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Oh SHIT..........

Well, well, as 
settles into his "Win"
One of his main supporters is spouting the above...........
Looks likes, Babyfart, 
has done a deal with the "Devil"...............
So along with buyers remiss, that must be kicking.
Amongst those that thought he'd change,
things for the better.
Erm, Hitler did that too.
Just remember how that ended.......


Anonymous said…
The thing about aggorance is that they have no control over their ego they really don't & they think in their head every one agrees with them .. so their inflated ego tells them to brag thinking well I'll get away with it... nope I think not. Besides the children are young still growing still evolving. He's condemning them, me, my blackness from birth. Hey by the way cd when you say "karma gods" is that its own category you know like Jesus, God, angels, aliens etc?
Develyn Quinn
C said…
Please do a prediction on Rudy Giulani. I'm sick of this trying to play nice when he truly wants to unleash the beast.
Anonymous said…
Still Hitler ? You also never change lol
Anonymous said…
Funny that you would post this...

I read on another psychic blog that Trump made a deal with the devil June of 2015 for the presidential win...some kind of astral projection type thing.

Maria said…
I should feel bad for what I'm thinking and hoping.

But I don't. Sorry Jesus.
Anonymous said…
Christian, lately , every time I see a new Trump's entry I begin to shake with fear...
Anonymous said…

I know this is hard to believe. Ultimately we need to transform and step away from our fears, I suppose.
Message from the Andromedans – All is in perfect Divine Order

"...Our beloved brothers and sisters on planet Earth,
Yes, many are in shock right now. Cannot understand what has happened. How did we end up here? We are telling you, that what you experience now is a very good thing and very necessary. Humanity is healing. The deeply buried wounds and fears from the past that you share collectively are coming to the surface. Triggered by the events of the last days: The suppression of the feminine, the persecution of minorities, the fear of losing control, the fear of losing security, the mistrust, the loneliness, the feeling of separation. ..."

read rest here
Anonymous said…
Giuliani's got a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock.

Matilda x
T. W. said…
That man's mouth was crooked as he spoke. His argument doesn't fly. Talk to some of us black southerners. People still get lynched in this day and age.

Let's hope this news is reported everywhere. Tell your friends about this video.
Anonymous said…
Just tell our history not the lie.
Anonymous said…
Thanks a lot of the psychics who predicted Hillary are now supporting Trump and that he will do good. He is exposing the real divisions in America and what African Americans have always said.

It is what the rest of the world will do that will make the change.
Anonymous said…
Racism at its finest.

Someone, anyone, needs to present facts that election fraud has occurred. All you computer, conspiracy people out there, find this for us, please.

This is a nightmare.

Anonymous said…
More psychics are predicting Trump assasination some say before January!
Anonymous said…
Lol anon @ 4:41pm / Nov 14th Lmao
Anonymous said…
Can someone please explain me this? If Trump is not going to be a president as Christian Dion says why the fear then and comparisons to hitler?
T. W. said…
I hear 4chan is good for digging up dirt. I am not a member. Maybe one of you are and can help prove election fraud?
T. W. said…
The Republican party is in control of both houses of Congress, so even if Hillary was declared the winner her power would be severely limited. All the white supremacists are coming out into the open because who is going to stop them?
Anonymous said…
TW, there are two 4chans. One is the original, and the other is a subreddit of Reddit. The original is solidly pro Donald, and hacked the polls of the first debate to make it look like he had won the debate. The owner of the original is thinking about closing it, because of the costs involved, but I'm sure someone will buy it from him and keep it going.

The 4chan subreddit is a much much weaker version. I checked it and nothing is going on there that would help the Dems that I could find.

Anonymous said…
Please don't try to twist it and create more fear and hate.

If you go back and listen to what he said...he was saying 'on the black side, parents need to teach their kids not to fear the police but to fear other black kids because there is so much black on black violence.

Honestly, it seems that you are just looking for shit to pin on Trump and if you can't find it you make it up.

Psychic Gossip said…
MAKE IT UUP.Ha HA even I couldn't make up the SHIT that is coming from Trump, his cronies and those that still believe him CD
Anonymous said…
Don't like what CD says then move on from his website!

You do not have to be here!!! Bye
Anonymous said…
CD, Z Nation on the SyFy channel did an election spoof episode that had two Donald-like characters going at each other for votes and I almost fell over laughing! They didn't stray that far from the original. If it wasn't for the addition of Zombies, it could've been shown as a docu-comedy.

