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A Question .... Another VOTE..

So as I near the time too sit down and write the 2017 Predictions.
With all the work and stress that this involves.
I am considering, 
NOT doing so this year.
Well. I understand and accept,
all opinions of what I do.
all that goes with that good and bad.
 that at time it will seem incorrect.
The issue is "People" attacking my integrity ..
That seems to me it's not worth the effort.
we will have a vote one the matter.
A real vote, 
no rigging...
No Hate..
So if you would like to take part.
Vote either Yes or No.
In the comment area.
I will run the Vote till Midnight (PST) Monday 14th November 2016.


Susan Miller said…
Yes, please! Continue.
Anonymous said…
Yes please!
Anonymous said…
Yes i would like to read your predictions. No one is perfect. 4 other very good psychics i follow were also wrong about the election not to mention the polls, polsters and us - the people. We all thought there's no way baby fart trump would win. I've read your blog for 6 years now & this was the only time you've been wrong. So i think that's a pretty good record. Keep up the great work and tune out the rest. Lastly, thank you for doing what you do.
CyndiTx123 said…
You have my backing and it's a huge YES!!!

Your a lot stronger & don't let the negative people bring you down…. HOld your head high and keep on minding… as in psychic minding…:) Don't let the negative not let you do what you love to do and share with us…. people that care about you and your thoughts...…. I got a lot of negative over a joke on fb…. it scared me and I am no longer on it… I am sure you know that already…. I can't like and type hahaha…etc….on your site. I plan to resume my fb and I will be deleting a lot of so called friends…..

Anyway, peace & Love CD!! also… YES!!! YES!! YES!!!
hans said…
YES mate please do.
Anonymous said…
For me your integrity is in fact more enhanced. You didn't't pull down your (amazing) blog, you genuinely stood up to express your own bafflement at the outcome of that U.S. election where by the way you got the popular vote right &I in my brain that wild have made for current Pres under UK system of voting. But most important, I get food for thought & I make my own mind up on the political ones. You have my confidence in your integrity how you use your Gift. So for me, please, YES.
Thank you. LH, London. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Anonymous said…
Vote Yes, I have. We enjoy your predictions and work. Celebrities, political, and weather, etc are all greatly appreciated. Please don't change a thing. You are loved and very much respected here in Chicago.
Anonymous said…
We should not allow these new comers to ruin our predictions that we have enjoyed during the years.
Anonymous said…
Please continue to make your predictions Christian.
I found this site at least two years ago and I haven't ever posted a comment until now. It's silly how others seem to take all things so serious rather then use them in a fun way(no matter what the topic is). Predictions are or are not always accurate. This is the way it goes.
You are gifted in such a way that many of us are not.
All things in life that happen will always make some of us happy and some of us not happy by the results or outcomes. This is what makes the world go around.
As one human being to another hold your head high and know you are respected and appreciated by many people out there. Please ignore insults and judgements whether you are right or wrong. Your site is very interesting and at times gives me something to think about.

Cheers Cristan
LA GB said…
Yes, you are amazing Christian and I love reading your predictions.
Anonymous said…
Yes. Because:-

1. You get talked about a lot on the internet for your mostly correct predictions. 98.5 % as BBC says. So good for business.

2. You're not God. You would be incorrect sometimes. If God had shown you the right answer always it wouldn't have been good for your ego hence bad for your peace of mind. So it's a blessing for you.

3. One of the spiritual giants Shri Paramahansa Yogananda (who wrote the very famous book "Autobiography of the Yogi") once said - "Praise can't make me better and criticism can't make me worse." Meaning we will do what we are capable of so why worry about the external circumstances.

4. As a fan, my complaint is absolutely not that you get some things wrong. But that you sometimes criticize in a manner that is rude and uncalled for.

5. You have strong views about Clinton and Trump. As a dilettante journalist I know people will realize one day that Trump is a peaceful candidate. This US president doesn't want to meddle into other peoples' affairs. So dear CD, the only thing is that you're not correct about this issue but still criticize too much.

6. Also, what is happening in Europe is scary and you were the only one on the internet to give so many details about it.

