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Cheater & a Liar....

So Angelina Jolie has as we know been trying to make her soon to be Ex Hubby the "BAD" one.
Well, it's about to backfire & explode in her face.
Doesn't she understand, 
that her telling the powers that be,
 to check into him.
Well, they will check into her too.
Wait till they expose the name of her,
 "NEW" flame.
Who also isn't free.......


Anonymous said…
I can't wait to know who she has been seeing!
Anonymous said…
O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!

Walter Scott

Unknown said…
Billy Bob? Or is that female politician in the UK.
Anonymous said…
CD, is she having an affair with William Hague??
Anonymous said…
Maddox. Yeah, I went there. Maddox.
Anonymous said…
Male or a female, but she can't be bright to think that she is all powerful. Her past is not that clean either.
T. W. said…
This will be juicy!
Anonymous said…

Oh Lawdy it ain't Donald Trump now is it?
Common Sense said…
For real? I am shocked.
Anonymous said…
all those kids and had the hunk of actor husband she stole and now her new flame in the midst of all of this is not free either. whats wrong with people and how they prioritize their time and who they spend it on or with. she had it all.
Anonymous said…
i hope its not amal clooney
Anonymous said…
I thought it was well known that Brad and Angie had an open relationship agreement...

The fact that they're divorcing is proof that open relationships don't work, as hinted from some of my hollywood sources, Brad caught feelings for the one he was sleeping with.
Anonymous said…
Bye Johnnie Depp. It's harvest time. "They" know what I'm talking about. He's going to get the 33 degree treatment after Toni Braxton.
Anonymous said…
You know what they say: Birds of a feather shoot smack together.
Anonymous said…
Oh Angie. Fame is fickle eventually people see through a facade. Love u girl but should have played nice.
CyndiTx123 said…
Could it be William Hague or the lady Arminka Helic or the Chloe Dalton….
I feel bad for the kids involved….
Anonymous said…
he he he biatch.....
Anonymous said…
*Falls over laughing* As much as I love Angelina this is gonna be juicy :) You accidently tagged R and K to this CD.
Anonymous said…
Bye ho
Anonymous said…
I don't think CD tagged R&K by accident. By the way CD what is up with Rob and Kristen ? Would you spell? Please :)
please tell me khloe kardashian isn't really engaged after only two months to cleveland Cavalier basketball player Tristan Thompson , whos ex is pregnant with his baby right now....keep the kardashians out of my city! they really will do anything just like cd says...they don't even care!
Anonymous said…
This ought to be good. I feel for those kids who are caught right smack in the middle of her crazy Bullshiz too.
Unknown said…
Angie only likes the married ones. Karma always screws the Other Woman in the end. She's going to end up old and alone with a boatload of kids, like Mia Farrow.
Anonymous said…
Christina G for the win!
Anonymous said…
Possibly one of her previous husbands. I guess these two hate each other more list than love and boredom set in.
Anonymous said…
Christian Dion, please explain what does Robert Pattinson have anything to do with this post? You tagged him. Please, explain.
Anonymous said…
I'm confused by this, but Rob is doing promo for a movie that Brad Pitt is tied to the production of. Kristen is busy dating 5 different women in a month though so I don't get it.
Anonymous said…
Maybe she's with Rob (he isn't free from Twigs yet). Or Kristen, who isn't free either.

Or George Clooney. She would be perfect for him. Would help his political ambitions and is as close to a man as he can get.
Anonymous said…
Oooooooo I get it ;)
Anonymous said…
Maybe it's his way of saying Rob's relationship with twigs is coming to an end. It's about time!!
Anonymous said…
Anon at 4:06 AM, no, Robert Pattinson is not with Angelina LOL, I can't even imagine this. I don't think if they have ever met each other. They could see each other when Rob attended Inglorius Bastards premiere in Cannes in 2009. The fact Rob is in the movie made by Brad's studio means nothing. I wonder because Christian said Rob and Twigs are over since January but they have been seen together at the beggining of October at Heathrow. Christian pleae explain, why Rob is tagged?
Anonymous said…
CD said "they've been done" since the start of the summer (which explains why they haven't even been together at all except at the airport, or at a smoothie place, which they weren't even together in the pic.) I think he was only spotted with her for PR reasons. They said he flew back to London to be with her but he had new Dior stuff when he flew back to NY less than 2 weeks later. So i think it was a business trip. I'm with CD. It's been over but he's too nice to not help and step away from it all.
Anonymous said…
Rob was shooting a movie the whole summer. They have been seen togeter in NY in September, he was at Twigs concert at the Symbiosis festival on September 25th, they got papped arriving at LAX, they both attended Drake's after party in LA, and finally they left US at the beginning of October. Dior photoshoot took place in June in Pris, this is an old thing but announcement of his new Dior Homme Nocturnal collection 2017 was like a week ago. Rob attended The Lost City of Z premiere at New York Film Festival on October 15. Twigs wasn't there. If she won't be with Rob at the Go Charity in November I believe they are over.
Anonymous said…
I believe they're over as well, and whoever winds up with him, you are very lucky, best of luck whoever you are.
NicQuerica said…
This is the dumbest, most vindictive thing AJ has ever done. A serious misstep and it's going to cost her the custody of those kids. Shes really in no position to throw dirt on anyone, not with her history of drug abuse, eating disorders and a penchant for sleeping with other people's men, including her mother's boyfriend at the age of 14. I like her, but what she's doing isnt cool by any means.
NicQuerica said…
No way! AJ is deep in the darkness but not THAT deep.
NicQuerica said…
Who was he sleeping with? Do tell!
NicQuerica said…
For real...? What do you mean?
Anonymous said…
NicQuerica, you are suffering from TW-itis! She throws replies out and we never know who they are for. Very funny sometimes.

Love your Avi!
T. W. said…
33 degree refers to high ranking Freemasons. The treatment is a suspicious death.
T. W. said…
I love you anonymous! Stay blessed!

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