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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Red Herring, Smoke Screen, ????????

Well, well it appears there is now  Mr & Mrs Pitt.
There is just something not quite right bout this.
I still don't really buy it.
As they say 
"Time will Out"


Anonymous said…
Brad is back on the market...
Anonymous said…
DING-DONG! Right again Christian, we all saw this coming. Karma has done a fabulous job once again, now just waiting for another spilt to happen ;)
Anonymous said…
These two are bonkers. I hope it's not a big drama -but if she already has a lawyer then here we go...

BTW - Can you let us in on the Ben Afleck and Jennifer Garner situation? Will these two get back together? Will they move on? Is he dating? I admire how they seem to put their kids first. But they aren't married or divorced but in some kind of limbo...
Anonymous said…
I do so enjoy people who get their jollies by laughing at other people's unhappiness. I wonder what the "karma" is for that, since the term is being so stupidly bandied about today? :)
T. W. said…
The children are going to lose in this situation.
Anonymous said…

Brad checked out on this one the way he checked out on Jennifer Anniston. I think they would have split up sooner but they have a lot if kids and were trying to prove the cynics wrong. I hope Angelina's health is okay. What's that saying? You lose them the same way you got them.
Hope they stay on good terms for the children.
Anonymous said…
She's the one that filed, and it is very specifically about his performance as a parent, his drinking, his potsmoking, and possible anger problems. Angelina is going for sole custody, it isn't about an affair.
Anonymous said…
Hello T.W. from London
Anonymous said…
The only reason I've seen so far is that Jolie couldn't stand his 'methods of parenting'. Even if that's the core reason, which it may well not be, that only leads to further questions - what was he supposedly doing? It is a pity, because they gave the impression of being conscientious and serious about their family commitments, certainly compared to a lot of celebs. Or that might just have been a PR tableau all along. I'm sure the dark side of it all will be spilling out before long.
Anonymous said…
This saddens me. I really like this couple.

Anonymous said…
Karma for Angelina!!! Rumor has it that Brad was caught cheating with his movie costar! I wonder what Jennifer Anniston is thinking!!!
Anonymous said…
Jamie dornan and amelia warner
Anonymous said…
Chris Evans & Jenny slate
T. W. said…
People Magazine is reporting Alexis Marquette died September 11 due to AIDS complications. This saddens me.
T. W. said…
We are not laughing. We saw this coming, that is all.
T. W. said…
Hello Anonymous from North Carolina!
T. W. said…
MediaTakeOut is reporting Brad cheated with Marion Cotillard. If true, at least it was a woman this time ...
Anonymous said…
Yes it is a bit of a Dish-Served-Cold moment for Jennifer Aniston. Let's hope it was Paleo.
Anonymous said…
You stupid people who say Karma... well there are 6 children affected here, why should they be suffering? I think this is sad, I liked their little family
Anonymous said…
I'm referring to the poster who gleefully said it was a fabulous job by karma. Karma is for war criminals and thieves.
Anonymous said…
Jennifer Anniston (!!!) is probably wondering where her current husband is sleeping tonight since thereare stories floating around that this husband is cheating on her too. I don't know, would thst be Jen's "karma" for her helping to break up Heidi Bivens's 14 year relationship?
Anonymous said…
I think a lot of people are hinting that Brad has had dependency issues with marijuana.

Plenty of people use pot recreationally, but like any other stimulant if you're using a stimulant to avoid dealing with personal issues in your life, then you're going to eventually run into trouble.

That can't be a great example for the children to see at home.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 1:58 am, I was the one who said that. Karma is also for homewreckers and cheaters ;)
Common Sense said…
Say what you will about Angelina, but she is truly an incredible, remarkable woman.

I am sure this news of divorce brings a little smile to Jennifer Aniston.

Brad has always been a bit of a partier (alcohol and marijuana), and probably Angelina has put her foot down and he smartened up especially when the brood started growing and rightly so. Just like others have stated here, you can't do certain things when you have children. I have no reason to doubt that he isn't a good father; I don't think Angelina would have ever married him if he wasn't.