7. And I regularly direct troubled people to ask you for predictions. I wouldn't have if I thought you had any less integrity.
Anonymous said…
June said…
My vote--> Absolutely Yes.

I understand your predictions are not gonna be 100% accurate, you're just a human being, still your hit rate is amazing!

Anonymous said…
CD, you've got a yes from me. I've been greatly concerned how you've been faring. It's clear to me, at least, how pivotal your integrity is to your well being. You do offer witty commentary here to help us, and I believe yourself, cope with the shadow side of the human condition. However, it's quite apparent that you come from a serious, substantial sense of purpose which is important and meaningful. Please continue to share freely what you are guided to do. As for the adverse comments which have appeared of late, it's more of the same...some folks simply won't take a deeper look at themselves and give in to blame, hate and lash out rather than completing the very difficult inner work incumbent upon us all. Sending you healing energy during this bruising time here in America.

~ Johanna ~
Anonymous said…

You are so brilliant....

Asking what the people "want" instead of promoting your own agenda!

This is why I have been a follower of your blog for years...

You post every point of view....not just the ones that validate your visions!

That is the core reason why I found you "real"....because you are not afraid to post the words of the opposition.

Insecure people surround themselves my "yes" people/puppets....and the confident/genuine are NOT afraid of criticism/opposition.

Check off "YES" for me...

You've always had my vote and heart....

Thank-you CD....for being one of the rare "REAL" individuals in this life. God gave you sight....and it's not all in vain.....

Anonymous said…
I don't blame you for asking guard your reputation with your life
Please do CD you are killer accurate
Don't be shaken
Anonymous said…
Yes. The future is not set in stone and can change. You have been proven right many times. But you're really good at what you do. A lot of psychics got the Trump thing wrong. A lot of very good ones who are also right a lot of the time. I don't see Trump getting winning the presidency as a mark against your integrity.
Anonymous said…
Yes !!!
Anonymous said…
Buy mr christian are you saying you were wrong about hillary win?
Unknown said…
Christian, I love you, and I hope you'll continue your blog because it is entertaining and useful. Keep doing what you're doing, but maybe less politics and more celebrity. When a psychic--any psychic--is too invested in a subject matter, they lose their objectivity. Which is why psychics can't seem to make predictions about their own lives. Too much skin in the game. Better to stick with subjects you're not so passionate about.

Hopefully by now you realize how much all voting Americans dearly love their country and will defend it to the death. We love our (legal) newbies, but only if they respect us and our ways, and that includes our political and voting system, and most importantly, our right to free speech (and yes, that includes expressing our dislike for Muslims or Christians or Millenials or Boomers or Trump or Clinton). Every American has a right to express their opinion about anything under the sun, so long as they express it peacefully. We will never be silenced again, not by Kings or armies, and not by political correctness.

Take a well earned break, dear one.

Anonymous said…
Of course, yes! Thank you in advance.
Anonymous said…
Yes, do it! I enjoy reading them and thank you for the audio reading you sent this week. It was lovely to hear your voice.
T. W. said…
I vote YES. I love and respect you. Wiccans say the future is changed once it has been revealed. I am not angry with you, I am angry at myself. You have been very kind to let the people vent, even the meanies. Friends, get a personal reading if you haven't already.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Yes!!!! Thank you, Victoria (UK)
Anonymous said…
Yes!!!! Thank you, Victoria (UK)
Letty said…
Yes! Cd your are the best do not let these idiots effect your gift! You have many followers that love you very much! Be who you are and do what you love to do!!
Anonymous said…
Oh CD! Hells to the YES times a million. I don't even know how to put into words how unbelievably remarkable and special you are for so many reasons. There is nobody on Earth like you and any of us that have been followers of yours know that you are 99.9 percent accurate; but we also realize that sometimes "Spirit" throws us all a curve-ball. You were right in that Clinton won the popular vote (that is a WINNER in my opinion). We all know how credible you are on your predictions and for the love of God and all of us please do not go away or stop your predictions. I just want to cry at the mere thought of it. I just respect you so much as a person...not just as a psychic. We need you now more than ever. I am not kidding. You come from a long line of psychics and it is what you are MEANT to do. Carry on my can do it. (Love and hugs)
Anonymous said…

