The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
CD - as always you are so right!
This really made me laugh and I imagine this dirty old man is still "working his magic!"
The Clinton's will be exposed as one of the most heinous political families in history. Greed, graft, blackmail, fraud, lies, deception, destruction of evidence, destruction of the lives of many men, women and their children (including the loss of lives) strong arm tactics, sexual perversion, underage sex, and power grabs at all cost. It will all be Exposed and people will have to start believing it, finally. I hope the Clinton's get buried with it so deep that they can't resurrect themselves. . . again. I hope that this torpedoes Chelsea's planned foray into politics to help white wash the Clinton legacy. Just what exactly did you do at Mommy and Daddy's Foundation Cheksea??!!!!
You think it can't get any worse than Trump??!! Trump will look like a Boy Scout compared to the Clinton's. Hillary talks about words, but it will be their deeds that will be laid bare.The Clinton apologists will be out in full force, to be sure. But once this hits the media won't be able to cover her ass or spin it out of existence. You can't come back from having sex with a thirteen year old on tape. Hillary might spend 39 minutes in a hangar trying. She will even try in some pathetic last ditch effort to throw Soros money at it. But it will be a wasted effort. Poor Hill won't know what to do. She usually is batting clean up for Bill's inconvenient evil deeds. Let's see, will it start with Right Wing Conspiracy? Or - Everyone is out to get me because I am a competent strong woman? Or - You just don't understand Bill the way that I do? Or- Damn it, the deal was I stay with Bill, destroy other people's lives before they destroy us and I get The White House!!!
Hold on tight because I predict an altogether different kind of hell will make it's way into the political arena when Anonymous releases the tape, at their chosen time. It will timed so that Hillary and her machine can't make it go away.
You wonder why I pushed CD so hard? This is why. The Clinton's always bring hell and damnation with with them. ALWAYS? No one ever gets out unscathed. THAT is their legacy.
I hope to God that Prince Andrew is on tape as well.and that he is finally exposed and brought to justice.
When Bill trolled for pu**y if rom the intern and secretarial pool he, by default, implicated and involved the Secret Service and the CIA. This also speaks to one of the reasons Hillary treated the Secret Service like shit. They knew Bill was a swinging dick but they couldn't stop him. They knew, and she knew they knew. Quite a "bone" of contention right there, don't you think??
As Monica was giving head to Bill he was on the phone with a foreign dignitary. Again, what did Monica hear? You know the CIA had to cover his ass on that one.
As Arkansas governor Bill used state troopers to help him pull over Paula Jones while she was driving in her car. They made her follow on to a hotel room where Bill sexually harassed her. That is just one instance that we know of. What else did the state troopers do for Bill Clinton?
This is where things take a damning turn - CD, you can use your talents to substantiate and verify my next statement:
I won't reveal how I know, but believe me when I say that I know, for sure, that Bill Clinton used Air Force One to have trysts with Gina Gershon in California. So, basically Air Force One was used for booty calls. Everyone is all up in arms about Trump's non payment of taxes but I wonder what they would think when they realize some of their tax dollars went to the pursuit of pu**y for Bill's willy?!!!
CD, please do verify this as it would be my pleasure for you to know that this is absolutely true since things are so one sided on this site in regards to this issue.
The truth is three can go toe to toe for days and weeks on bad behavior, mysogny, name calling and power grabs. But the fact is that Hillary knew all along about Bill and his sexual activity. Did she leave him, divorce him?? No, that would have ruined her chances to grab the most powerful position in the world, as some would argue. Instead, Hillary chooses to mount a scorched earth policy - Against The Women
This is who she is. This is who she has always been. Add to that her penchant for verbal and physical abuse, her lies, their continued corruptionand money laundering . . . all that shit, and you wind up with one disgusting human being.
The people here can call me names all they want, they can disbelieve, but an October surprise might be arriving at their doorstep sooner than they think.
The next episode (debate) to watch will be Wednesday, October 19!
Meanwhile in Syria.
