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Spotty internet

Here in the back of 
The United Kingdom.
I have no internet. Oh not for the want of trying.
But I am in a town, where on a Sunday you can't buy a Bible.
But you can buy a porn magazine......
Progress ........
So I am just catching up on the post/emails that you have kindly left.
Again 99.9%, positives & supportive.
Yeah, there are 
" The Others"
Some have asked whyI have let them through.
Well ....
#1    I have way more patience than "Them"
#2    Hate is Hate, but then there's KARMA....
#3    I make my predictions and stand by them, 
        even if they seem wrong, sometimes, 
        it's just timing.
#4   As an AMERICAN I believe in free speech.
#5   The personal stuff, that is hateful. Just proves,
       Their "Ignorance".......
       Not mine.......
As a Human, not a Psychic......
I just want to say, If you think Trump,
and his ever growing band of Racists....
They are all "WHITE"....

Care about any of us.
Time to move to AUSTRALIA  


Anonymous said…
Well said CD! You rock!
Anonymous said…
Trump has been attacking the cast of Hamilton on tweeter!!
How tacky and unprofessional he is! How shameful and embarrassing for this country to have him as our next President of this country!!

Anonymous said…
Trump continued to attacked Broadway Hamilton play in Sunday morning!! Now is is trying to have the public boycott the play. Can you believe this crap! It's shocking for a president elect!

I guess he wants to eliminate freedom of speech! The cast of Hamilton have nothing to apologize for they exercised their freedom of speech!

Cd I pray your are correct that he never makes it or does not last long in the White House!

I see that if Trump does not like something people say he will attack them with anger and fury! I feel like we are in a different country since he won! He belongs in Russia!
Anonymous said…
Aaaah welcome welcome home CD,so glad to know you are well & here. Maybe you are in the countryside resting and preparing for 2017 predictions? Take the break from internet access to refresh. Much love, LH xx
thanks for letting us know christian, I bought an email reading on Tuesday and I'm still waiting but I understand and I know this is your busiest time of year! :-)
Anonymous said…
Love to see you in Australia.
Matilda x
CyndiTx123 said…
wish my family could live in Australia for the next 4 years… hubby's business he needs to stay in USA….. Wish you safe and fun hanging in the UK visiting family and friends…. Know that your loved my fellow American and wish you safe journeys back home to the USA.

Have a great Sunday! We are suppose to make my very first visit next summer to the UK-Ireland-Scotland!! I am super excited… That's my dream trip!! anyway - love and hugs!

PS. did you listen the the song from ricky nelson… Garden Party…. i have no idea - but that came to my mind for you with all of these negative weirdos trying to get under your skin… love that song.
Anonymous said…
Although hate speech is a grey area under the US constitution, threats of illegal conduct or "fighting words" are NOT protected speech.
Anonymous said…
CD, I'm curious to know if Marine Le Pen will win in France and then we'll have to contend with Frexit and the collapse of the EU. Could you please add that to your list of 2017 predictions? Thanks!
Anonymous said…
Thank you Christian and God bless you and all Her creatures!
A Gemini
Anonymous said…
CD, Will Donald Trump's conflicts of interest lead to his impeachment?
Tony said…
Hi Christian. Welcome back to you in the UK. Notice how cold it is here with typical British weather rain icy cold strong winds and frost and ice!! Where I live in Staffs the Internet on my smartphone goes off!! Hope you'll have a peaceful time here
Anonymous said…
But the story is they want Pence in and not Trump. But they are both about themselves and Murdoch visited Trump! This is not looking good but his supporters refuse to see.
Letty said…
Now Trump is attacking SNL for the comedy on him yesterday!!! Does he have better things to do than tweeter attacking Hamilton broadway show and now SNL!!

Unreal! He is an embarrassment to the USA!!
Anonymous said…
They do want Pence not Trump and maybe that is why they will get rid of him eventually!

Pence has his issues too, but if I had to pick one I prefer pence!
Letty said…
As trump continues his attack on Hamilton the VP Pence spoke like a true VP ! He said he does not want an apology from the cast of Hamilton and that what happened in Hamilton was what FREEDOM sounds like!!