The psychic twins also said Hilary would win. Many of us thought Americans would be decemt enough to not elect Trump and we were wrong.
Anonymous said…
Yes! I love that you share your gift us! You are the first site I go to when I am on my desktop. I guess I haven't said thank you enough~Thank you, CD, for sharing. <3
Kitty said…
Darling Christian, it's a BIG yes from me! YES! Xxx
As someone previously said, if you haven't asked for a personal reading yet, please do. Christian is so helpful and amazing with his readings!
Linda - Inger
Tony said…
Absolutely YES Christian. I always look forward to your predictions every year. I totally respect you and the work you do
Lorraine parson said…
Yes, please don't let them stop you. You have great support in us x
Anonymous said…
Yes!! I look forward to your predictions and I do not want these crazy people to change the love you share with us!!!
This is a fun website to share comments! There is light and love in your website!

Carry on and do not change how you predict anything!!
Anonymous said…
If you are worried then why have your website? I don't think people were meant to see this, but it karma and all the people who said there is no racism can't lie. We have to deal with it, if you are good then this should not deter you. Yes if makes a difference, you said people prefer it if you're wrong , change your energy and prove them wrong.
Anonymous said…
YES! You have a gift and it is needed, now more than ever!
Anonymous said…
Definitely YES!! I always appreciate your insights. Please keep up your good work.
Anonymous said…
Yes, don't let the ignorant keep down the knowledgeable
Anonymous said…
Jackie said…
Yes please! I enjoy reading your predictions and check it everyday. Please don't let the negative Nancy's get to you. There are numerous other psychics I read that have also predicted a different outcome on the election. I know and the true people who follow you know that predictions are not 100% accurate, especially now in this time where our freewill and our collective conscious thoughts are really changing timelines. I really are enjoyable to read. I am sending you positive, loving energy to surround and protect you from the negative.
Anonymous said…
Are very BIG YES from me
LM Melbourne Australia
OWS99 said…
Absolutely, C.D.....everyone went nuts and were blaming everyone for it. I got clobbered myself over it and I voted for Hillary. I know it was rigged. I wonder if they'll ever prove it.

Apologies for coming on as strong as I did. I am sorry for that. I heard Trump wants to save Obamacare. Seems the republicans now want to impeach him, which to me is very funny.

I don't want Pence as president or those other awful people like Newt, McTurtle, Ryan, and rest of them in control of the U.S. Micheal Moore is using some very scary rhetoric towards the left. I think he should stop. He seems to get off on it, though.

The only good thing I see about the Reps having total control is that whatever they mess up, they can't blame the other party. It's not much of a consolidation, but it could be especially if Trump decides he will not let bills pass and fight them. Daughter Ivanka could also have influence for women.
Heather said…
Yes Christian! Please continue :)
Anonymous said…
Yes!!! Don't let the haters win by silencing your valued predictions!!! They do not dictate the value of your predictions you dictate that!
Anonymous said…
Lena said…
Yes please! No one is perfect and you where not the only one who predicted Hillary.
Ann said…
Yes please.
Anonymous said…
I vote yes.

that at time it will seem incorrect." I'm not sure whether this was in reference to you not feeling that something you get is correct, or that it's in reference to us feeling something you predict is so out there that it can't be correct. You get what you get, right, wrong or indifferent. We're free to take it or leave it, but we don't have the right to look for predictions and then assail you for it.

I also read one psychic who was sorting through their thoughts on why they called the election wrong as well. They were coming to the realization that they may not be able to see things that would negatively effect them-even if it wasn't directly about them.

Anonymous said…
Yes, you get my vote :-)
Matilda x
Anonymous said…
Yes please! All best to you.
jele6 said…
Yes indeed. I look forward to reading your predictions. People need to realize that sometimes psychics can be off with regards to timeframes or get it entirely wrong.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian,

Yes, please continue.