It's sad they are getting a divorce, especially with all those kids. But they lasted longer than some thought they would and they also went through a lot together. Statistics show that couples who date or live together a long time before getting married, apparently the marriage never lasts very long. C'est la vie.
NicQuerica said…
I like your style, Anonymous 2:08. Sometimes you gotta talk sense to these fools.
NicQuerica said…
I don't think it's cool at all for people to be jumping up and down gleefully and throwing around the word KARMA so freely. There's nothing to celebrate or gloat about. To six young souls, Mom and Dad are breaking up. Jennifer Aniston has moved on years ago after Brad left. He wasn't stolen by AJ, he just left. You can't take someone who wants to leave. AND furthermore he apparently wasn't the greatest husband to Jennifer Aniston so tell me again what is there for her or anyone to gloat about? And for all those people who are downright joyful over this bit of gossip--remember KARMA, yeah that same word that you're so gleefully throwing out there.
T. W. said…
Thank you for clarifying this and for sharing your thoughts.. I didn't think you meant everyone. Have a blessed week!
T. W. said…
I feel sorry for all the children. Maybe we should say a prayer for them?
Maria said…
Karma my butt! Be quiet you stuck in the past weirdos.

Jennifer bored the crap out of Brad with her obsession to fame. She bores me every time she speaks. Angelina showed Brad another way of living and now it's over. Maybe Brad needs to take some "me time" instead of looking for himself in other people. That's what I see.

CD prepared us that this was happening so I wasn't devastated. But yeah it is sad for the kids and it's sad that these two mostly compatible adults couldn't work it out. Jolie's public attack on Brad IS weird. Doesn't seem friendly or smart (adds to the gossip factor). So why indeed?
Anonymous said…
Angelina is hinting at something sinister. There are strong words thrown around like "protecting the children" hmmmm wonder if the truth will ever come out?
Anonymous said…
I totally agree with you Maria. I always knew that Jennifer and Brad would split because she never wanted to have kids (or wasn't thrilled about it) and Brad has stated that he was bored in the marriage. They didn't have a great deal in common period. I don't think that Brad set out to fall in love with Angelina. It just happened. Now, with that being said, Angelina has had a colorful past. Making out with her brother and marrying BB. Thornton and wearing a vial of his blood around her neck? But, she has matured and grown up a lot and seems to love having a family. I've got to believe it is difficult to keep marriages together when both people are very busy and traveling apart a good deal of the time. And, parenting a village of kids can be stressful on top of that too. I don't get why Angelina is trashing Brad (very uncool) about his parenting skills. It is never good to trash the father of your kids period. Well...whatever happened it is sad. I liked this couple and hoped that they could have made it.
June said…
Christian are they done for good? No hope for reconciliation?
Anonymous said…
I see this guts of this looking through glass....


Angelina is insane/dysfunctional mental deficiencies...and Brad couldn't take her 'fake' crap anymore...

Angelina has two faces...her projected, celebrity, social face and her true inner face..... the narcissistic, bi-polar & crazy....

I've never bought into her whole self-less, save the world act..

Besides...ripping out all her female organs has made her a hormonally imbalanced and even MORE crazy....

Do you concur, CD? yes or no would validate my intuitions....

Anonymous said…
These things happen all the time. Couples divorce every day. relationships end and relationships begin. It is called 'life'. We are all on a journey. I have to say, I am not interested in celebrity's lives. As my mum use to say, 'You never know what goes on behind closed doors.'
Anonymous said…
DM says Ang is holed up in a war room with her crew of lawyers, spinning webs of lies about Brad. Meanwhile, Brad has told his friends and crew not to say anything negative about Ang.

Also, now it is being said there was no affair with Cotillard.

Wonder if Ang has aged into her fathers brand of craziness? Or has a brain tumor? Or is on the wrong mix of replacement hormones? She may be taking some high levels to stay "youthful", and that stuff will make you nuts at high doses.

I'm not meaning to imply Brad is an angel. But he is being discreet about her, and that is important for the mental health of the kids.

