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If you think it's bad now...

As Donald "Babyfart" Trump.
Continues to award his business croonies,
aka "Trumpettes"with "Huge",
jobs in his cabinet/government.
As though he was "King/Queen".
As against President Elect.
He clearly has lost the plot.
Even if that plot, was/is more like, 
a script form his TV show.
He has way, worse surprises in store.
It's as though he's lining up a "Fail".
so can say, 
"Well, I tried to get the right people in place, but "They" didn't allow me".
Well, as I said before....
The "Bullets" with his name on.
Are being loaded into the gun.


Anonymous said…
Confirmed by

Pizzagate is FAKE. It is NOT true. All brought to you by the macedonian troll who got money for your clicks to his youtube sites.

It was made up by some idiot named dumbscribblyunctious on a Donald Trump suppoerter subredditt.

Now its my turn to say, Told Ya!

Anonymous said…
Trump has obamacare, medicare, and social security on his You're Fired list.

Isis has claimed the Ohio State machete attracker was one of their "soldiers".

Anyone got any good news?
CyndiTx123 said…
it's just awful of all of the people he is picking for his so-called cabinet for his upcoming presidency… It is soooo scary who he is choosing…… Just a mess…. Prayers for all of us in America.

God Bless CD and safe travels when you come back home to America.

Anonymous said…
Trump isn't the one to's PENCE! That man truly is Hitler in disguise. Look up his stance on LGBT. It's horrific. And, my take is that the "Establishment" wants Pence as President. They aren't used to not calling the shots and I believe Trump is going to buck the good 'ole boys in the GOP that don't go along with his ideas. This is Trump's last "hurrah". His entire reputation and legacy is on the line so maybe that will enact some good although it's going to take him awhile to get his footing. Many good Vedic Astrologers that knew way before election night that Trump would be president have looked ahead and have seen some really difficult aspects for him (as you suggested). It's in the stars as they say. But, if Pence were to get in office as President....God help us all.
T. W. said…
I am more afraid of Pence than I am of Trump. Pray for Amerikkka.
I also read that he is making deals with big businesses such a carrier, to keep a certain amount of jobs in the US or face big fines but how can he make deals and threaten fines to companies if he isn't actually sworn in yet as president?
Anonymous said…
Many psychics and astrologers are predicting a Trump assasination! The when is where they differ. Some say
Before he gets relelected in 2020. But they seem to agree he will not finish his first term!
Anonymous said…
Pence I said before is the real nightmare. And is he married to a woman? Since he no longer wishes to be gay he is cold and his viewpoint scary.
Anonymous said…
And the Barron issue but his energy is off.
Kristy said…
I completely agree with this! He is actually the worse of the two. Trump is just the mouthpiece.
Anonymous said…

One of Trump's greatest weakness is his "EGO".....

All puffed up like a hot fart ...that is all he is... just a big ball of Gas! No substance!

Trump thinks he is smarter, more clever and above them all in his flawed strategy...

But, His narcissism or myopic view of himself and the world that surrounds him will not give him valuable insight into who is playing his own game.....

with detrimental results...

All dictators fall this way...tripping over their own immense egos...


Anonymous said…
Aside from his horrendous and backasswards political appointments, it has been eerily quiet on the political front. Maybe Trump's 'Victory' tour will leave him open to some honest American feedback. His 'insider' appointees have very ugly agendas. Women are really screwed as are any minority who hopes to be even remotely protected under the 'rule of law'. Agenda for #45 -- Divide. Conquer. Silence. Police and Pipelines everywhere. That's the new AmeriKKKa. Coming soon to YOUR neighborhood. Are we going to take it or fight back? That is the real question.
Anonymous said…
Trump being concerned with leaving a "legacy", he literally gained immortality by winning the presidency and will be known forevermore, like a Pharaoh.

As for him doing something good for people, he has only attended two of the daily briefing since becoming pres-elect. He didnt attend any Veterans Day functions. He has no f***s to give about anyone but himself.

Anything good that comes from this will be someone else's idea and their hard work, not his.
Anonymous said…
Erich Ludendorff was the straw man in the elections that brought the Nazi party into power. He was the one elected, then Hitler took over.
History repeating itself?
Xoxo said…
Hey CD if you do your celebrity predictions next for 2017 or for December 2016. Could these be on the list?

Keke Palmer from nickelodeon-(r&b singer)

Zendaya from Disney- (r&b singer)

Teyana Taylor from the video "fade" song by Kayne West. R&B singer as well

Trump and pence are both bad choices this whole government is screwed up
Anonymous said…
You can do it CD. Neither candidate is the one let see how this plays out.
Anonymous said…
The astrologer who read Hillary birth chart said she is suffering from either a brain tumor or Parkinson's!

Assasination is also in Trump's natal birth chart so it is going to happen!
Anonymous said…
Also they let Kanye out should have kept him there I guess because the network halted their TV show. I hope he gets the help he needs.
Anonymous said…
The stupid "Asstrologer" that claimed brain tumor and Parkinson's is an obvious fraud. Where do you think she got that from? It's from far right wing blogs and slowed down youtube videos. She's just a jerk trying to skim money off of gullible people. Ignore people that say obvious things that have already been debunked.
Maria said…
Once again - and Goddess forgive me - I shed not a single tear over the possibility something happens to him. He has created his own vortex of hate. Let the cards fall where they may.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…

Are you seeing anything regarding Barron? Is Melania going to be successful in suing over the video. I do think it was inappropriate, but I also do think he has a touch of autism. He's a handsome young man and he seems very unhappy. I don't think suing is the answer, though.
Anonymous said…
I'm not as sure as 9:12 that Barron is unhappy. He just has the same "resting bitch face" as his mom. Could be a perfectly happy little guy.
NicQuerica said…
He's a beautiful child. Just not prone to smiling alot, like his mother lol. I don't think he has autism either. That was just Rosie O'Donnell being her hateful self, swinging a low blow like that. Never liked her.

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