One bad chapter doesn't mean your story is over. So stop re-reading the bad one already and turn the page:)

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said…
Yes, please!
The Original Sarah said…

(Just wanted to see if you would look). Of course we want you to give us insight on 2017. yes yes yes.
Unknown said…
Yes, predictions please!!!
Anonymous said…
Please continue! I appreciate your forecasts and the critics can stuff it! LOL
Further more, critics don't have a clue as to what you open yourself up to every time you dive into the cesspool that can be the future. Please continue but please be careful. The air was so thick in the days before the election you could cut it with a knife.
Unknown said…
Yes, Yes Yes
I Think you are fantastic and thanks for all the predictions over the year. Please do it for next year.
all the best Christian
Anonymous said…
YES! Much love. xx
Anonymous said…
I vote YES! Why let "People" stop you from sharing your gift?

You and this site has been so helpful to me personally and is my go to source for social matters worldwide. Keep up the fantastic work.
Lena said…
auntliddy said…
Yes please. Who cares what anyone else thinks? They dont like it, dont read it!
Anonymous said…
Yes, please!!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Yes! Do not forget Clooney who married a lawyer to improve his image ... If he had known that Trump would win...
Anonymous said…
I believe in you CD. I am addicted to your blog! I vote yes - but only if it feels right for you and you want to.
Anonymous said…
Maria said…
Oui! Bien sur.
Anonymous said…
Yes Please and Thank You
Anonymous said…
Yes please. :)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Dear CD we need your insight but if you feel the need to take a short break please do and rest a while but promise to come back when you are ready. Jenny Sydney Australia
Unknown said…
Yes Christian. We need voices that show us truth or give us different perspectives when others seek to deceive and divide us.
Unknown said…
Yes pls, Christian. I still think you were right, she won the popular vote plus I think the election was rigged. Please continue!
Unknown said…
Yes yes you were right. Hill won the popular vote! Please continue!
YES! you are a great spiritual teacher and I have learned from you so much and sometimes reading your predictions and blog is the only thing to get me through the day to smile or undertand things going on and how it all works...don't let the haters win, they probably aren't as awakened as your true fans and friends are because we KNOW your gift and respect it through it all no matter what! :-)
Anonymous said…
Yes, definitely continue the annual predictions. I look forward to them.
Anonymous said…
Continue - But I would ask this of you and TW

You have a platform. You can chose to foment or you can chose to help raise the level.
At least on this subject I would ask that you table the notion that Hillary would have been any better in the power position. Even her higher self, as channeled by Ivan Teller, said that she was not to be trusted, that she was selling America for power and personal gain, and if given the office she would continue to do so at an alarming rate. Her higher self said that she and Bill choose to live their lives in darkness, that she does not want to connect to her higher self or even ask questions from her higher self.

During this political season I found myself operating on a lower level for such a long time that I found it hard to like myself, let alone love myself. I have come to realize that I have to start operating from my higher self or be doomed to depression, fear, and keeping myself from seeing the purpose of this election. What is the lesson that we need to learn? I see it as an opportunity to become a positive collective. What say you CD, TW? We can jump start a higher level, right here, right now,. But we need your help. Use this platform to guide with love and light on this singular issue that we are facing and coming to terms with : How can we rise above the need to tear each other apart, thereby playing into their hands, and how can we dialogue to move past this to find and reach our higher selves, thereby finding a way to take back the power? As stated, Hillary is Trump, Trump is Hillary. One coin, two faces. Lesser or greater degrees, depending.
Look deeper.
Help us.

After that we can all go back to trashing the Kardashians because let's be frank, they operate on a lower level 98% of the time.
Anonymous said…
Adding another YES!!!
Unknown said…
Dear Mr. Dion
You are a great person and you should let yourself down just because of those couple idiots that belittle you for anything that you do wrong. We are all human beings, and we all make mistakes. It still baffles my mind how Trump won, and I'm sure many other people feel the same way. You have an amazing gift that should not be wasted just because of a handful of people that disagree with you. :D
Louis said…
As on empath to another, I feel drawn to ask two question of you.

First. When you open the door .. sometimes the darkness hides behind the light....can you distinguish between the two and can you identify the stealth?

Second, What does your guardian say?