Anonymous said…
CD do the republicans want Mike pence to replace Trump?
Anonymous said…
The Ttump kids are smiling from ear to ear but I sense that smile will turn into grief soon
Anonymous said…
This all has shades of Nixon all over again. I wasn't born then but then I was also expecting Clinton to be elected, she would have a better chance of dealing with the French if they end up voting Marine Le Pen next year. I've been reading several blogs, but the Ed Tamplin political astrology one is quite good. Plus the fact that there was a long void of course moon on the day of the election, a facet that can bring about unintended consequences. But Tamplin has identified 2020 as the critical year for the US to get it right and elect a leader who can deliver real positive change to the country and the world. The little man on the street is tired of being ignored and has delivered the equivalent of a hand grenade into the White House. The political elite need to sit up, take notice and action now on the real problems facing the country or else risk receiving political napalm in four years time. And the world really doesn't want that.

Tamplin has identified that the GOP Party is at a crossroads. They sure are and the infighting between the moderates, the neo-cons and tea-partiers over the last two decades has all but destroyed them. Trump was the result. They won't survive in their current form and the Democrats pissed off the grass roots by not choosing Sanders who was the preferred candidate because he was too 'Communist' in his policies to the top brass. He wasn't. The US isn't really ready for a more 'European' approach to the economy yet. A happy medium between the European approach and the current American model needs to be formulated to sell to the voters. The signs are that Trump will be president but the vibes suggest that he could end up like Nixon, resigning from office due to major scandal leaving Tuppenny Mike to finish out the term and coming a cropper like Gerald Ford come 2020.

The US's major problem is that it's not an oligarchy, but to quote David Mitchell, a 'corpocracy'. It needs to shift focus away from Wall Street and return to the principles of the Constitution. A more equal fairer society but it costs money to deliver and unless average Joe Soap has a good job that can deliver a good life to his/her family and pay the taxes needed to provide such a society, regardless of gender, sexuality, etc, and he's confident the future will be brighter for the Kids, reference to the Carter speech, then the country is screwed. Okay, rant over!! Then again if the worst doesn't happen, then it should be entertaining. Imagine Teresa May and Nicola Sturgeon fighting over who gets the first photo op of 'Forrest Trump' when he pays an official visit to the Hebrides as he pulls his first dram of whisky! Now that's what I call fun.
Anonymous said…
Come on man. Why would C.D. make stuff up? Get real. What a bunch of sad trolls.
Anonymous said…
free country - LEAVE Disrespectful to CD sickens me
I am no longer bringing a knife to a gun fight
Fire with fire tired of it
Flights to US drop by 30 percent

auntliddy said…
That wld be awful! I dont want anarchy!
auntliddy said…
Tw, hopefully decent americans country wide!
T. W. said…
Thank you for reporting this.
T. W. said…
Following your logic we should teach black kids to fear whites because of all the discrimination and racism going on. Teach Hispanic kids to fear the white kids who want them deported. Teach all kids to fear Muslim kids because they want to blow us up. Please read between the lines.
T. W. said…
Critical thinking skills are gone. People are drinking the Republican Kool-Aid.

A white Christian woman told me the Trump she new was kind, gentle, and generous. The Trump I know said to grab women by the pu$$y. Megyn Kelly, a Fox News anchor, said Trump called her and threatened her. My hope is dwindling. Jesus, please fix this.
T. W. said…
Hi auntliddy! Yes, you can still find people country wide. God bless you.
Anonymous said…
TW, we need Jesus, stat. Giuliani is Trumps pick for Secretary of State! Can you even imagine him being a man of peace and a statesman?
He will probably refuse to engage in diplomacy with Muslim and black countries. Trump might as well give it to David Duke of the KKK--same result.

I know some are saying Guilianis original statement wasn't racist, but even written word for word up thread, it is incredibly racist. He has no business making statements like that about blacks. He has lost his mind, and his decency.

Anonymous said…
CD who is the devil?? Is it an evil Dacronian Reptilian alien entity??
T. W. said…
Devils are fallen angels. The fallen angel known as Satan was once an angel named Lucifer. Satan is a Hebrew word meaning adversary. Angels and devils are spirit beings. Do all you can to avoid cooperating with them.

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