We need CD to give us his updated view of the Pitt war.
T. W. said…
MediaTakeOut is reporting Cotillard is pregnant.
Anonymous said…
It's gonna get ugly isn't it. And poor Jennifer always stuck in someone's shadow.
Common Sense said…
Hmmm... interesting comments. They just married two years ago, so things must have been relatively fine until then. She's been through a lot, I don't think any of us can imagine or appreciate what it is like to have your breasts removed and other body parts. Emotionally, physically, this can take an enormous toll. Especially when you are one of the world's most beautiful women. She has all those children to look after, she can't grieve properly for her many losses.

Men have a hard time with disease, illnesses, death, etc. A lot of men leave their wives when illness comes into their lives. They might stick around and support her until she is either better or able to cope, but the majority divorce.

She is not the same physically anymore, and with that comes many changes, as some have already discussed here. She hasn't really looked that good since going through all these major operations.

Life is so full of surprises, some good, some bad (mostly bad). I wish people would drop the karma thing as well. Things happen in life, and yes, Brad was married to Jennifer at the time, and I think that things were not too rosy otherwise he would not have got involved with Angelina. Although for most red-blooded males, this would be extremely difficult not to.

Think back to Elizabeth Taylor and how most of her leading men fell for her too. Both these women had an incredible, rare beauty and were fascinating. I am not saying it is right to get involved with a married man (or woman for that matter). It has been said that true soulmates meet "out of the blue" and I believe that Angelina and Brad were soulmates, destined to meet and be together.
Anonymous said…

I have said this and read this on many numerology and psychic blogs as well...we are in a very karmic year; good and bad. Some people will be rewarded for their past efforts, some will be not. With karma, it's all about actions and reactions. You reap what you sow, that whole bit. With Angelina and Brad...including Jennifer, the pendulum swings both ways. Nobody won, nobody lost. Guess what people, life happens and so it goes.
Anonymous said…
Well, if this karma, Aniston better watch her back. Heidi Bivens says hello.
Maria said…
Anon 4:23

The more I think about her approach to this divorce the more I see vindictiveness. WHY in the world would you trash the father of your kids like this? 1000xs more if you're a global celeb and you know the world is watching. This was guns blazing almost. Without question the intent to hurt his career and his character is so obvious. But why? Why would she stoop so low and dirty? There must be very hurt feelings and maybe it is rejection. Maybe she sensed he had chemistry with Marion as innocent as it was on her part. Whatever it is seems to me (a nobody) as unwarranted and heavy handed. And I'm writing a lot about it because I loved them together and was happy they met. That said I sensed he was falling out of love with her a few years ago. It was just pretty obvious to me.
Unknown said…
I honestly cannot believe so many people are buying the crap she is selling about Brad is a bad parent. First of all, if he was that bad, she would have left him a while ago and made children with someone else. Now she is divorcing him and he is bad enough that she doesnt trust him to be part of the parenting only to babysit them? give me a break it is damn obvious this is a smear campaign agaisnt him and she doesnt care it is public. Obviously she knows he will get joint physical custody, however bad press, bad rep stays and this is what she is aiming full force at. I am not sure why she would do that, when she is the one who is trying her best to prepare the public of what we about to see...she will be with another man in no freaking time...sorry she is with another man already..fighting for sole custody will just be easier and more controllable for her regarding the kids with the new man....people people..should know by now, how Angie became an expert on re-creating an image..(Jen split Era..anyone?)
Anonymous said…
Deep comments, a lot of thoughtful people come here.

Didn't her mom have a crazy paranoia about Jon Voight that she passed along to Angelina? Jon said there is something wrong mentally with Ang, and she cut him right out of her life. Seems like she's following the same pattern now with Brad, only he hasn't said anything publicly yet against her. Yet.....

I, too, thought they were a good match, and will miss what they represented as a couple and a family.
Anonymous said…
I have just read of a potential 'real reason' for Angelina's break, which is that she has a deep love with a politician she met with her UN / charity work. A prime candidate would be British Conservative Party ex-leader William Hague. Only time will tell if this is genuine gossip gold but it caught my eye. Maybe CD can drop a hint, yay or nay?

