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Burning Bush .....

So as the next Presidential Debate nears.
Donald "Babyfart" Trump.
Hot on the "Heels" of his latest gaff.
Will be adding a couple of more nails, 
into the ever growing coffin.
Hilary must be falling on the floor laughing.
Girl, get some depends, 
you are going to need them.
For the debate, ha ha...


T. W. said…
Thanks for all the laughs Christian!
Maria said…
The poster is BRILLIANT! omg LOLO

I'm so hopeful this is finally it! The dam has burst. I don't know why people have been waiting and holding back. Just thank God they finally caved and listened to their consciences. It's hard to humiliate a person who cannot feel any human emotions except lust and greed but I think being embarrassed on an international scale will STING if just a little. Wheeee
Anonymous said…
I have to admit that idiot Trump has brought me some good laughs. He is on an October free fall without a parachute! Lol
OWS99 said…
The GOP can't get him to step down and it's too little too late anyway.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian,

Apparently Kate Moss is trying to start her own modeling/talent agency? Will this be a good move for her?

Anonymous said…
Bye niqquah.
Anonymous said…
Crooked Hillary for president.
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, will Mark Burnett release the Apprentice raw recordings of Donald Ttump which they say iare way more damaging recordings than what just came out??

It seems Mark burnett is protecting trump!!
Anonymous said…
An Apprentice producer is trying to get Mark Cuban to pay the 5 million penalty and legal fees to release the Apprentice footage where Trump is heard using the N word!!!!
Mark Cuban hates trump and he may pay the money for the tape!! Stay tuned!!!
T. W. said…
The Clintons are just as bad, they know how to wipe their $hit.
Common Sense said…
Very funny!!

The debate is on tonight. No doubt there will be fireworks!
T. W. said…
The debate was very good. Trump scored major points. Down with HillBilly.
Anonymous said…
He will not win
Mark my words and CD
No chance
30 days more with this low life con artist
He thinks he is Hitler this is the United States
We don't play that
Anonymous said…
He is done
His base is not enough to win an election
Bye bye asshole
CD I know you see this Shit for who he truly is
THe African Americans
THE haaaaaaaaaaaaa racist
CD predicts HRC winner
T. W. said…
Either way we are screwed.
Anonymous said…
TW, your anti Hillary comments are disturbing. Haven't you said you are a black woman who only has one pair of shoes? U for a billionaire who calls someone of your race a nigger and its on tape? U against the first woman to ever have a chance to be president? U against Obama too? U r strange, and b sweet and holy one day and then turn the other way the next day. Is someone else in yr house using yr account for mischiefs?
Anonymous said…
The orange clown hit Hillary pretty hard during the debate! He is a desperate vulgar racist pig with not much more to lose so he went all out!
Hillary could have hit him harder during the debate. But overall she did very well and showed grace and composure which we need to see from the President of the US!!
Hillary is the next President of the United States!!
T. W. said…
I am not for trump. This election cycle is disturbing to me.
T. W. said…
I just meant Trump scored major points. Hillary took the high road. I don't like either candidate. I do see Hillary winning.
I do have foot in mouth disease. No joke. Please pray for me.
Anonymous said…
Prayers said. I, too, am my own worst enemy sometimes. Comes from being unheard in real life. Makes me feel my oats when I can be bold and hidden. Much love to you, TW.
Anonymous said…
You cannot have that attitude.

I make my own future
So I'm not screwed
Anonymous said…
Anon is right you need to get rid of foot in mouth
And use brain power
We may all not agree but as a person who has been sexually abuse
F him
T. W. said…
Thank you for sharing. I really hope I am wrong and Hillary turns things around.
T. W. said…
Thank you Anon. I am sorry you were abused, I know that was a terrible experience for you. You are right, Trump is gross.
T. W. said…
Thank you Anon! God bless you always.
Anonymous said…
Anon thank you for calling out TW
You are 100 percent right
If life is that bad you need to put on the so called one pair of shoes
and find a job to buy the second pair. I love this blog but you hog it
and there are times I don't come on here just because of that fact.
Yu support a guy that grab women disgusting. Is the christian stuff oney when you need
it to be.
Common Sense said…
Oh, could we please quit with the first woman president crap?

Who cares if the president is male or female or a combination thereof?

What matters most is the right person gets voted in to do the job.

Also, some of you need to repeat the Reading for Comprehension Course, as T.W. is not supporting Trump, at least not what I have seen. She may not like Hillary either, but that is her right to express.

Whomever she supports is her right without being criticized by Anons.
T. W. said…
I do NOT endorse Trump. My comment had to do with the debate. We know Hillary will win so you can relax.

You should post more, what you have to say is important.
Anonymous said…
T.W. and Common Sense: I agree.
Stop with the first woman president crap already.
I'm not a Trump fan but Hilliary is a criminal and war-monger and would be way worse for this country than Trump.

Use your brain power and vote third party!
Anonymous said…
Oh puleeze, 7:15 and Common (prolly Common and Common). So the first to do something is a yawn, and to be ignored? The first men to fly, the first man on the moon, the first woman Admiral, the first female Navy Seal, etc etc? Notice it's always "the first man to set foot on the moon"? When have you EVER heard it said " the first person on the moon".

You're just pissing on Hillary like you always do. Bye, Felicia.
Common Sense said…
I do not subscribe to this dichotomy. You are so hung up on this gender issue. I do not care about whether it is a man or a woman president (mind you, in this scenario, I do hope that Hillary does win the election). The best person for the job, that's all that matters. If I am to hire people, I would hire smart, GOOD people. People who know how to get along with others and who are NICE people. I don't care if they are male or female. I don't care if they are gay or straight.

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