Is Cheryl Cole really pregnant? I thought her and Liam were just strictly PR?
Every single proven accusation over the past year + has been disqualifying and YET he's still in the game and very close behind Hillary. He is a pervert, a racist, a con, liar, hypocritical numbskull who lacks intelligence and articulation BUT his moron supporters hate a diverse, socially progressive America so much they don't care he's all those things as well as sexual assaulter. They'll throw money, their women and daughters at him as long as he keeps America gunned up and "pure." So while I'd love to cross my finger anyone will finally hold him accountable I somehow doubt it.
This is UNREAL.
Nothing seems to stick on Trump! He is now caught up to Hillary in the polls and leading in some states! Unreal!!!
"account on device had email account already reviewed. In spite of that, FBI has decided to re-review. Not new emails"
Can you say J Edgar Hoover?
I hope the first thing Hillary does after inauguration is yank Comey's ass out of the FBI and have him indicted.
CD, please tell me, the Cleveland Indians will win this world series!
CD can you please comment if you still see Hillary winning the election after this huge surprise??
He has broken rules all throughout this, which tells me his purpose loud and clear.
Richard Painter, a chief ethics lawyer for George W. Bush, went beyond criticizing Comey in the media: he writes in the New York Times that “on Saturday, I filed a complaint against the F.B.I. with the Office of Special Counsel, which investigates Hatch Act violations, and with the Office of Government Ethics.” And when you’ve lost W’s ethics lawyer ...
The Hatch Act is a Federal LAW, which makes it a Federal felony to break it, punishable by going to Federal prison. In Federal prison, there is no getting out early for good behavior, full sentences are served. Many heinous crimes (think RICO and the mob) are covered by Federal law, and sentences in Federal court are longgggg and non-negotiable. Think Leavenworth or Moline.
The Hatch Act has stood firm against two challenges before the Supreme Court.
To quote, it is against the law to "use [their] official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election."
Trump is being investigated by the FBI because of his Russian money connection. Let me make that clear, Comey has the names of the Russians who contributed millions to Trump's campaign in violation of the campaign finance law, and Comey refuses to release it. I'm astounded you don't know this. It's in the mainstream news today. Upgrade your program.
First of all, using the word 'ethics' in the same sentence as George W. Bush just makes me laugh out loud.
Also, as I stated before, the Hatch Act is not a criminal statute and is not punishable by prison or jail time. Upgrade your program and Look it up.
I did not mention anything about Trump in my post so I'm not sure why you felt the need to bring him up in your response. I worked all day and have not watched mainstream news today. Honestly, it's ignorant people like you who seem to think there is a difference between the two parties and there are only two candidates to choose from that has gotten this country swirling down the toilet. Buy a brain.
Anywho, Anonymous 1:38AM is correct on all counts. Sorry Miles, but your blogs aren't legit. You prove your ignorance with the remark, "people who think there is a difference between the two parties...". Guess what snot merchant, there is more than a difference between parties, they are polar opposite. So if you want to open your ignorant yapper and spew lies ,I suggest you go somewhere where someone will buy the bag of lies you are selling. The country is in jeopardy because of what conservatives have done to this country beginning in 1980 with the failed supply-side trickle-down economics theory and large tax breaks to the 1%. Now, son....if you had a brain and removed your head from your nether region long enough to take a breath and understand that the stupid, childish libertarian, irresponsible, mean-spirited crap, dupes like you get suckered into believing at the teet of Koch Bros is not only plain wrong, but vile and straight up wrong, then maybe you would begin to grow as a human being. Until then shut your clap trap and and stop making an ass out of yourself. It's pathetic.