Pence needs to TRAIN the idiot Trump on how to behave presidential!

Pence should be the president instead of Trump!
Anonymous said…
Lumping everyone who didn't vote the way you did all together underthe same derogatory labels and insults is neither progressive, informed, or intelligent. It is Chicken Little thinking.

The sky is certainly not falling and this is not the end of the world.
Letty said…
No one said it was the end of the world!
Anonymous said…
It's called freedom of speech to express our opinions read the constitution! Get educated!
Hannibal Haze said…
Just a little example of why we should keep faith in Christian being ultimately proven correct record his predictions. My sister was selling her flat. Divorced chap was one of many to view it, sis had a hunch he would buy it. He wasn't in contact for weeks. Meantime she changed price and had open days. Then out of the blue he came back, offered what she wanted and he's bought it. He had just been organising finances and filling in forms. It taught us to trust your gut feelings and I feel Christian will be proven to be correct ultimately about his Trump prediction.
Anonymous said…
Since CD has made it clear his preference one way or the other about trolls and insults, I am vowing to never bash trolls again on this site.

Who knows, maybe I will get so used to not reacting to the haters and baiters that I will actually learn new ways of thinking about issues from them.

Psychic Gossip said…
Please resend reading requst
Anonymous said…
I hope you are enjoying your time in the U.K. Good for you! I'll be sending in a request for a reading too really soon. Can't wait! Anyway, I would love to know your take on Melania Trump and her son staying in N.Y. so that he can finish out his school year. What a security nightmare that will be for everyone in or near Trump Tower and also Barron's school. WTH? I cannot imagine how much tax payer dollars that will require to keep them in Trump Tower as Donald intends to also spend as much time there as he can as well. I would be really anxious if I lived in NYC about now. Dam*! You just can't make this up huh?
Anonymous said…
Ok that sounds reasonable. We just will ignore if we can and slap them if we feel necessary. I don't for a second think Trump has anyone's interest but his own and he's too stupid to "get" that the GOP is playin' him like a fiddle. Anyone that thinks otherwise, deserves no comment or a slap.

Xoxo said…

Well said HRH.

The more you ignore the more they dissipate. But for some comments there's an urge for me to say something lol. But the none the less I understand ur truth makes sense.

To CD: I love number 2. And on second note... I was watching house hunters yesterday this black family wanted to move to Australia I was like that's different (me being black myself lol) the wife said she had got laid off and decided why not take a chance to live where she always wanted to live. It was so instant she didn't hesitate either I think more so she's been wanting to do it for years but since she got laid off and that wasn't her decision or choice in getting laid off, she took it by the horns and said let's go, husband agreed quit his job. Message of the story? When an opportunity presents itself take it ;) a.k.a. intuition, urge, financial factors to consider too, but take it xox.

Thirdly ... love thee Australian accent by the way, is that one of my future baes lol a.k.a. boyfriend cd? ;)

I felt it in my heart to say this
Thankyou for letting us express ourselves cd / allowing us to have a voice really appreciate it cd xxo
Anonymous said…
Pence as President is just as dangerous, if not more so, than Trump. Trump's entire team needs to be wiped out of the White house.

I've got a source that's noted that Pence has got some "Brokeback Mountain" skeletons himself.

If only Gawker were still around, I bet they wouldn't be afraid to release it.
just did! thanks! :-)
Anonymous said…
For your interest...and CD this may back up what you've been predicting:


~ Johanna ~
Anonymous said…
Im scared:-(
Anonymous said…
Pence is just as dangerous as Hillary, neither of the candidates was a favorite. There will be problems regardless of the outcome in December.
Anonymous said…
Johanna, someone has sued the electoral college, lol. Good on them!

Wisconsin vote tally has come up as less than 1% difference between Hillary and That Guy, so hopefully will have a recount.

It would be ironic if the cheese state takes it's electoral votes away from old cheese face.