If you can ...print (and selfishly I hope you do), but it's not about me its about you....I understand how if you open the door to one soul how you end up with a football stadium arriving trying grab your attention. It it can take months for me to completely close that door and you're doing every day, it's giving you migraines and worse visits from dark souls.

My suggestion is this if you decide to continue (and I think you will, it's you destiny). First for every bad news give two good news stories, it will help you.

Second simply state there are some people/countries/political leaders that get under your skin that you'll address them annually but will then block them out for the rest of the year. Think Putin and ISIS, if you feel the need alert us to anything simply re-post your annual prediction as a reminder but simply state your keeping your psychic blocks up. They are simply too dark to let in to your life 24/7....and anyway they're not paying for the space they take up.

You're special CD, as so is your gift, and don't let anyone (especially those dark voices that are inside you) tell you otherwise.

and also, MANY psychics and astrologers got the election wrong but has anyone ever thought about the fact that maybe God(or whatever name you wish to use) meant it to be that way because this is all part of us awakening to a better conciousness...maybe he wanted us all to have that shocking jolt or to NOT be able to see that one outcome so clearly because we ALL needed that jolt or upset, psychic or not, to really feel it on an individual level and humanity as a whole...only God is I really hope this doesn't deter CD or any psychic or astrologer from doing good works and sharing their gift! much love! <3
chris said…
100% yes. Thank you. Please give a heavy focus on Trump:)
Anonymous said…
Yes please!!
much love to you :) x
Anonymous said…
Please know that the rest of us do a collective 'get-a-life' eyeroll whenever someone tries to make themselves feel important by jumping all over any less than 100% accurate prediction.
Anonymous said…
So much yes.

Anonymous said…
Vote: YES
Yes all the way
C D you are here to stay
Nay Sayers just go away
We love you!
Anonymous said…
Yes, this has been hard for a lot of people with anticipated harder times ahead. I'd request to keep going, paying less attention to what celebrity is doing what. I care little of that. The need is on helping people. Put your focus on information that serves that purpose. NOT THE CELEBRITY BS stuff. You are SERVING HUMANITY IN YOUR OWN WAY. People need to understand WE ALL PLAY A ROLE ON THE OUTCOME OF EVENTS BY THE ENERGY and THOUGHT PATTERNS WE PUT OUT. Why do we often hear to THINK POSITIVE? For it is through the type of energy we cultivate and emirate that we create. Didn't Jesus teach us the power of thought? Of faith. TOGETHER, UNITED We CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SHIFTING THE NEGATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT is trying to control us and world events. WE ARE MAGNETS. The Universe will always match what we put out. YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND sort of thing. IF WE CAN MOVE OUT OF FEAR INTO POSITIVE ENERGY, some call it Love, WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. I struggle with this daily. BUT WE EACH COLLECTIVELY MUST USE OUR INTERNAL POWER TO AFFECT CHANGE. And not rely on one or the few to be our savior. We need to understand WE TOGETHER ALL PLAY A PART. Ask yourself continually are my actions, thoughts or intentions contributing to the negative brew that is swirling out there or do I CHOSE to bring positive energy?
for a spiritual perspective:
..."All that we are is energy, and that energy has no boundaries. It is infinite, it is the invisible force that permeates all space, and it is the force that connects all things because it is all things. Sound familiar? Everything in the universe is connected by energy, and that energy is consciousness, and that infinite consciousness is the source of creation which we have labeled as God."...
You Are God: The True Teachings of Jesus
here is an article with a scientific perspective:
“…demonstrate that thoughts, intentions, prayer and other units of consciousness can directly influence our physical material world. Consciousness can be a big factor in creating change on the planet. Sending thoughts of love, healing intent, prayer, good intention, and more can have a powerful influence on what you are directing those feelings towards.”…
Anonymous said…
Christian, I remember you gave me a reading years ago in London and you were 100% accurate with your predictions. Please continue doing the work you do.
Shahyra said…
Yes yes yes. You have my vote all the way from The Netherlands. I trust you.
Anonymous said…
Yes. yes, yes, 100% without a doubt. You've been so good to me over the last few years, and Christian, you are the only psychic that I will be a client of for life. You are warm, funny, compassionate and a lot of your predictions have come to pass. No one's perfect, and you have been blessed with a wonderful talent, when I got to talk to you back in June after losing my job, you gave me hope that I would find something else and I did. Please don't give up. We all love u :)
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Develyn Quinn said…
No... just kidding yes duh cd Lol
I vote YES!!!! Ultimately it is up to you to post the 2017 much as you want to post the negative comments for whatever your reason may be I say just don't post the negatives ones at all unless you feel it valid. You no longer have to prove a point by posting the negative comments I wouldn't even acknowledge them. they don't deserve take up space if they are not paying rent etc. I suggest taking a break however you see fit no matter how long your break is.. you know we'll come back like flies to shit in a good way lol we always look forward to it. My vote was already yes but more so because I saw 111 comments that's a good sign right there. You're to precious, you truly are muaw oxo
Develyn Quinn