Now, I have no idea if this rumour is true right now today, but I definitely remember when they were campaigning together on sexual violence a couple of years ago, even serious broadsheet journalists were remarking how the pair seemed to form an instant soul mate deep symbiotic friendship that was as obvious and startling as it was surreal. Extra surreal is that Hague had a strange deep soul mate bond with Lord of the Olympics Seb Coe in parliament that people couldn't quite figure out. The man's an enigma, and also a Yorkshireman like your gracious host here. But even if only platonic, Willgelina were definitely some sort of *thing*.

Anyway, there's a synchronicity in the triangle. William Hague wrote a historical tome about ages-ago Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger. And Brad's full birth name is...

I love stuff like that.
Anonymous said…
Holy carp, Brad is being investigated for child abuse! Supposed to have had a drunken meltdown on a private jet, cursing and being rough with the children, then having another drunken fit on the Tarmac when they landed. Wow. No more sympathy from me, Brad.
T. W. said…
Reports are claiming Angie didn't like how Brad was raising Shiloh. Shiloh is allegedly transgendered (wants to be a boy).
Anonymous said…
Awesome post, 1:14! Going to google this fascinating Yorkie.

At least if Angie called his name in her sleep, William Bradley would have no suspicions, lol.
T. W. said…
Now it is being reported Brad was reported to the FBI. If true, it could be a child porn case or transporting a minor across state lines for sex. Please, let us hope Brad is innocent. I hate to think a child was hurt.
Anonymous said…
OMG, I just googled William Hague and he looks like an old PeePaw! Bald, with white fringe on the sides. Wow, she's doing the Marilyn Monroe/Arthur Miller thing. Ugh.
Anonymous said…

Can you address Angelina's obviously hostile to not-so-warm relationship with Shiloh. It's odd. I wonder if they fought over her neglect and weird attitude to that beautiful baby. The things she said about her I wil never forget, but her twins, especially the girl she treats like gold. What is up with that? I know something is off with it. Shiloh is way more beautiful than Viviene and knox looks more like Shiloh. I was appalled at the things she said about that gorgeous baby. How could anyone not cherish and love her?? I just want to understand her weird and cold attitude towards Shiloh. I think Shiloh should live with her dad, personally.

Can you please shed some light on this situation, C.D.

Thank you
OWS99 said…
She can't handle all those children by herself. They should have joint custody. She is trying to cut him out and that's wrong. She is the one that is the bad parent and sets no limits or boundaries and shows all kinds of favoritism. Brad is a disciplinarian, but kids need that. I hope Brad fights her for joint custody. She's the one who's whacko.
Mariefass said…
Brad Pitt may be many things,a pot head, a too heavy drinker, but he is not an abuser. This man, unfortunately is going through a very grand and very public mid-life crisis.The marriage,I believe is not over.This might be in reality a wake up call for both of them to sort their individual issues and put their family first. Angie needs to rid herself of her two new 'best friends who seem to be advising her.'The damn fools talking about 'Karma' should stop and consider that there are 6 little souls involved. Aniston should focus on her own marriage which is not in great shape. When she talks about karma the name Heidi Bivens should give her pause. Just my opinion.
nico123 said…
This divorce is going to get ugly..... These kids are about to get a dose of how awful the media is.
Anonymous said…
I predict they won't get back together. The break up occurred shortly after a lunar eclipse, which occurred in Brad's fourth house of home and family. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon on steroids. When a break up occurs on an eclipse it's permanent.
Anonymous said…
This might be fun if it was all just Billy Bob related.
Anonymous said…
There is an airport camera video of the incident with Brad and Maddox. He did not rough him up, but he did yell at him.

T. W. said…
Parents yell at kids all the time.
Anonymous said…
Brad still has a lot of that downhome Midwest value and is probably raising the kids the way he was raised. Like Johnny Depp, I've never heard a bad word about him. I think he really wanted the kids. She acts like everything is helping her image sometimes, like she wants to run the UN and be Susie Homemaker on the cover of magazines that always showcased their stellar marriage/family life. I hope Brad isn't scarred by this. He seems like a nice enough guy for all the crap Hollywood does to a person?

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