's definitely living in her own little world in that big glasshouse which is about to explode.
Anonymous said…
Mental health is about to get a whole lot of attention.

Anonymous said…
yes, I can imagine. It is like the mud slinging that Amber Heard did to Johnny Depp. Always two sides to every story. Neither are angels. Is that how Angelina stays so skinny. You don't have much of an appetite doing that!
Anonymous said…
I can't get over the moronic use of the word karma, here, and other places. FFS.

Is it Jennifer Aniston's "karma" that there are stories flying around NOW that she has a second husband screwing around on her? Probably not. It's probably based in something about her or the men she picks.

Karma is what happens to you in a subsequent life based on how you led your previous life. If you are a Hitler in one life, you come back as a cockroach in the next life, for example. If you're coming back as a glamorous, wealthy movie star, then you must have had a pretty good previous life.
Anonymous said…
An example of how the ego can create chais. I hope Brad says lots of prayers for her and tried not to get too pulled in. For us? Watch and learn.
Anonymous said…
There is an airport camera that caught this on video. Brad did not rough up Maddox, but he did yell at him.
Anonymous said…
Some new tea on Jolie in the Daily Mail, by a fellow who has written a book about her and Brad. According to him, Jolie had a fight with Brad because she wanted an open marriage and he refused to consider it. She wants to move to Britain, where she is a Dame, give up her US citizenship, and run for the House of Lords. Plus continue Princess Diana's humanitarian work, and marry Prince Andrew.

Oh, and Brad took a piss on the tarmac.

Anonymous said…
Buddhist karma is kind of like a cosmic boomerang. After you've acted, It can arrive during the same hour, the same week, ten years later, 50 years later, or in your next lifetime. Whenever. It's not just a reincarnation thing. You have to send out positivity, and be kind, and do good if that is what you want to receive from the universe. That means you observe marriage vows, you don't cheat, and you don't hurt anyone, among other things.

Anonymous said…
I guess she now gets to be with her brother at long last.
Anonymous said…
He must have cheated on her. Sad that it came to this.
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous 8:26,

People aren't morons just because they use the word Karma in a different way than you. You don't know for sure that there isn't instant karma nor do you know that all glamorous movie stars had a very good past life. Perhaps some of them chose this kind of life to develop humbleness and humility. Perhaps their past lives were absolutely horrid, but they were given one more chance to learn this way.

We just don't know for sure, because there is a veil over our eyes.

Common Sense said…
As much as I like Angelina, and Brad for that matter, I do not think she is "innocent" in this marriage and Brad surely has some ammunition about her that would fuel the fire. I do think that she is not well (how could she possibly be?) and I think for both it has been very difficult since she had her surgeries. Let's hope they work it out quietly before it gets really ugly in the public eye.
Myles Standoffish said…
CD might be referring to cocaine. Time will tell.
This could be an epically ugly divorce. I want to go on record saying that I hope it isn't.
Anonymous said…
DMail is saying she's being comforted by Jonny Depp. Mind boggling, since he has alcohol issues too. Hoping this is hot air.

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