Haters gonna hate Lol but us your regulars we'll the fuck the haters up real quick we got your back CD. BUT REMEMBER.. THE CHOICE IS YOURS EVEN IF WE VOTE YES .. IF U FEEL IN YOUR HEART, MIND AND SPIRIT NOT TO THEN DON'T POST THE 2017 PREDICTIONS YOUR WELL BEING IS MOST IMPORTANT
nico123 said…
Yes. Also, because of your courage to share your gift. I have found my courage to speak my mind, not always easy as I am super shy.
Anonymous said…
Yes! Remember last year you changed your style a bit and didn't do any celebrity predictions (or fluff!) and I hope you go back to that again this year.

We need your predictions on Trump and all who surround him. Also - you were right in that Hillary DID win the popular vote (it's almost half a million votes as of today and they are still counting!) so maybe that is what you saw? Or maybe the spirits will tell you why things are so muddled? Were we supposed to realize how many racists there are in this country because of this horrifying election?

Yes. Please do predictions. They are fun and we need a smile. They are mostly accurate and it will give you more chances for more "I Told You's" in 2017.

With love -
Anonymous said…
Anon 3:02 Ivan Teller is a massive fraud. I caught on to him real quick. He's not that good of a person either, hate to break it to you, but for you to start in on Hillary speaks of your own problems of hate. You need to just be quiet about her now. You are inviting very bad karma into your life by spouting such hate and lies.
Jane Uk said…
Yes, always read you and peoples comments. Use to comment alot myself, not be well. Love to you and everyone else who comment.
C said…
No. I say "no". Considering how we all allowed ourselves to show our true colors here because of the election. But if you do do it, it would be quite the kicker if you gave "doom and gloom" predictions instead of celebrity predictions (doom and gloom is not a good thing). Everyone here is expecting celebrity predictions, not giving them their expectations is quite the kicker. Our planets' in trouble and here we are worried about what's happening in someone's life.

Also, I remember you predicted that humanity was going through an awakening. Is this it?
Anonymous said…
For those who offered CD advice on how to write his posts, Honestly, do you think you know better than a world famous seer who has been doing this for decades? Advising him how to conduct himself, WTF?

CD, release the hounds.


Anonymous said…
Lena, Michelle Whitedove kept predicting Obama would be assassinated, and she did it in such a racist, inflammatory way that I called her out on it in personal emails. Her replies were weak. She not only stopped, but took the worst of them off her site and started rephrasing her dire predictions to "Illnesses", "brain issues" etc, until she gave up on the death and destruction of him altogether.

Anonymous said…
Yes, for Oz girl. Don't worry CD about the naysayers. I enjoy catching up on your blog. It makes my day. However you need to do what is right for you and makes your heart sing.
Anonymous said…
Yall act like this man is God talking about yall love and respect him. ALL of you should LOVE & RESPECT FATHER GOD & HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. So my vote is NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
melmomma6 said…
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one sees what you do. They all have to be "patient" and watch your predictions come to light. It ain't over til it's "OVER"!
T. W. said…
I like what you said. I need to be more careful with what I say. I wish others would post more often for we are all important.
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian,

Of course, we want you to make predictions for 2017 and beyond. Most of us realize that there is free choice and the future is never set in stone. We all grow through our choices, and this is why the future is liquid.