Arness P. Moore
The fact that Hillary stayed with Bill and did not divorce him does not make her a disgusting person. Lots of women stick with their "cheatin' hearts", and not always because they love them. Bill and Hillary may be married, but I think they are only partners and not lovers.
I don't think Bill is attracted to Hillary, and perhaps that is why he was always having affairs. Who really knows? I am only speculating. I don't think there are too many men, if any, that would be attracted to Hillary Clinton. She is too masculine.
There is absolutely nothing you can say to anyone with a vital brain cell left to change their mind. Nada. I suggest you make peace with your obsession with the Clintons. Or is it a crush?
That's it. You love Bill, don't you? And him ignoring you drives you MAD. We see your gig.
GO Hillary!! Whooo
I think that explains the look on Bill's face during the debate because he didn't know how far Trump was going to go. I think theat the Clinton campaign has known about this tape for a while and has tried to prepare for a worse case scenario. I also think that her big donor, George Soros, has known about this for a while. In my mind, that is why they have gone Armageddon on Trump. But Lordy, Bill is going to rock this nation with his penis AGAIN, allegedly.
The complicit media tried to deliver knock out blows to Trump's campaign for Hillary this week. I am not condoning his words or his behavior but the fourth estate needs to go back to doing their real job and stop working for the government.
I bet that Trump knows this tape is out there. That is why he warned Hillary's camp to cease with the old videos and live mic stuff. He appeared to give them fair warning a couple of days ago. But Hillary and Bill can't help themselves. They are almost to the finish line, they think that they have pulled the biggest one ever, so they have to pull out all their bag of tricks before they can't anymore. These two will never change. Not for anyone.
It is said that the Isreali's secretly taped Bill for blackmail purposes, and that he went to "Pedo Island" 26 times. Five of those times he allegedly gave his Secret Service the slip. He has been purported to have been taped having underage sex on the plane in a room made specifically for that purpose and also on the island. Some are reporting it as "raping" the girls. I truly hope that is not the case.
I also am guessing that behind the scenes the Clinton's might be trying to extracate and distance Chelsea from all of the fall out if and when this tape is released. They may be trying to make deals for protection for her and her family before this all hits the fan. That is what I would do as a parent.
Again, Anonymous doesn't play. If the tape is real hug your loved ones. Then duck and cover.
As for who I am, I've stated that before. If you are late to the party I am not going to go over it again. You are just going to heap loads of abuse my way regardless. Know that I am a person that has already lived through the Clinton era. I know what wapping load of crap they have put our nation through before. The fact that it diesn't fit the narrative in your head is not my fault. It was all right there in front of you (collectively) but you chose to look the other way.
To TW's point - I only read a small paragraph but yes, it is her business if she decides to stay in a marriage. But she stayed in for the promised big prize. A divorced woman would not have had much of a chance taking a run at the White House. And she also had Chelsea future to consider. Chelsea needed to mix with the New York establishment. That would take big money. Bill knows how to build a war chest like no other. That was Why they chose that state to carpet bag. Big money, big names, with international cache. It was all so strategic. It took them months to plan and months to throw enough money around in New York so that when they arrived the skids were greased up pretty well for them.
But also,remember that by staying in the marriage she signed on to take the lead in destroying Bill's victims. Which she did. War room and all.
I called them heinous. They are.
Can you look at how the Hillary Clinton presidency would be like for United States? I know you mentioned she would win against Trump so I'm curious to know what kind of changes would take place. (Jobs, starting businesses, inflation, healthcare, etc.)
I think you have a feeling something is coming down the pike.
It appears CD is not letting me post anymore, but I want to thank you once again for being a scholar and a gentleman. This old gal's heart sees your heart. Thank you.
I think you feel that hell's a comin'. Hug your loved ones, then duck and cover, my friend.
Our nation will more than likely be plunged into darkness as the result of this. The sad thing is it won't be the first time that this has happened due to the way in which the Clinton's have chosen to walk this earth.
The wee one on this site, those that have not already been dipped in Clinton fire, are going to need you in the days and months following any sex tape release. They will need your calm and understanding.
Brace yourself. You can do this!
