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Back in the Closet

As Tom Cruise and his band of 
Scientology "CULT" nutters.
Build their underground bunker in New Mexico.
To await the End of the World.
Surrounding themselves in great luxury.
As well as many crop circles.
The rest of the "Cult" members.
Only get to help build the place.
But, will never be allowed inside.
Personally Tom & his Band of Merry Men.
Should just go in, lock the door.
As the End of the World.
Will not be till at least the year 3000+
We would be well rid of them.


Anonymous said…
What's going to happen in 3000+?
Anonymous said…
I do like Tom Cruise. Strange but VERY talented
Anonymous said…
Scientology is about as "Cult" as it gets. These people truly are brainwashed. It's kind of sad to see Tom Cruise go down this path over the years to the point that he's abandoned his kid (Suri). He was abandoned himself from his own father as a young boy so maybe that played a part in his urge to follow a cult for self-identity.

I agree...the rest of the members will never see the inside of this underground bunker. It almost feels like they are "slaves" to the elders in the group.

T. W. said…
What are these people talking about?
Common Sense said…
Thank you for letting us know that the end of the world won't be until long after we left the earth school.

Just out of curiosity, I wonder, what actually happens "at the End of the World?"
Anonymous said…

Dear CD,

I know this is a little left of centre but could you please pray for Kanye. He did something that personally upset me a few weeks ago but I am psychic and I know better and so I forgave him and it was the best thing I could do. I do not know him personally btw. I'm not a fan of this guy or his attitude but what has happened here is seriously unfair, the wife leaves and then they call the men in white coats to take him away. He has gotten his ass mixed up with some real vipers and maybe that's what his ass deserves but I don't wish this kind of crap in anyone, it is just not right.

As for Tom Cruise, bunker sounds good.
Anonymous said…
Unless they have competent people building the systems (electric, water, waste) they are asking for trouble.

Anonymous said…
He was never out of the closet.
Xoxo said…
So that'll be humanities great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandchildren lol year 3,000+ till the world ends lol. Out of breath hahaha
Anonymous said…
Pray for Kanye that he comes through and gets back on top again.
Mslclc0101 said…
Hi Christian. I talked to you about the Sagittarius and love in my life. You mentioned not until next year, well I'm going to Puerto Rico. We were supposed to celebrate his bday and feel like we had a bad fall out. Should I cancel the trip or go alone? We have not spoken.
auntliddy said…
I agree about tom's own abandonment by his also physically abusive father, coupled with his dyslexia and being told he was/is stupid made him as ripe for a cult as he could be. The cult is all to him; father, mother, best friend. Its why he cannot leave, because if he left, he becomes that boy who was abandoned by his father, got smacked around,and cant read cos he's stupid.
auntliddy said…
It seems to me HE is the viper.
auntliddy said…
Your aunt:" Good, go to your fancy bunker, enjoy. Bye!."
Anonymous said…
Leticia, why dont you go somewhere fun? If he hasnt spoken to you, you know what that means. Doesnt take CD to tell you this. Look forward to next year, and the real thing.
Unknown said…
Leticia Castillo maybe you should take a girlfriend instead and let the other situation work itself out. I think you should just be patient. Sometimes the prediction is true but the timing may be a little off. Don't despair.
Anonymous said…
what will happen to the earth after 3000

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