We love you and appreciate you. Please never forget that.


Anonymous said…
Yes Yes Yes
I think it is wonderful that you can successfully predict the future and I do hope you will continue and don't let the nasty people win. You provide a wonderful service thanks Dion you are "great"
Gemstone77 said…
Yes please, Christian. I love reading your daily predictions and your annual predictions are always a highlight for me. Thank you for all that you do xx
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Yes please. Always believe in yourself. This isn't just about predictions is about what we can learn from the process and growing with that. Sometimes we are shown things that don't make sense until other things come to light. Free will always impacts. Predictions aren't for competition or to prove yourself but to generate understanding and awareness. Stepping back is about fear in some ways but go with what you want.
C said…

I dont jive with Michelle Whitedove either. Also please don't think I'm telling CD to do doom and gloom predictions. I know full well that this is his site and he's going to post what he wants. I'm sorry I wasn't clear on that. I just feel since we've allowed our uglier sides to come out and attack everyone here and CD that not having such predictions that he usually does would be a kicker. Everyone goes running and loving CD when he talks about celebrities lives, but on the political front it was just nasty.
Anonymous said…
Yes please love to read your predictions d'ont be put off. You are here to enlighten us with your insights and wit , keep calm and carry on!!!
Nick Giacara said…
Yes !!! Hell yes !! Thanks for all that you do Christian . I know you can't be as direct as you would like sometimes with your predictions but for those of us with all 3 eyes open really appreciate what you do. For This upcoming year people that understand really need hope, safety and a reason to stick together . You provide all of that .
Anonymous said…
Yes Please!!

Faith in your gifts.
Anonymous said…
Yes please!

You have shared your gift for free; what comes to you, comes to you (in the form of predictions).

Please don't burden yourself with the pressure to be 'right'.

I have faith in your integrity, and the honest and fearless way you say it as you see it-- been reading your blog for about four years or more now.

Thanks for the blog CD and for carrying out your Mission.

Anonymous said…
TO Anon: Nov 13th/ 1:22pm

He is not God, but God works through all of us. God gave him that gift, so I'm pretty sure God knew what he was doing when he did it. I mean a true believer would know that you Bible Thumper ...lmao and I'm not even religious.

In response to a comment I saw on here...the white dove lady I actually considered at one point in the past for a reading but if she had racist tonesI'm glad I didn't do it. I honestly would saved up money for her readings glad I found CD real talk. And I do agree with someone on here about patience... I can be very impatient but that's just part of my personality traits ugh.. lol. So it's understandable if the predictions take a while to come to pass. CD has mentioned this before if you're a regular the timing is always a issue based on that persons free will, choices and decisions a.k.a. delays and not only that just because Hilary didn't win THE WAY WE THOUGHT in the traditional way doesn't mean CD was wrong. That's the thing about the universe it's never HOW WE EXPECT so we assume well it didn't work, no it just didn't work that way of HOW WE thought it would happen. God knows a person's character & Heart more than anything heck he created us but that's a different story altogether lol.
That's why faith and hope are so important I know a lot of women who voted for Hilary are feeling a certain way like men still don't acknowledge or appreciate women and that's a sad feeling i felt sad for them. But be strong women things happen for a reason
Develyn Quinn
Anonymous said…
Yes! Please, let THIS vote count!
Love you, and this blog!
Anonymous said…
Yes! I always look forward to reading your predictions. Don't let negative people get you down, you have many, including me who love you!
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian,

I would so appreciate knowing what you are seeing for next year. I realize that it takes a huge toll on you, but there are those of us that do check in with you often and truly listen to what you're saying.

Please share your gift with us - even if you have to charge us for it.

Many thanks, always!!!
Melic21 said…
where does your heart lie CD it seems since you changed agenda to make this more of a political site it has bought out a lot of negative nancies, it really is up to you and what feel right for you and what you are guided to do from your higher council xxxxx
Anonymous said…
I vote yes, I really enjoy reading your predictions Christian.
I dont think anyone would expect you to hit the target 100% of the time, I guess the information often comes to you in cryptic or symbolic forms which could have more than one meaning.
Imo you are right or in the ballpark often enough for me to feel confident that something is going on and that you are able to access information about the future or possible futures.