If everyone here all agreed on the exact same things, this site would be, well, boring. Very boring. We need people who think differently and have different viewpoints.
I personally find it fascinating to read other's posts, however, like many others, I do not agree with the anonymous haters who hurl insults and personal attacks. This is online bullying and unprofessional.
The world is filled with strife and hate. Can we not accept others and their different beliefs, etc., without the nasty hateful remarks? It is so easy to be a bully online, it also is one of the most cowardly acts, IMHO.
We can agree to disagree. As the song says:
"So let's leave it alone, 'cause we can't see eye to eye
There ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy
There's only you and me and we just disagree."
You aint no good guy, You aint no prize,
Theres only you and Miles, who want to disagree,
So go somewhere else, somewhere we'll never see."
So what's the difference between him and Bill? Answer: None. Why does the Donald get a free pass from you? Answer: You are nuts!
Yep, that's what I heard.
We are having a blast! I love everyone on here except the obvious crazies who go way way way way over the edge. But then again, I love the posts that squash them like bugs. It's a win-win for me!
If this is going to indeed happen, I see two scenarios right off the bat.
The Clinton's will gut it out like they always do because, you know, "How dare they. Rules aren't for us!" And that has worked for them, for the most part, twice already.
Or, they will try to get out in front of it and she bow out of the race to protect Chelsea citing medical issues.
Also, Given who her opponent is I see an "emergency" third term for Obama.
C.D. says Hillary is going to win. Live with it, he's right. It is happening right now. Ask him actual questions he can answer instead of making judgments about people you know nothing about. Myles comments say a lot more about who he is as a person, than they do about the people he is attempting to trash. It's a failure on his part.
Myles I can't you're really ignorant
Your boy king trump has a case on December accused of raping a 13 year old
That's your boy...
Check out the Political Mud Slinging Part 2 story. It has top billing right now. Check out why they felt they had to go with it. This stuff is going to get out. Hillary doesn't have ALL the media controlling her narrative for her. As some people have just become citizens one would think that they would hold free speech in high regards and not take punitive action against those that know the terrible and evil flip side of the story.
So, that was our first introduction to the Clinton's, their degradations and how just how very far Hillary was willing to go to keep power. It is also said that Bill was stepping out freely with an African American news caster or maybe a weather gal. It doesn't matter. All you have to know is that Gennifer Flowers was not the first known affair, and certainly not the last.
Notice that it is always Hillary that goes after, absolutely terrorizes, the innocent women and their children. The pattern is, Bill F's them, then Hillary F's them harder. She F's them so hard that she tries to wipe them off the face of the earth.
CD,TW, Newbies - I know that you know in your gut that Anonymous has a tape. Bill has been Bill all along. Hillary has proven to be Hillary all along. But some would argue that Hillary is the worst of the lot by the way in which she destroys the victims. Sometimes she is caught on tape laughing about it.
Call me a troll, I'll take it. Call me a liar and a fabricator, well that is a horse of a different color. I have neither fabricated or lied, you just want it to be so.
Tell me to STFU. That is censorship.
I am being censored, though. Someone here is part of the fourth estate that wants Hillary elected, at all costs. That has saddened me a great deal.
IF it hits the fan - Try to move forward - Together. We have had enough division and media censorship in this election. There is a decent person out there not controlled by big money, sexual perversions, and their power mania. There is someone out there that is not sheltered by the media. There is someone out there that does not NEED to be sheltered by the media. There is someone out there that isn't totally corrupted, that isn't totally bought out, and that hasn't been laughably white washed. Don't settle for less.
The Clinton's have been "cleansed " by the water (media, big money) so many times that they should start out every day, every appearance, and every speech with Hallelujah. But the the filth and stink always come back because they are simply that heinous.
And they have problems with cheap women, diagnoses, falsehood,lies, coruption,...
They have this cheap women snd falsehood and jihad everywhere:there is a very bad work and there is not any dignity.I know that and I know that they are an disaster.
'People so pumped up over a 70 year old man and a 9 year old woman.' There are parts of the world where that's considered the perfect marriage... (I know, it was a typo.)