As Elon Musk carries on his work,
to take over the World.
(Which he will)
His car business is doing just fine.
But, the space stufff, not so well.
As we know, that kind of business,
has to work not only first time.
But every time......
Well, Elon, the answer is simple.
Start paying respect to the man,
who created what you hope to continue.
Mr Tesla.
Just place a pic like this,
in your office and creative spaces.
You'll be deligthed with the results.
Well, they may find that the internal trauma that is about to befall them in 2016.
Will put an end,to in a small way.
the trouble that they have been trying to stir up outside their borders.
Some good news.
Watch the trouble, to come with the Islands that they are “Building”.
The other trouble bubbling.
Is the near complete, crash of the money market there.
Or should I say Putin.
He’s going to be worse, he’s truly in the middle of major mental issues.
Which I feel will come to a head.
(Pun intended)
In 2016.
Therefore at last bringing his reign of terror close to the end.
Even amongst all this dismal stuff that is ahead of us in 2016
India is going to rise from the ashes to prove herself as a World power.
However her leader needs to take extra care as there are those that are planning a couple of assassination attempts in the coming year.
Won’t be successful.
But will be spectacular.
A totally different story there.
Rumblings within the government plan a take over of sorts.
That will cause many other neighboring countries.
To be very rightfully worried.
I feel that his will lead to various conflicts in 2016/7.
There is going to be a lot of killing in and around Turkey.
So much so that it will make their friends.
Take needed action, to help them.
Russia will also cause more trouble for this country.
Making the already wobbly relationship, very much worse.
If you think the recent UN proposal to get talks going, is going to work.
Think again, it’s going to get way worse.
The idiot in charge has no idea of going quietly, in anyway shape or form.
The government is in for,
a truly rough year.
In fact it’s so bad that if it survives,
it’ll be a miracle.
Even at the cost of it’s leaders.
The troubles that will come from mass demonstrations, along with the terrorist attacks.
Are going to make for a very busy time for
No 10 Downing St.
They will be glad to close the door.
Well these two are going to be even worse with each other,
than they have been in recent years.
It will get to the point that it will come so close to someone nearly pressing that
Other major powers will have to threaten very harsh responses to put a stop to it.
This tinder pot will go Big Bang in 2016/7.
The Taliban has plans for next year that are terrible.
I feel that the drug trade that they deal in,
will bring them even more cash, allowing them to do even worse things.
Just when you thought that this God forsaken place could.t get any worse.
It does in 2016, blood bath of terrifying numbers.
As Isis good completely nuts.
Bringing death and destruction to many including their own.
Putin and Trump are enough and already generated so much negativity. Bullying and mental health crisis numbers have gone up because of Trump's rise.
That's what they call synchronicity, yea? ;D
I need to meditate for a dozen reasons but especially because of this election. Everyday, every time I hear that voice I have a reaction and get mad. I'm tired of it. But how do you NOT get mad? Impossible.
I want to do the same thing.
I was just thinking of him last night I kid you not I saw myself talking to Ellen how I admire Tesla on the Ellen show Lol.
To anyone reading this when I say I want to do the same thing ..the idea I felt came from God I honestly believe that and from there I wrote in all in a journal .... feeling how I feel about humanity hence the the struggling and suffering of others I felt like God knew what I would do with it in the sense of helping others. Mind you this idea happened back in 2012... I believe when new York had that power outage with hurricane Sandy. I'll tell the story one day but I believe God planted seeds that night for me to receive the idea. Xoxo
P.s. definitely using tesla's picture.. random fact:? I didn't about tesla in 2012 I only recently discovered his works this year 2016 how bout them apples.
will harry styles come out in 2017? I love harry's energy! :-)
It's been said that some of the most sensitive, artistic, gentlest souls have mental health issues -- this world is just too hard and cruel to withstand.
And these are exactly the kinds of souls we need more of in this crazy upside down, microwave world.