Those electoral college votes added to the three from electors who refuse to cast them for cheese face, may start the ball rolling.

Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if Australia has an asset requirement like New Zealand? Haven't checked lately, but to emigrate to New Zealand it used to be $250,000 cash in your bank account.

Anonymous said…
Australia has a lot of problems too, and is somewhat the same. But that might be where you're really supposed to be, if an opportunity to go there opens up, go for it! And see if it feels right once you've been there for a short while.
Anonymous said…
Great you're back in the UK even if only for a visit. Will you be on air / broadcasting at all?
auntliddy said…
Yup, and I am not going anywhere. Not getting run out of my country by a group of nasty people.
auntliddy said…
No, you really dont want Pence. There are many readons, but i will write the one most offensive to me: conversion therapy for same sex oriented people. Pence is bad.
Common Sense said…
But Letty, you have to admit that Alec Baldwin does a poor job of imitating Trump -- he's not even funny.

I love Jimmy Fallon's impersonation of Trump -- it's hilarious. But then again, I love everything that Jimmy does!

Can't blame Christian to be back in the UK, you never know when the California earthquake is going to happen. It has been predicted by many (including Christian) to happen in the near future if I am not mistaken.

Hope I don't upset any Californians!
Melic21 said…
ha ha well said CD i am an Aussie and let me tell you good luck coming down under you may end up on an island of the coast of Australia in a jail LOL!!!
Unknown said…
And, BTW, you can count one less reader on your site. I just don't have the patience or appetite for your hate speech, us against them mentality. Most of your accusations have no basis in reality, which leads me to conclude that the biggest racist/bigot on this site is you. Grow up.
nico123 said…
I'm scared of what the future will bring to America. I'm really scared.
Unknown said…
If everyone on here has not tuned in to pizzagate then I have no hope that you will chose to wake up. Please, take your mind off of Trump and how scary and bad you think he is and tune into the real heinous,disgusting and bloodcurdling things that actually are going on in DC.

CD, I expect you to come out guns ablazin' on this (not in the literal sense) Yeah, I get it, it appears the Clinton's are involved, but DUDE, you have to go into attack mode. We are talking about a pedophile DC fronting as two pizza joints. They are right next door to each other. One of them is said to display disgusting pictures of children in bondage as artwork on the walls. Wikileak shows emails of people involved that have them talking in code using things like wanting lots of "walnuts" on top of their pizza as buzz words for the kind of sex they like to have with children. Podesta's name has been mentioned as being involved. We all know who he worked for recently. The money trail of these two businesses have led to elites around the world. And we know that Bill Clinton loves Pedo Island so it would not be any kind of stretch to realize that if Podesta is involved in these pizza joints then the Clinton's are involved.

You have to take this on. Guys, stop whingeing about Trump. The bigger feinds are the long standing politicos and the elites behind them.

Hillary once famously said that it takes a village to raise a child. It will take a nation to save hundreds of children,here, and thousands globally.

Anonymous said…
For the Anon who said they had something old-Gawker-worthy: try Vice.
T. W. said…
You can find hope and freedom in Christ Jesus. Ask him to help you.
T. W. said…

T. W. said…
Hi Christina G.

How old are you? Trump refused to rent to black people and was sued. Look at all the people he is hiring for government jobs. All white people. The one black man he did ask was Dr. Ben Carson, who ran for president himself. Guess what? Dr. Carson turned him down. Why is that?

Not all Trump voters are racists. I personally know people who voted for him because he claimed to be Christian and will put Christians in office. I had an argument with a woman who said Trump is a nice man. I didn't know nice men grabbed women by the pu$$y.