I hope that you continue to post your yearly predictions but I do appreciate it must involve a good deal of work and stress for you.

Anonymous said…
Yes!! More pop culture related ones as well, please :)
Common Sense said…
Absolutely agree 100% that you feel this way when some nasty posters are attacking you. I have said many times that what you do here is much harder than people realize.

Look people, it's been said here by a few people that other well-known psychics also predicted Hillary to win as well, so what happened?

I think sometimes the powers that be don't reveal everything for reasons we cannot understand. Who knows?

But I will say this: I have had a reading from Christian, and it was spot on. My only complaint is that he did not elaborate enough. **smile**

I vote YES.

Thank you!
Anonymous said…
Cecelia Bryant, my comment about people telling him how to do things was directed to Louis, 3:02, 7:34, Veronika, and the ever-condescending Christina G. This post is soooo long that my comment wasn't posted anywhere near theirs, unfortunately.

Michelle Whitedove made a brilliant TV contestant but her track record is muddy. She will remove predictions that don't pan out. She is also very hard line Right. Sometimes it's like reading predictions from Ann Coulter. I very seldom hit her site anymore. And I want to stress that my complaints to her weren't made in the comment section to be publicly read, but privately, by email. No public shaming by me to someone who owns and provides the blog.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I vote Yes. Thank you for your sharing your insights. I look forward to continuing to read them.
Anonymous said…
Yes xx
Maria said…
Louis, that is very smart and caring of you. As I was reading the comments here I began to realize I hadn't considered CD's own peace of mind or health. You did remember however. Thank you for reminding all of us and writing your comment.

I agree CD, do what feels best for you. Maybe stick to celebrity predictions and if - only if you feel you want to - post something else. What matters here is if you're still enjoying this blog or is it wreaking havoc on your peace of mind? We'll be happy hearing more lighthearted celebrity gossip since they're such nutters and it makes us laugh usually. Do whatever feels right. We support you. xo
Maria said…
By the way - does anyone know what Susan Miller wants?

Just curious. LOL
Anonymous said…
There is no time in predictions
Anonymous said…
Yes please Christian!
There was another psychic - Kim Russo (who hosts The Haunting of...) who made a short prediction on You Tube about the elections. She said something really strange was going to happen but wasn't getting the whole picture!
Anonymous said…
Yes I agree. CD ps continue with the world predictions and also lighten up with fluffy stuff so it won't be as heavy and dark as last year's.
Anonymous said…
I vote yes. Please continue. I would like to suggest you lighten up with the Kardashian hate though, hate breeds hate. Giving a prediction about them is one thing but wishing an 18 yr old death or wishing for her to fall is not nice. These people are human and have family and friends who read this.. they do not deserve this, like i said your honest prediction is fine but being nasty and allowing horrific comments about them is not right. I know the people in the business and the Kardashian's are annoying but on a scale of pure nastiness compared to many KNOWN celebrities they are a 2, very low on the nasty scale. You all would be schocked who hides their nastiness well.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Yes, please!
rchjava-ed said…
Dear CD, it's such a real treat for your fans to hear about the 2017 Predictions. We all look forward to them. Otherwise, we will truly miss them because you are 99% correct! I hope all of our well wishing and positive attitudes help you change your mind. Sincerely your fan! rchjava'ed
Anonymous said…
Yes please!
Unknown said…
Massive YES from Patel and Dalgliesh family! Lots of love xx

Sorry I missed deadline. With the twins it now means I block read your blog every few days! Hope your well. X
Unknown said…
Massive YES!! From the Patel and Dalgliesh family! X
Maureen said…
Yes. I believe Hillary was supposed to be president, but the unexpected Comey stunt changed the direction of the race and the expected outcome. I could feel a shift when it happened. The Republicans have a lot to answer for and I think it will happen in 2020. You do good work and setbacks happen to everyone.
Anonymous said…
2016 was so heavy and all negative stuff on the predictions- which makes sense now. But celebrity and political blend would be lovely. Also anything positive or silly or fun, too, because God we need it!

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