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I wish ....

I know some of you didn't get the joke.
When I suggested earlier this year that Trump should have Ann Coulter.
As his running mate.
Well, that was a joke.
But the following isn't.
She is,
 I believe the most dangerous and hateful person.
Ever to walk the planet.
She is intent of spreading her hate.
Along with the many other morons like her.
As well as the ones that believe her.
She clearly believes that Trump.
Wills win the Whitehouse.
Which he won't
So that in my book, 
this proves the she's DELLUSIONAL.
There for should be committed.
Fingers crossed.


T. W. said…
Let us pray she gets the help she needs.
do evil or dark entities flock together? because I knew evil people who loved her and the things she said...and I couldn't even comprehend how anyone could like her energy and her spreading of she thinks she is the smartest and funniest person ever, too
Maria said…
She's repulsive. I hate that she exists and has a following in America. So many ignorant and bigoted people in this country who do nothing but point fingers, attack and blame "the others." I'm so tired of them.

Btw why are so many experts convinced Trump doesn't want to win? I think that's absurd. They honestly believe he's doing this ONLY to promote his brand and make more money. Again, ridiculous! I see his name and brand as severely damaged. Less people want to know and work this guy. He has ruined his name. Good.
Anonymous said…
Coulter and Marine there'd be a gruesome twosome.
Anonymous said…
One of my high school teacher's slipped Ann Coulter's work into our reading material as "required" reading. Coincidentally, that teacher of mine was a super miserable, hateful person, so I could see why she would be attracted to Ann's thoughts.
Anonymous said…
The bish is beyond help. There is a place in hell reserved for her.
T. W. said…
Hillary is speaking well tonight and taking responsibility for her actions. Waiting for Trump to speak.
T. W. said…
Listening to Trump. While he is making valid points, he is clearly unhinged. Broken clocks are right twice a day.
Anonymous said…
She is going to age out. She's already on the cusp of it. Once she is no longer the sexy uber-blonde, but just another cranky, skinny old lady, she will lose her audience. Our culture doesn't value what old people say.

This will be a living hell for her.
Anonymous said…
Xoxo said…
Is she the most dangerous and hateful because she has a platform to a world wide audience in which to inflict such things? I wonder. Night CD God Bless You.

Can you one day do a prediction on Zendaya the R&B singer? She's also a Disney star on the Disney Channel:D
Anonymous said…
Still wondering about Trump and the prior prediction on this site. Is it still going to happen?

Anonymous said…
T.W - Some people on this planet are well beyond help. I have not heard of this woman, but that is probably because I live in the UK. Some of the human beings we have in parliament are morons. Keith Vaz is one of them.
T. W. said…
True. It is good you have never heard of this woman.
Anonymous said…
Yet she still lost the debate according to polls. She will be a laughing stock if she does not beat trump
chris said…
Not sure if you saw the roast of Rob Lowe on Comedy Central, but Ann Coulter was there and was the recipient of a number of good ones...for your viewing pleasure:

Anonymous said…
Hillary was apparently wearing an earpiece.
Anonymous said…
In the UK we have Katie Hopkins, although luckily she's such a caricature no-one takes her seriously (but then didn't they say that about Trump and now look what's happened). In fact if you added her in with the Coulter/Le Pen fascist snog-in from above, you'd have a Trump supporter's most fetid bet-wetter of a blonde threesome fantasy. It would be fitting too, as Katie Hopkins came to fame via The (UK) Apprentice.

I happened on a lot of information today regarding Hillary's evident health problems. I had no idea it was that extensive or debilitating - or perhaps she's just deteriorating so rapidly, which is even more alarming. She really is in a mess isn't she? Bill too, it's like they're crumbling away before our very eyes.
Anonymous said…
Reality check: extreme closeups prove Hillary was not wearing an earpiece. As for her so-called health problems, both she and Donald Trump are 69 years old. If you think Donald doesn't have serious health issues too, you don't have a good grasp of what aging does to the human body.

He's every bit as decrepit as any 69 year old. His orange face is withering like an old Halloween pumpkin that was left on the porch till Christmas. And Melon, his wife, can she even see out of her squinty eyelids? She also has the potbelly that old women get.

Maureen said…
It's my opinion that Ann Coulter is very damaged to the point where she actually hates herself. That manifests itself by what she writes and says. She hates herself, and she does her best to validate it by getting others to hate her as well. She needs help. When it comes time for her to take stock of her life when she reaches her 60's, she probably will be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
Anonymous said…
I actually think that Donald has aged during this campaign.

And Hillary is not a mess, the Alt-Right wants everyone to believe that her health is an issue. Have you seen her campaign schedule? Most people couldn't keep up with her!


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