T. W. said…
Why are you letting the commenters run you off? No one called you racist.
T. W. said…
Read the books of Daniel and Revelation. Keep in mind Revelation was written to the people who were alive at that point in time. Jesus said perilous times would come towards the end but to not worry. Did you know Jesus had thousands of followers but less than two hundred obeyed a command of his? Those people received the holy spirit. This can be found in the book of Acts. The story is not long. What I am saying is that true Christians have nothing to worry about. The worst thing another person can do to you is kill you. If they do you will be with God quicker so either way you win.
Anonymous said…
You want people to LIE to you to make you feel good, but we cannot. If you think Trump is a good person, you are deceived. We can't mince words, when we are dealing w/Fascism. My own Aunt is a Christian and she is also behind this idiot, because I suppose of the lies/propaganda about HRC and Dems w/WikiLIES help. She is wrong and so are you. Wanting to believe something does not make it so. Yes, Christina, you may not be a racist, but when you stand with someone that has stood FOR racism and misogyny then you are OK with it. So it's just as bad to be OK with racism as to be a racist.

I have two quotes for you:

Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it. Edmund Burke

History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people Martin Luther King Jr.

So Christina you have a choice to make. You should leave this site if you think that Christian should cease to tell the truth to accommodate your feelings. He is not in the business of telling people what they want to hear, but rather in the business of telling people the truth and what they MUST know.

Peace to you,


Xoxo said…
Bye Christina! Although I feel secretly you'll come back to the site lmao Real Talk

Common Sense said…
No, no, no folks, don't be so hard on Christina G. She has a point. A very good point! This site has changed considerably in the last couple of weeks. It's true, there is a lot of negative speech and I too, have a hard time with it.

I feel that now more than ever we need to come together and seek peace and to respect others. Like it or not, Trump is the president-elect and maybe, just maybe, things won't be as bad as initially thought.

Besides, he's not going to be the president forever, four years goes awfully fast.

But just because someone like Christina G. has chosen to express herself authentically, does not mean the rest of us should badger her or tell her good riddance. She sounds like a good egg to me, at least from what I have seen from her posts. My two cents.

"Be kind to one another." Ellen Degeneres

Anonymous said…
I have learned so much reading these comments. Unknown has clued us into "Pizzagate", which sounds yummy and fun. Unfortunately, Walnuts=child f**kery. Who knew? That is horrible. I had pizza tonight! Luckily it was from a grocery store, and no walnuts were around in any way shape or form.

I'm surprised that such a blatant bunch of pizza-pederasts, with pictures on the wall, haven't attracted any attention. Unknown, who knows this place very well, should return there to take photos and turn them in to the National Enquirer. If this person was actually Known, they would win a Pulizer Prize, and treat us all to delicious child-torture-free pizzas.

Christina is so right. She says that the 50% of the country who voted for Trump are labeled (and therefore well-known as) racists and stupid, and it got me to thinking who they may be. This can't include the 12% of blacks, or the 35% who are Hispanics (because I read the dictionary and they don't qualify), so that means all of the rest of the population in the US is racist and stupid, with the exclusion of the 2% who are clergy. Thank you for clearing that up.

Christina also mentioned something about the voting majority, but doesn't seem to realize Hillary Clinton received 1,500,000 more votes than Trump. You can thank me later for teaching you something new! Isn't it fun?

In scientifically vetted news, the whole San Andreas fault could unzip at once, and destroy 3,500,000 homes. Common Sense, I think you will soon be safe from Californians!

Your friend,
T. W. said…
4chan broke the pizza party story. You can read the article and see pictures here:
Anonymous said…
Have some of you taken leave of what little sense you have??? What's changed is that you fools have decided to be apologists for an unabashed racist, rapist, liar, thief, corrupt, fraud called resident tRump by those of us who will NEVER call him president. Most of his supporters are racist, or are ok with racism, bigots, or scared of women in charge. The rest are straight up ignorant or just dumb. So sorry if that hurts your feelings, but you have to face something....he is a you understand that??? LOOK it up, look up Germany in the 1940's. Is this a joke to you, or are you truly that ignorant? Just walk away from this don't know what you are talking about right now and we are not going to lie down for any Fascist Pig like tRump, so stop trying to normalize him. You are doing the work of the demon by doing that work for him.

Christina makes NO points, except to her equally ignorant peers. Take your dumb talk somewhere else. Americans don't accept FAscism in any shape or form.

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